View Full Version : Think im having heart failure

05-31-2013, 03:51 PM
My heart rates have been going down to 55-65 at night jus checked it was 63 had chest pain then jumped to 96-107 feel shaky blood pressure 117/72 then shot up to 129/82 feel like I can't tell the diff anymore head feels numb kind of how come I can't get a grip frekin doctors I can't afford anymore visits I'm I don't work I don't know what to do

05-31-2013, 03:54 PM
My hands n face are numb

05-31-2013, 03:57 PM
My hands n face are numb

Anxiety can cause this ... I've had numb hands b4 ... ( unless u suffer with migraines )

05-31-2013, 04:00 PM
No jus seems like attacks change done more harsh than others throws me off makes me think my heart is in bad shape cause if symptoms mimic I don't know anymore in on
Meds it's so confusing I'm only 32 slightly overweight not the best dieter alot running through my mind

05-31-2013, 04:03 PM
No jus seems like attacks change done more harsh than others throws me off makes me think my heart is in bad shape cause if symptoms mimic I don't know anymore in on
Meds it's so confusing I'm only 32 slightly overweight not the best dieter alot running through my mind

Since a child my sumtimes have changed with anxiety as I've gotten older.. Sum things I dnt get anymore and I get new symptoms

05-31-2013, 04:05 PM
Rate went Down but got fluttery feeling n chest feel dizzy afarid to stand I've had ekgs I can't afford invasive heart test

05-31-2013, 04:23 PM
At your age and with an EKG showing good you have nothing to worry about. A heart rate of 55-65 at night is normal especially if you are on any kind of beta blocker. Your pulse and BP jump up because you start to get worried an anxious about the low heart rate and the pain in your chest. The tingling in the hands and numbness are totally anxiety symptoms. It often times happens because we are subconsciously breathing too rapidly causing our oxygen levels to rise. Nothing to worry about but it can cause that sensation. If you are really concerned you could maybe do a 24 hour heart monitor. Its not invasive what so ever its the same as an ekg but small and portable. Im not sure on the cost though.

05-31-2013, 04:38 PM
I'm not on beta blockers :( swear it jumped like 15 beats the went down 15 beats

05-31-2013, 05:22 PM
Sounds as if it is anxiety causing your problems rather than anything physically wrong. Heart flutters with anxiety are horrible and can make it feel like you have a heart problem. Also, if you are getting worried you will get numbness because you are probably shallow breathing so not letting enough oxygen into your body. Just try slow breathing from your stomach and you will feel calmer and less numb or dizzy.

05-31-2013, 05:32 PM
The low heart rate is freaking me out then it goess up I'm not a athlete so I'm scared when my heart goes down to 55

05-31-2013, 05:57 PM
The low heart rate is freaking me out then it goess up I'm not a athlete so I'm scared when my heart goes down to 55

Your heart rate is normal it's your anxiety getting the better of you! Try and focus on something other than what your bp is doing. I used to take my blood pressure everyday and my pulse and now I look back and think what were you doing! Try and ecxersise,read a good book,watch a dvd,gardening ect!! You will feel much better and it will take your mind off of your bp situation. Take care.....(hugs)

05-31-2013, 06:20 PM
I feel dizzy also n lil sharp pain near my heart I can't afford more test I feel doomed, I try to do stuff but I get dizzy n start to worry then end up checking my heart rate n blood pressure I woke up in middle of the night n suddenly passed out I don't knw why I might of got up too fast now I'm
Freaked out my heart caused that I dunno what to think I had ekgs doctors never recommended a holter I would hope if they though somthing they do it I jus wanna cry

05-31-2013, 06:29 PM
Really does sound like all your symptoms are anxiety and panic. If you have had lots of tests you have to start believing you are OK and try to gain control of your anxiety and panic.

