View Full Version : Help me think rationally

05-30-2013, 04:18 PM
Anxiety is such a beast. Couple it with pregnancy and I've got myself in one huge beastly anxiety mess.

I'm 8w pregnant. So here's are my "symptoms":

Tunnel hearing
Ear ringing
Lots of mucous

Ok, I've had the mucous since before I was pregnant. Docs kept saying a virus and it'll go away. Well 2.5 months later, it's still here.

The ear ringing has been there for years, but it's within the last few weeks that im getting that "hearing loss" out of the same ear I was complaining about 2.5 months ago. It comes and goes. Sometimes happening 10x a day, or 3x.

Dizziness started today. I'll just be sitting, or laying down and it'll just happen. I've been eating well and drinking lots of water. I put in a call to my ob regarding this.

Quite honestly, I want a scan to see if my brain or neck or lungs are growing anything. I'm just so fearful that it's cancer or ms. I don't understand why I have to go to the extremes.

Also, I've become much much much more depressed. I find no happiness, no joy or optimism in my daily activities, or for my life in general. I always just live through each day. Waiting to see if another one will come. This kind of life sucks. I should be happy, enjoying my moments. Instead I just try and run away from life. And if any good thing ever happens to me, I'm quick to get sad knowing that the good feeling won't last.

I've never really been a depressed person, always more on the anxious side, but I feel the two working together on me now.

All of this goes back to my fear of having some terminal illness, or having to live with some ailment for a long time. For some reason, I feel like I'm not allowed to enjoy life, because bad things happen, and I have to accept that.

Any help or guidance you can offer will be very much valued. I feel like I need people around me, and I'm home alone with my 5 yr old. I'm just a boatload of a mess!

05-30-2013, 04:45 PM
As hard as it is you need to try and stay calm and relaxed for your unborn baby. I suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks and I'm convinced it was due to my anxiety as this is when it becalmed bad just before I found out I was pregnant. Your hormones are going to be everywhere at the moment. Dizziness is common in early preg due to hormonal change light headed us associated with early preg as well and of course the sickness. Try not to worry its hard I know as I worry every time I get a pain or heart beats fast or get a palp x

05-30-2013, 04:48 PM
Your hormones are probably wreaking havoc on your body, and that's what's making you feel all these things. Everything you listed sounds like symptoms of a pregnant person. Ive read that it is also fairly common for women to be depressed during pregnancy. It's all hormones.

I'm no expert, and I'm not a parent so I've never experienced it for myself.. but from what I've read online your symptoms sound like they are caused by your pregnancy. Have you read up on it at all? Whether you to buy a baby book or google it (pregnancy should be a safe topic to google lol) it might help to ease your mind.

In the meantime, definitely voice your concerns with your doctor too, see what they have to say.

Do you find that distractions help you at all? Or exercise? I've been doing a workout DVD a family member gave me, its called Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home. It's just walking, and other very easy moves, very low impact but it is enough to take me mind off of it and focus on something else. I'm sure you could find a similar DVD at your local store like Target or Walmart. Just an idea! It is helping me..

05-30-2013, 04:51 PM
Sorry for the typos I'm on my cell phone lol

05-30-2013, 04:51 PM
Actually damn near most of the symptoms you mentioned are normal with pregnancy. My GF is in the third trimester and she went through almost all the symptoms you described. The joys of being pregnant huh? No worries :) every little thing will be right.....lol love Bob Marley. Just keep breathing from your stomach and believe it or not just give it two good minutes of nothing, but breathing from your stomach. Focus on your stomach expanding and focus on breathing out through your mouth. Seems like it takes forever, but trust me it only takes a few minutes. One thing I did that helped was when I had anxiety and I felt it coming on, I looked at a clock a noted the time. I started my breathing techniques and after I felt I was calm I looked back at the clock and only minutes went by as opposed to it feeling like hours.

05-30-2013, 05:08 PM
I appreciate all of the responses. Being anxious and depressed and pregnant sucks! I want to be a fun mom without fear of my future. I find it so silly that i struggle with this issue. Im 30 years old for heaven sake!

I also miscarried last December. I was 6.5 weeks. I was much more anxious then. I do worry about it happening again. When I found out I was pregnant this time, I was so calm about it. I knew this was suppose to be. Now that the anxiety is kicking in, in fearful of repeating my past. I can tell the anxiety is flaring. I'm the only one that can stop it. I sometimes feel like I need to get out of town and be with my family to help things.

Btw, I've also been having leg spams for a while. Usually about twice a day. Ugh....another ms symptom.

05-30-2013, 05:24 PM
It's totally normal that you would be worried this time around, considering what happened last time. Makes total sense. Just keep reminding yourself. When you start freaking out, stop your thinking immediately and tell yourself "Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just stressing out, I'm healthy and happy and I can't wait to meet my baby..." Etc. Focus on the positives. Keep reassuring yourself, even if you feel don't fully believe the words you are saying, just keep saying it to yourself. You will get through this! :)

05-30-2013, 07:23 PM
Ugh. I'm so obsessed about having ms! I KNOW if I can distract myself, the the symptoms won't be as noticeable, but it's just getting myself to be distracted that's so hard. I'm seriously obsessed right now! I absolutely hate this so much.

05-30-2013, 07:24 PM
My leg muscles keep twitching. Waaaaaaah!

05-30-2013, 09:11 PM
I appreciate all of the responses. Being anxious and depressed and pregnant sucks! I want to be a fun mom without fear of my future. I find it so silly that i struggle with this issue. Im 30 years old for heaven sake!

I also miscarried last December. I was 6.5 weeks. I was much more anxious then. I do worry about it happening again. When I found out I was pregnant this time, I was so calm about it. I knew this was suppose to be. Now that the anxiety is kicking in, in fearful of repeating my past. I can tell the anxiety is flaring. I'm the only one that can stop it. I sometimes feel like I need to get out of town and be with my family to help things.

Btw, I've also been having leg spams for a while. Usually about twice a day. Ugh....another ms symptom.

I don't know if this will help or not but when I was pregnant, my anxiety mirrored the stock exchange. One day I was happily shopping and the next I was freaked because the baby wasn't moving much. I do know this.......my doc told me that the more anxious I got the more the baby felt too. Your leg spasms are due to a lack of potassium.....eat a couple bananas a day but don't add a potassium vitamins until you talk to your doc. About the wanting to get out of town....right now I'm majorly stressed as well as super anxious and on the verge of a panic attack. If I had a remote cabin to go to to get away and just be alone I'd be there in a heartbeat. Right now my mind is going in a thousand directions and I want to scream. You can get through this.....we're all here for you. Scream, escape, or cry.....whatever helps.....do it and start a new. Personally I find shopping to help me calm down! Good luck!

05-30-2013, 10:23 PM
Defumnel - it is really natural that you are worried this time. People who have had no previous problems worry about their first pregnancies . I worried right until I had my son and I had not had problems before, only problems getting pregnant.
Once you have had problems worries magnify in your head and it means you can't enjoy the pregnancy which is a shame because it should be a time of excitement and looking forward.
So try to put some of your worries aside as much as possible so that your anxiety gets better and so that you can try to enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible. I hope you can even if only a little bit.