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View Full Version : Anxiety avoidance of tasks causing anxiety - Procrastination

08-21-2007, 11:59 AM
Ok I recently discovered that I suffer from anxiety, which believe it or not was a massive relief as I finally can start to uderstand my problems!

I have come far on the road to recovery but I have one stummbling block, I suffer from what I can only describe as procrastination thought it isn't, I know I have to do somethings for istance but end up just looping around getting anxious about it, I can't seem to put my finger on why I would do this.

It's not lazyness as I spend far more energy in anxiety about not doing it that I ever would if I just got on with it.

Has anyone else suffered from this is? Or know what is happening.

Any insight would be a bonus.

Many thanks

08-21-2007, 05:29 PM
That happens to me all the time! For me the more pressure there is to do something the harder it is to do it because I can't stop worrying about getting it done. I wish I could give you advice, but this is something I myself have not been able to get past.

08-21-2007, 09:14 PM
Write it down is what you need to do.

Then go do it.

Scratch it off the list when its done.

See if that stops the anxiety.

I get anxiety about all the work I have to do sometimes. When I write it down and then just have a plan to do it the anxiety usually leaves. And when I do that task and scratch it off the list I feel like a champ. Whether you have mild unease or gorilla anxiety about things needing to be done, do the above and see if it helps. Also keep in mind that having some anxiety about things needing done is normal and everybody has it to some degree. Smart deep thinking people are usually more prone to it. Its part of being smart, creative and deep thinking as is managing it.