05-31-2013, 06:34 PM
I never had any heart test other than jus a EKG chest feels week but rate is 77 when sitting before I would hve anxiety was like 80-100's I'm confused keep thinking my heart is wreaking n failing :(

05-31-2013, 07:03 PM
Anthony, normal heart rate is anywhere from 60 to 100 at rest. 60 is the perfect heart rate. Your problem isn't your heart, it's your thinking.like many of us, you have heart anxiety. You probably had a health issue recently, or know someone who has, and it is stuck in your head that you are in danger. In my case, I had a tumor removed, then hemorrhaged two days later, and went into shock. The trauma sent me into an anxiety tailspin. That, coupled with my fathers death from heart disease, made me paranoid about dying from a heart attack, even though I know my heart is healthy. The first step in beating this is accepting that it is a mental issue, not a physical one. Often the brain reacts without our conscious thought when it perceives certain stimula, like a muscular chest twinge, or a moment of vertigo, all normal things, even for the healthiest people, but it triggers our adrenalin response, which causes all kinds of weird sensations as the panic hormones rush through our bodies, which further stimulates the adrenal response. It is a vicious cycle, but you can break it with acceptance and training yourself to not feel afraid of the adrenalin rush. It's really tough, I know, I am still fighting it myself, but that's the trick of it. Your adrenal glands are messed up, not your heart.

05-31-2013, 07:04 PM
Ok, seriously I've been going through the same things lately! I was freaking out until I just read your post. Knowing someone else with anxiety has the same feelings make me realize it very well could be the anxiety.

To help you understand: for days I've been complaining that at night my blood pressure drops to 100/60 and my pulse is often between 55-65. I have sinus tach, so I'm used to a heart rate between 70-90. For days I've been complaining of a pain in my chest on the left side, feeling like I'm not breathing right even though my oxygen levels are normal, and feeling like I'm going to pass out every time my heart rate drops below 70 (regardless of the time of day).

I seriously get afraid to go to sleep sometimes because I'm afraid I could be having heart failure since my heart rate is up then down all the time and the feelings lately. I've had all the heart tests, EKG, stress test, 2 types of heart monitors, ultrasounds, and all negative.

Oh! And the left side of my body is constantly going numb and random times, even when I don't feel stressed. And I could definitely lose a few pounds so that makes me freaked out about my heart too.

The point of my story: I'm going through the EXACT same thing as you. And unless we're both having the same issue and showing the exact same symptoms, it's gotta be the anxiety. And I have a hard time believing we'd find each other on this site that easily if it was truly health related. I hope hearing this helps you feel better!!

05-31-2013, 07:55 PM
I could be lying down and it's like 55-65 then I stand up n walk and it's up at 80-100 I'm so lost my heart feels week I did have a kidney stone a few weeks ago and low potassium now I'm scared I'm gonna die

05-31-2013, 07:57 PM
I've only had EKG

05-31-2013, 08:15 PM
I never had any heart test other than jus a EKG chest feels week but rate is 77 when sitting before I would hve anxiety was like 80-100's I'm confused keep thinking my heart is wreaking n failing :(

Anthony, Heart rate and BP fluctuate with Anxiety all the time. Actually it's ironic but when my Anxiety is acting up, my heart rate will fluctuate quite a bit and often goes very low as well as high and I am on a Beta Blocker. Are you on any medication at all ? The fainting ( passing out ) when you get up is Postural Hypotension ( this can be caused by medication or a natural drop in BP. The solution to this is not to get up from a sitting or lying down position too quickly. I have high blood pressure ( very controlled but I am on meds) Long before I had HBP I had anxiety and there isn't a symptom you have mentioned that I haven't had with Anxiety, not high blood pressure. High Blood Pressure doesn't produce these symptoms, Anxiety does.Your readings are not hypertensive and are within normal range, especially with Anxiety. With Anxiety we put our muscles in a constant state of flex ( like lifting weights with no relief and we don't feel ourselves doing this ) one of the group of muscles that is exceptionally stressed by this constant flex is the Chest Muscles. This will produce a wide array of pain, knots and flutters.Your numbness and tingling is an example of this stress as well as small muscle groups like eye twitches. There is an ( Iphone lAPP called Relax and Rest. Try listening to that to calm yourself and retrain your breathing to prevent light headed sensations, wobbly legs, numbness and tingling as well as that feeling of " I am Dying " , you are not ,this is anxiety. Fear is a powerful emotion and with that emotion comes equally powerful symptoms. If you have the time I would appreciate if you could answer some questions. What meds if any are you on ? Has anyone close to you died within the last year ? Have you or anyone close to you been diagnosed or battled a significant sickness within the last year ? Have you divorced or gone through a significant break up lately ? Has your self esteem been injured through a job loss, social anxiety ? If you get a chance, let me know. Don't worry, try that APP and...where exactly is that left sided pain ? Try Simethicone ( gas x ) to see if that is trapped gas pain, given that anxiety produces an Irritable Bowel. Before you go to he worst case scenario with any symptom, think " simple" Numbness and tingling is muscle stress or shallow breathing ( calm yourself and deep breathe - in through the nose with mouth closed, deeply to the count of 4 seconds - slowly 1, 1000, 2, 2,000 ok and then hold for a second and slowly release through the mouth ( don't blow out, just release slowly also to the count of four ) 20 minutes of this concentrate and then your mind drift to the best place you have ever been, picture the colors, the sky whatever...Be Well !

