View Full Version : Having a panic moment

05-30-2013, 10:44 AM
Ugh. Last night I didn't take my beta blocker because my blood pressure was only 99/65. But I have sinus tach so of course every time I move today my heart rate jumps to the 100s.

But what's really bothering me is that I keep feeling like I'm going to pass out every time my heart rate drops to the 60s and 70s. And I'm having chest pain. And I'm all jittery.

But I just can't tell what's causing it, or if its serious or just anxiety. It's really getting to me though.

05-30-2013, 11:31 AM
Anyone experience something similar before?

05-30-2013, 11:49 AM
the most important thing is to get a medical check-up to rule out any underlying issues.
i know that im pretty much always feeling light headed and jittery. chest pains are constant.
although if heart rate drops down to 60-70 from 100+ then your symptoms are a result of that.
probably best to talk to your doc about it for reassurance

05-30-2013, 06:10 PM
I've had just about all tests completely and they've been normal so far. I guess I'm more nervous something could have changed.

05-30-2013, 11:34 PM
If you have had all tests possible and they show nothing is wrong you have to learn to accept that you do not have a physical illness and it is anxiety causing all your symptoms.
It is amazing what symptoms anxiety causes.
It is good to learn some techniques to stop the anxiety causing you to panic. Slowing down your breathing and concentrate on breathing from your stomach not your chest helps you to calm down. Concentrating on breathing in a quiet space is learning to meditate and if you just manage it for a few minutes a day it can help you to be calm and to give your head a rest from the worries because when you just concentrate on your breathing you let the worries and bad thoughts pass through your head and you get a rest from the worry. Gradually you can build up the length of time you do it each day, but just a few minutes can make a real difference to your day.
Hope you try it and it works for you.
Also this forum will help because you will realise you are not alone with your symptoms and so many people have the same. Also any little bit of advice you get given and if it works just a little bit for you, it will be good for you.

05-31-2013, 02:26 AM
Ugh. Last night I didn't take my beta blocker because my blood pressure was only 99/65. But I have sinus tach so of course every time I move today my heart rate jumps to the 100s.

But what's really bothering me is that I keep feeling like I'm going to pass out every time my heart rate drops to the 60s and 70s. And I'm having chest pain. And I'm all jittery.

But I just can't tell what's causing it, or if its serious or just anxiety. It's really getting to me though.

Its purely anxiety related with your heart rate! Always remember to take your beta blocker and you will be fine :) I've veen suffering gad,anxiety,panic attacks,social phobia for 28 long years (unfortunately) and I have had pretty much the same thing happening with my heart. The only difference is I cant take a beta blocker anymore due to a heart attack when I had my bi lateral double mastectomy. If your really worried go and see your Doctor. Hope you feel better soon. Take care (hugs)

05-31-2013, 07:55 AM
Lately I've been obsessed with checking my pulse. Sometimes its in the mid 60s sometimes in the 90s. Even though I know that's normal, I wish it would just stop fluctuating so much! I am usually able to feel my heart beating in my chest, ya know just sitting down relaxed, but yesterday I felt like I couldn't feel it. I could feel my pulse if I touched my neck or wrist, but not in my chest and i started to freak out. I thought my blood pressure was low and I started to get scared. So I had my husband check my blood pressure and he said it was 130/90 lol which i don't know if he took it right, but it made me feel better. I was thinking I was going to drop dead. Ugh!

My symptoms have changed so much the past 3 months. When this all first started in march my heart wasn't even an issue for me, I wasn't paying attention to it, and now its all I can think about. So that tells me its anxiety. It's awful, I know how you feel.