View Full Version : been good til today

05-31-2013, 10:22 AM
I haven't posted here in several months. I was put on zoloft and have been doing wonderful. I once was afraid to leave the house and now I'm always busy. I make it a point to stay busy to keep my mind occupied. Sunday I had an old familiar feeling, though. Everything was great until BAM I started feeling dizzy and anxious. The same thing happened today so I sat down, controlled my breathing and went and mowed my lawn. The entire time I was mowing, I felt good. As soon as I went back inside, I started getting panicky again. I ended up taking ativan to help. My doc prescribed them to me months ago and this is the first time I've ever taken it. Could this be a sign the zoloft isn't working anymore?

05-31-2013, 03:14 PM
I was put on zoloft and was doing great for a long time. I even got off of it after a year of taking it. It doesnt completely stop anxiety and depression but it can stop it from ruling your life. That being said, I am back to my anxious depression and I am going on a field study in a week. I kind of wish I stuck with it. I at least know now that this is what my life is, and I DO need help. stick with it, it might just be a little feeling of being down. what is your dosage if i might ask

05-31-2013, 04:30 PM
I think we all have those days for whatever reason. It could be a simple thing as your blood sugar being a little low because you haven't eaten recently. But once we are reminded of that old familiar feeling it takes a little bit for it to go away again. Don't let this little bump in the road get you down. Sounds like you've been having great progress and times like these are to be expected. Im sure your meds are still working fine.

05-31-2013, 04:43 PM
I haven't posted here in several months. I was put on zoloft and have been doing wonderful. I once was afraid to leave the house and now I'm always busy. I make it a point to stay busy to keep my mind occupied. Sunday I had an old familiar feeling, though. Everything was great until BAM I started feeling dizzy and anxious. The same thing happened today so I sat down, controlled my breathing and went and mowed my lawn. The entire time I was mowing, I felt good. As soon as I went back inside, I started getting panicky again. I ended up taking ativan to help. My doc prescribed them to me months ago and this is the first time I've ever taken it. Could this be a sign the zoloft isn't working anymore?

How long have you been on Zoloft? I've been upped to 200mg and the side effects are horrible - really bad anxiety!!! Maybe your doc will up your dose. We get tolerant to a certain dose and sometimes a higher dose can work better in a lot of people. Once it settles and you get to the right therapeutic dose for you, things should settle.

05-31-2013, 05:18 PM
Sorry if you are starting to have trouble again. I think it is easy for our bodies to get used to tablets and for them to be less effective. I am certain after being on some of mine for over 2 years they are not working so well.
Hope it is just a little blip for you and you feel better again soon.

05-31-2013, 05:54 PM
How long have you been on Zoloft? I've been upped to 200mg and the side effects are horrible - really bad anxiety!!! Maybe your doc will up your dose. We get tolerant to a certain dose and sometimes a higher dose can work better in a lot of people. Once it settles and you get to the right therapeutic dose for you, things should settle.

I've been on 50 mg for almost 5 months. I haven't had a panic attack in 4 months and it felt like one was coming on today. I haven't had any bad side effects either. If these symptoms continue I will talk to my doc but I'm hoping it is just a blip. Thank you guys for the kind words. It really helps.