05-31-2013, 08:17 PM
I could be lying down and it's like 55-65 then I stand up n walk and it's up at 80-100 I'm so lost my heart feels week I did have a kidney stone a few weeks ago and low potassium now I'm scared I'm gonna die

Trust me, this is exactly what I've been going through. And it's normal for your heart to raise when you are moving. And if you are anxious your heart is probably racing more and then you're more tired after because your heart basically got a work out. And eat a banana if you have low potassium. Actually that might make you feel a lot better because those are so good for you. If it makes you feel better, I would talk to a doctor and see what they recommend. But honesty, you are going through the exact same things I am right now, and that should hopefully be very reassuring.

05-31-2013, 08:22 PM
I'm on Ativan no beta blocker

05-31-2013, 08:23 PM
Seems like its worse today

05-31-2013, 08:25 PM
I had a friend die in a crash last summer Im

So scared the doctors missed somthing or there overlooking my bloods I hate this

05-31-2013, 08:27 PM
Scary cause rate is in range but I still feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack

05-31-2013, 08:33 PM
I'm on Ativan no beta blocker

Ok Anthony that's what I was waiting for, the Ativan is causing your heart rate to go down and that's ok. You are stressed Ativan, all tranquilizers,are muscle relaxants and your heart is a muscle, it's relaxing. The reason it is rebounding and going up is that is the Anxiety Tachycardia ( rapid heartbeat) basically anxiety being anxiety ( Nasty Guy) I think you should learn relaxation techniques and try ( eventually) to only use the Ativan when/ if you are really stressed. The reason your anxiety is worse today is because you concentrated more on it today. Make no mistake about this, anxiety is fueled by negative thought and fear ( think gas in a car, if you don't fuel it the car begins to slow and eventually stops . You are fine, trust me. What about the other questions on my post to you ?

05-31-2013, 08:42 PM
I had a friend die in a crash last summer Im

So scared the doctors missed somthing or there overlooking my bloods I hate this
Well that's it ! You have my sympathy, it's horrible to lose a friend. At the root of many if not most Anxiety Disorders is Health actually more of a Death Anxiety. Your mortality is thrown in your face, you don't only lose some one you care about but you are faced with the thought " I am going to die too, this isn't forever". Now Anthony this is a normal response to a tragic event but when you suffer a stress response ( first anxiety attack ) you develop an intense fear of that attack, because after all your fear was coming true. You felt like you were dying ? Wrong your mind is just playing tricks, it is using your body to produce symptoms that will terrify you enough to get help. It's actually pretty amazing that your mind/ body work hard to keep you in balance. Amazing but horrible right ? We'll get you through this ok.

05-31-2013, 08:55 PM
Scary cause rate is in range but I still feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack

This is fear Anthony, Your friend died suddenly no warning , out of the blue, just like your attack. Do you see how the mind is working here. Let me make it clearer to you when my Panic Attacks surfaced, a long time ago my mother had died about 10 months previous ( within a year is very common for surfacing) of Liver Cancer, she died with 3 weeks. She couldn't eat a thing and lost a tremendous amount of weight ( after all she was dying). When my Anxiety hit I lost 35 ilbs down to an anorexic weight and couldn't swallow even a morsel of food. My mind was mimicking that loss through my symptoms, I was dying that's why I couldn't eat. The reality was I missed her , I was just so damn depressed and soooooo afraid that I was dying because after she had died so it was obvious I could die too ? Wrong, Anxiety that's all. Now with you your symptoms , they are going to give you a " shock" sensation " I am dying, my heart is going into failure. Wrong my friend this is Anxiety and you are lucky because we are here to help you, I didn't have that, but I educated myself, studied the root cause. It's tough but trust me it's the death of your friend that set this off. Do you miss him ?

