View Full Version : living at doctor's surgery

05-31-2013, 03:50 PM
Does anyone else feel like they are constantly at drs?? My doc wants to keep monitoring my weight loss but won't run tests to check for more serious illnesses... im over going to the docs just for this reason :( I would stop going but im scared of getting too skinny. My wrists, knees and anckles are like bone now. My shin splints wont heal even tho im trying to rest up and to top it off I think im getting a chest infection. I just can't win and its frustrating!! So my question does anyone else feel like they are constantly sick or just get over one thing but then get hit with another thing? Cheers

05-31-2013, 05:46 PM
It is very easy to get a series of illnesses when your body is run down and it sounds like you are very low and perhaps too skinny. Perhaps you need to concentrate in eating healthily and doing some gentle walks, especially in the sun, so that your body gets better and is able to fight infections.
I always have the opposite problem because I comfort eat and so gain too much weight. But just gone back to healthy eating again and gentle walking and exercise bike so start to feel better in my body.

06-01-2013, 02:38 AM
Thanks Lin for your response. I find mentally I am starting to feel happy again but physically I feel achy and under weight and am also getting sick. I have been trying to get my immune system back on track and I have been doing alot of stretching of muscles but no luck with physically feeling better. I don't know what else to do :(

06-01-2013, 10:07 AM
It sounds like you need to talk to a nutritionist to get your body back healthy. I am sure your doctor's surgery would be able to help you get access to a nutritionist so that you can follow a health diet. If your body starts getting healthier you will feel much better. You need to start exercising really gently and gradually build up a few more minutes each day. Just walking is good exercise and good for head rest yoo., especially if weather is good.