View Full Version : A really bad feeling i miscarried

05-31-2013, 06:01 AM
I know what this feels like, and I think its happening again. I'm pretty certain of it. On wed evening my 5 yr old karate chopped me where the baby is. I thought about that causing it. Then yesterday I was super anxious about having ms. I finally brought myself down by saying there's nothing I can do about it now. I also had no nausea yesterday. Then last night I woke up with the most severe cramps. Radiating to my back. I went pee thinking it was a really full bladder, but the pain persisted. It's 5 am and the pain is so bad. I had a night sweat which tells me my hormone levels are dropping. No sore boobs anymore. Crap. I know it's a miscarriage. I have to wait another 3 hours before my ob opens. I'm freakishly calm and pissed all at the same time.

05-31-2013, 06:38 AM
Try not to get so worked up, it could just be anxiety playing tricks on you.

Do you tell your husband when you are freaking out? I do, and he talks me out of it when I'm having a real panic moment. Last night I was scared because I felt like I couldn't feel my heartbeat so I was convinced my blood pressure was too low lol. I made him take my blood pressure and it was fine. The poor guy, everything I put him through..

But yeah, if you have a hard time calming yourself down, talk to your husband I'm sure he can talk you down, even if it only lasts for a little while. If I hadn't told him, I wouldny have been able to sleep last night. It's hard for us to believe it when we tell ourselves, sometimes we need someone else to say it so we can snap out of it. The worst thing for you right now is to freak out, I know you know that. And its hard! but worrying never helps