View Full Version : resting heart rate

05-31-2013, 02:38 PM
Is it normal to not be able to feel your heart beat in your chest while at rest?

It's been driving me insane this week. I woke up on Monday with my heart skipping beats and I think that's what started this whole thing. I can feel my pulse if I touch my neck or wrist, but not in my chest. For me, it doesn't feel normal. Normally I can even see my heartbeat through my shirt. Now, I can't even feel it. I'm panicking about it, and I still don't feel it. My heart rate has been around 65-75.

Ive been checking my pulse so much on my neck I feel like my neck is sore from doing it so often. I have pressure in my sinuses which I'm hoping is just mucous or something, but I worry I have a blood clot or something. Or that my blood pressure is low, or that my heart will just get slower and slower so I keep checking it.

Anyone else have this issue? It's making me crazy. I'm afraid to take anxiety meds for fear it'll slow my heart rate even more.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

05-31-2013, 02:41 PM
Side note, I did some light exercise to see if it would help, and it didn't. My heart rate went up but still couldnt feel it in my chest. Am I crazy for worrying about this???

05-31-2013, 03:53 PM
What symptoms do u get

05-31-2013, 04:00 PM
Side note, I did some light exercise to see if it would help, and it didn't. My heart rate went up but still couldnt feel it in my chest. Am I crazy for worrying about this???

Not sure I kan feel mine in my chest tho thinking bowt it .... Wrist or neck is easier

In America is yr blood pressure checked a lot or yr heart rate as a lot ov pple on
here talk bowt it and put what their BP is ? That's diff to over here

05-31-2013, 04:27 PM
It is actually a really good and healthy sign that you can't feel it in your chest! I do know the feeling though ive done the same thing. Your heart doesn't just stop beating one day. Most people with anxiety worry about their heart but the chances that there are something wrong are slim to none. Most people struggle with high blood pressure and pulse so you are lucky to be on the other end. If you are really worried you can always see a doctor just for some peace of mind. But I could almost guarantee your heart is fine. Especially at your age.

05-31-2013, 05:26 PM
Sometimes you feel your heart beat or flutter in your chest when you are anxious. Unless you know you have a heart problem I would stop taking your heart rate so that you can stop fixating on it and getting anxious and worried. Just practise slow deep breathing when feel heart beat in chest and it will help to calm you down and stop that horrible feeling.

05-31-2013, 06:05 PM
What symptoms do u get

Thank you all for your replies. Anthony, I don't get any symptoms really, I just start to notice that I can't feel my heartbeat in my chest. So ill start to feel for my pulse, usually in my neck, and I'll count it to make sure its normal. I'll do it over and over again to make sure I get around the same number. If my pulse is kind of low I start freaking out again. I never get rapid heartbeat though. I have in the past with panic attacks, but not now. Which is why I find it odd, if I am panicking why isn't my heart beating fast? Now i have aches in my neck but it is probably because I'm poking at my neck all day. I also have a heavy feeling in my head and pressure between my eyes/sinus area.

I know I'm just fueling my anxious thoughts/feelings by constantly checking but I just don't know how to stop the worrying. I also check my hands/fingers too to make sure they aren't changing colors, afraid I have a circulation problem.

To be honest, I think I'm just trying to find new things to worry about. It's like when I get over one symptom, my brain needs to find something else. And posting on this forum and reading other people's stories is probably adding on to my anxiety. I'm probably reading things on here thinking I should probably worry about those same things myself. I think I may need to take a break from the forum lol. I may be manifesting other peoples problems onto myself now.

05-31-2013, 06:11 PM
It is actually a really good and healthy sign that you can't feel it in your chest! I do know the feeling though ive done the same thing. Your heart doesn't just stop beating one day. Most people with anxiety worry about their heart but the chances that there are something wrong are slim to none. Most people struggle with high blood pressure and pulse so you are lucky to be on the other end. If you are really worried you can always see a doctor just for some peace of mind. But I could almost guarantee your heart is fine. Especially at your age.

Thank you for the reassurance. My husband says he can't feel his either lol. I on the otherhand can usually feel it, that was normal to me, I have always noticed it. Maybe not 100% of the day everyday, but now its like I can't feel it at all. I would even see it like moving my shirt. So why the sudden change?? I don't know, maybe I am just paying way too much attention to it.

05-31-2013, 06:15 PM
I do the same thing

05-31-2013, 07:11 PM
I don't feel mine unless i am anxious. Actually, it drives my crazy when I can feel it, because then I start thinking, what if I feel it stop. Haha. Those darn what ifs will get you every time. Stop checking your pulse all the time and trust your heart to do its job. It's tough, I know, but why spend your life checking your pulse. When you die 50 or 60 yrs from now, you don't want to think, wow, I wasted a whole year of my life constantly checking my pulse.