05-31-2013, 08:56 PM
I had a friend die in a crash last summer Im

So scared the doctors missed somthing or there overlooking my bloods I hate this

Drs don't miss things because testing doesn't miss things and they are afraid of lawsuits, always on their game :)

05-31-2013, 09:08 PM
Anthony - sorry you lost your friend last summer, very difficult time for you.

But Judie is correct and Drs make sure that any tests they do are correct and thorough especially if people are really worried by their symptoms.

I think you both need to definitely accept that you do not have any physical illnesses and that anxiety and panic are causing the symptoms you are experiencing. Once you accept this you will feel better immediately because your head will be less worried.

Concentrate on anxiety and panic only and overcoming them. It is hard enough to overcome them and you need to focus on doing so. Deep slow breathing helps, and it can become a meditation routine for a few minutes a day which will make you calmer and feel so much better. Just a few minutes a day can make a difference and then you can build up the time when able each day. I have met people who meditate regularly daily and it has made such a difference to their lives and they have been able to reduce the symptoms they experience by the meditation.

06-01-2013, 01:17 PM
the fact that your heart is fluttering and the heart rate is getting faster and then slowing down is nothing to worry about. especially since you have anxiety. thats what a normal heart is supposed to do. it's just normally reacting to the activity in your brain.
an abnormal heart wouldn't do that. it would just beat at the exact same pace even if you were freaking out.

06-01-2013, 03:45 PM
It does sometimes but 90 % of time it changes alot afarid I'm overworking it

06-01-2013, 08:36 PM
I'm scared about my pulse pressure bp pulse pressure is always ranging 25-50 I'm so scared

06-01-2013, 08:45 PM
I'm scared about my pulse pressure bp pulse pressure is always ranging 25-50 I'm so scared

Explain what u mean. Your blood pressure or heart rate?

06-01-2013, 08:50 PM
I've seen your threads I don't wanna explain I knw you panic I'm jus having real hard time

06-01-2013, 09:05 PM
I've seen your threads I don't wanna explain I knw you panic I'm jus having real hard time

I'm sorry.

06-01-2013, 09:19 PM
It's ok I'm just lost n can't afford to go through the whole multiple test stuff it's hard for me to trust doctors

06-01-2013, 09:40 PM
It's ok I'm just lost n can't afford to go through the whole multiple test stuff it's hard for me to trust doctors
Anthony are you sure your pulse is 25 - 50 ? How much Ativan are you taking ? Listen are you sedentary ( not moving around much ) Maybe between the Ativan and not being active enough it's really low.

06-01-2013, 09:44 PM
It's ok I'm just lost n can't afford to go through the whole multiple test stuff it's hard for me to trust doctors

Listen Anthony you are not "overworking" your heart, you are underworking it. Why don't you trust Drs ? You have had all the tests. Anthony tests don't lie, especially when you have had several.I bet you miss that friend a lot and that must have been such a shock to your system. Horrible tragedies rattle our entire being from mind to body to soul. This is the repercussions of that.

You don't need multiple tests, you just need one, an EKG that shows any arrhythmia's, as well as any recent change in activity compared to your previous EKG? Don't trust the Drs but trust us and trust the tests you have had ok ? You can trust us, we get it, Drs don't, at least most.

06-01-2013, 09:57 PM
Jus keep having off ups n downs n my heart rate n bp I had low potassium too there's too much overwhelming me it's just odd I'm freaking out and my heart rate is only 75

06-01-2013, 10:12 PM
If your heart rate is really dropping down to 25 beats per minute you should see a cardiologist. At that rate, most people experience dizzy spells, lethargy and fainting. It's not too weird to see such rates when people are asleep, but it is pretty low, and should be looked into. 50 is fine, though. Athletes and people with really strong hearts do tend to have low pulse rates, but 25 per minute when you are awake and active needs to be investigated. Your meds may need to be adjusted or something. No cause for alarm. There is a lot of variation in normal heart rate. Why don't you keep a log of your heart rate for a day. Write down your numbers and what you were doing at the time. Put your fingers on the side of your neck, count the pulses for 15 seconds, then times the number by 4. Remember, anything from 50 to 100 is normal and healthy.

06-01-2013, 10:12 PM
I'm scared about my pulse pressure bp pulse pressure is always ranging 25-50 I'm so scared

Anthony, Also every time I have surgery ( post op ) my BP drops to 60/30 and I have HbP ( controlled on meds) My point is this my BP goes down that low in response to the Sedatives used in surgery. I really think this is the Ativan. What they have me do is sit up and move a bit. I want you to try that for me, get up and maybe do some running in place for a bit. Then take you BP again,. I think you will see it climbing. How much Ativan are you taking ? Anxiety causes a lot of fluctuations in BP ( and often that is very low) I told V8Crazy the same thing last night on his post. I understand that you both find comfort/ relief in the tranquilizers but the fact is this is probably at the root of the low BP and pulse rate. Tranquilizers are often given for people with stress related HBP. Once in a great while I will take a very low dose of Zanax ( that I In fact have on hand if my BP because of stress becomes to elevated ) This very small dose is enough to send my pulse rate below 60 and Anthony I have a tachycardia ( fast heart rate and on 100 mg of a Beta Blocker it is still in the high 70's and fluctuates up to 100 if I am stressed. My point is this, I only speak about things I know. I don't BS, don't believe in it. Lots of life experiences. Ever have anxiety before last summer ? Maybe over the years you would get a little anxious but Nothing like the horrors of the last few months ? Be well, if I am upsetting you., I sincerely apologize.

06-01-2013, 10:20 PM
Jus keep having off ups n downs n my heart rate n bp I had low potassium too there's too much overwhelming me it's just odd I'm freaking out and my heart rate is only 75

What do they recommend for the potassium ? Eat potatoes and bananas everyday. Your heart rate is 75 as in pulse rate, that's good. Are you eating enough ? God knows I didn't when mine surfaced. I lost 35 lbs down to 95. I sure wouldn't have wanted to see my potassium. I remember I was afraid to sleep alone in a room at night. Remember the core of this is most probably a death anxiety and nights are scary !

06-01-2013, 10:49 PM
I had to take potassium
Pills for 10
Days have to do a recheck Tuesday also checking magnesium

06-01-2013, 10:51 PM
What do they recommend for the potassium ? Eat potatoes and bananas everyday. Your heart rate is 75 as in pulse rate, that's good. Are you eating enough ? God knows I didn't when mine surfaced. I lost 35 lbs down to 95. I sure wouldn't have wanted to see my potassium. I remember I was afraid to sleep alone in a room at night. Remember the core of this is most probably a death anxiety and nights are scary !

I could prob eat more when I'm
In depression mode I don't eat as much

06-03-2013, 09:58 PM
I could prob eat more when I'm
In depression mode I don't eat as much

Well that would be smart. I had a very hard time eating when my panic/ depression first surfaced. Odd because now ( and I am usually pretty good) if a mild depression crops up I go right for the sugar boost for the serotonin. Honestly after being sooo thin and now overweight, I don't know which is worse, lol
If you're not that hungry try nibbling on Mixed Nuts, they are good as they are loaded with magnesium and potassium. If you can try to eat regularly ( small amounts every 2-3 hours, this will stabilize your blood sugar and your anxiety- preventing jitters,,nervousness, light head, dizziness. Good, I am gland your rechecking potassium and checking magnesium (I think that will help with heart rate fluctuations ) Be Well ! Eat

06-04-2013, 11:59 AM
Anthony, I'm male and the same age; I've also experienced the same symptoms and had the same tests you're describing. I know even when test come back normal, it's hard to relax and deny the symptoms you're still having are just anxiety - it's a crazy mind trick...

Just try to relax - the heart rate and BP you're describing aren't even abnormal; in fact, pretty damn normal.

What are you suing to measure your heart rate and BP? Are you sure it's reputable and accurate? If you had a HR of 25 you'd be unconscious and not writing on an internet forum ; )

06-04-2013, 12:53 PM
I had a bad attack yeterfay rate went up too 125 but got myself to calm down

06-04-2013, 03:06 PM
I had a bad attack yeterfay rate went up too 125 but got myself to calm down

Excellent ! Keep doing that my friend and all of this will be just a distant nightmare memory. It's been a tough year, things have a way of turning around. Anthony it really isn't unusual for your heart rate to fluctuate , especially with Anxiety ( the Brain's getting mixed messages, it's a bit confused by the Anxiety. It will straighten out if you can change those fearful Negative Thoughts ( that's where the Brain is getting confused ) It things you need energy ( increased heart rate to fight off a Beast ( Anxiety ) but when it realizes it doesn't ( there isn't a " real" beast) it stops pumping out the adrenaline and the heart rate slows. Up and Down, up and down ( it doesn't know if it's coming or going lol I've been there trust me ) because you're fuelling it. Great Job in calming yourself, you'll get better and better at that. Just know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is anxiety.

06-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Hope you can soon learn to stop testing yourself so you can get head rest from the panic of illness. It just adds to the pressure of depression and anxiety when worry about illness too. It is so much easier when you accept you are OK after had tests and then just have to deal with anxiety and not fear as well. Hope you soon get some relief.

06-04-2013, 03:24 PM
I had a bad attack yeterfay rate went up too 125 but got myself to calm down

Oh Anthony, this isn't heart failure, I have seen that. You are just working your heart out in response to your thoughts. Just like exercising ( running) sends a message to pump out energy ( adrenaline) for the exercise, the brain is fooled into thinking that you need energy to fight off the beast. When it realizes it doesn't ( there is no beast) it slows down. Basically you are running ( exercising, lifting weights ) without moving from a chair. I explained this to Sadia, this is why her muscles ache, we all in fact work out ( flex) our muscles continually when in a state of anxiety :) This is why exercise does help, it allows the energy to go somewhere ( the muscles and organs needed for the workout) instead of just randomly " floating" around. See what I mean? Relax, Positive Thoughts, you are on a good path !

06-05-2013, 04:23 PM
I don't wanna have to take a beta blocker :((

06-05-2013, 05:55 PM
I don't wanna have to take a beta blocker :((

You don't have to, you will more then likely be able to learn how to control this on your own. You did that the other night. Your pulse rate is jumping around because of the anxiety. When your anxiety is calm, so is your heart rate. This is about accepting that the anxiety is nothing and dismissing it. Do me a favor try to take your BP and heart rate and regardless of what it is don't take it again until you have practiced some deep breathing and positive thought. Get your thoughts away from the anxiety. Keep showing yourself over and over again ( like a kid in school that has trouble with Math, eventually the mind understands the lesson ) that it is harmless. Your mind will begin to accept this isn't anything but harmless BS, that's all. The Beta Blocker that they would most likely and should if any put you on is Propranolol ( 10 mg very low dose ) The reason for this is not heart related, it blocks the production of adrenaline from the adrenal gland. Actors, Actresses, Comediennes etc take this all the time to stop " stage fright" that's all. Anthony don't always go to the Negative, all anxiety sufferers, me included, do this. This is what you have to work on, we all do. Think positive, you are going to beat this. It started in your mind and that's where it is going to end.

06-05-2013, 06:00 PM
Actually it was 117/76 78bpm 20 min after mild excerise and I was worring In my head

06-05-2013, 06:01 PM
Thank you it's like a roller coaster alot of ups n downs

06-05-2013, 06:28 PM
Actually it was 117/76 78bpm 20 min after mild excerise and I was worring In my head

That's great ! That mild elevation is in response to the exercise. Think of it this way the anxiety effects your heart the same way exercise does. It calms down after the activity is stopped. Keep working on stopping thoughts of anxiety. I promise you if you can do that and be non reactive ( stop the fake exercise of anxiety and replace with some healthy positive thoughts and some real exercise, this will be history )

06-05-2013, 06:35 PM
Thank you it's like a roller coaster alot of ups n downs

That's because you don't realize it but right now your thoughts are like a roller coaster. Negative fighting Positive. After we lose someone grief comes with a lot of other thoughts, anger at the person for dying, survivor's guilt, how come him not me, fear, I don't want to die, that person did. These are all normal healthy responses as we process death and grief. It's a lot for the mind to handle, your body is just responding to that flood of emotions. But here's a thought, from what I understand from learning about " the other side" our loved ones are " pulling" for us, they don't want to see us struggle. Be kind to yourself Anthony you are doing great. You are learning that you can control this with your mind. Negative got you in and Positive will get you get out.