View Full Version : I get irritated so easily at people with my anxiety .....please help

05-30-2013, 10:35 AM
What are some good ways to control irritation with anxiety? For example I just woke up in a anxious mood and just have been snappy for no reason. I really want to change it. does anyone have any techniques?

05-30-2013, 07:32 PM
bump for answers. My emotions are normal but they are stronger because of the anxiety.

Erin Cramer
05-30-2013, 07:40 PM
same here, i work and live with my family. Tension comes easily and my reactions are already 10 degrees hotter than they should be.

05-30-2013, 07:47 PM
I don't really have any great answers, but i find myself doing the same all the time. My poor fiancé. Sometimes a nap helps me, or spending a few minutes alone to distract myself if I find I'm being snappy.

05-30-2013, 08:32 PM
What are some good ways to control irritation with anxiety? For example I just woke up in a anxious mood and just have been snappy for no reason. I really want to change it. does anyone have any techniques?

I'm the same with my anxiety I snap at everything but I dont mean it!!I hate this anxiety :( sorry I couldn't help (hugs)

05-30-2013, 10:30 PM
I snap too although I have been taught loads of techniques. I am going on an emotion management course this term so that I learn how to be able to step back and control my anger so that I can put the techniques into practise.
I manage to hold my anger in at work but at home it is even worse because the anger is ready to explode as soon as I walk in the door. It means we have some really bad evenings and weekends and is horrible for my husband.
Hoping the course really works.

05-30-2013, 10:32 PM
thanks for the replies guys. LIN if you have any techniques you would like to share that work with you please post them up.

05-30-2013, 11:38 PM
I have a long list of techniques and will post them for you tonight when I get in from work.

05-31-2013, 02:15 AM
Its pretty logical to have this since anxiety tires the mind which in turn can't process all the sensations which is why you get irritated fast, don't get fixated on this because the more you feed it the stronger it gets. And Yeah i too have this sometimes it's really normal.

05-31-2013, 08:52 AM
thanks for the replies guys. LIN if you have any techniques you would like to share that work with you please post them up.

Mglover92 - hope these help they are what I have in my recovery toolkit and for at work and at home. Just ideas given me by a couple of occupational therapists etc. Hope they help a bit. Lin

At Work and at Home

1.With colleagues and friends, talk for a while about illness, and then put it in your pocket.

2.With your hands, take overwhelming thoughts from your face to your knees and then put them in your pocket.

3.Remember - “You are not a nuisance to people”.

4.Acknowledge thoughts and let them pass through your head and not linger over them.

5.Give yourself permission to have a break.

6.Golden string exercise – fingers together pinched in front of you and then pull fingers and hands open across your chest so arms are wide open.

7.“STOP” - Say this in head to stop bad thoughts.

8.Breathing -slow, deep, a) count 1,2,3,4 or b) 1 inhale, 2, 3, 4, exhale.

9.“Just because I think it does not mean it is true.”
“I have done this before, so I know I can do it again.”
“When this is over, I will be glad that I have done it.”
“It may seem hard now, but it will become easier.”
“I can be anxious, but I am going to focus on what I am doing.”

10.Say something once, and if still worrying, write it down so don't repeat things.

11.Ring CPN or Crisis when need to.

12.Challenge worries – what evidence it is true, what is probability it will happen, more likely outcomes, is this worry helpful, what would I say to a friend with this worry.

13.Mantra - “SA, TA, NA, MA” - sit and say this while pressing each finger in turn against your thumb of both hands.

14.“In the greater scheme of things” - little things that go wrong etc do not matter when look at the bigger picture.

15.3 minute breathing space – just sit somewhere quiet and concentrate on breathing.

16.To refocus - sit quietly and gently tap on leg for a few minutes.

17.Regroup thoughts – are they irrational? Refocus on good thoughts. Get back in control. Have stopped bad thoughts before, will do so again. Change thinking and actions will folllow.

18.Essential oils – have them on a tissue to be able to smell and relax.

19.Oh (inhale), Ma (hold breath), Omm (long deep breath out) – breathing meditation to relax.

20.Breath from stomach and slowly.

21.If can't concentrate, and emotions won't calm down, walk and get to a space where can calm down and take control so that brain starts working again and can concentrate again.

22.If aggrevated or upset – walk somewhere or distract yourself by noticing how feeling - allow yourself time to calm down before working again or speaking to anyone

23.Instead of just working, notice feelings and allow time to calm down or get space.

24.Keep workloads under control – take breaks and rest head and body for a few minutes between tasks.

25.If struggling to concentrate focus on things for short times eg 30 minutes.

Out of Work

1.Write down positive comments to focus on good things in life.

2.Walks – notice things around you, and also your thoughts.

3.Organise time to relax in the evening.

4.Organise time to talk to each other about how feeling etc, but have a time limit and stay calm.

5.I am going to calmly and nicely change this old habit and thought. I feel peace despite my anxiety and this peace is going to grow. As peace and security grows then the anxiety and panic will shrink.

6.Walking - if anxious, then think in head “1, 2,3, swing my arms”.

7.Self soothing - baths, creams, essential oils for massage or in baths.

8.Book a treatment eg massage or reflexology.

9.Relaxation – puzzles, TV, music, meditation, read, visulisation of a place you like, 30 minute brisk walk, stress ball, essential oils in burner.

10.If upset, allow time to be upset and cry etc, and then do something positive.

11.Every day have a 20 minute worry time – write down worries that day or any lingering worries.

12.Healthy eating and 30 minutes exercise every day.

13.Feeling lazy – OK to have some days like this, and just do one job that day to feel better..

14.If have a busy day one day, try and have a more relaxing day the next day.

15.Keep a mood diary when not feeling good – will notice patterns and good days.

16.If see people and not know what to say and they ask “how are you?”, say “getting there”.

17.After work take some time during the evening to relax and have fun.

18.At weekends prioritise jobs and have time to relax and do something fun.

19.Try to stay awake during the evenings so will sleep better when go to bed.

20.If lose sleeping pattern, each evening stay awake an hour later until get pattern back.

05-31-2013, 10:18 AM
same here, i work and live with my family. Tension comes easily and my reactions are already 10 degrees hotter than they should be.

IM snappy too....for no reason I need help and answers

05-31-2013, 10:32 AM
same here, i work and live with my family. Tension comes easily and my reactions are already 10 degrees hotter than they should be.

IM snappy too....for no reason I need help and answers

05-31-2013, 03:07 PM
Ohh yes, sometimes I have a sudden impulse to snap and I control it and it sends me into a panic attack. It sucks, especially at work when I just get this irritable mood and want to lash out I control it to the expense of a panic attack. I try to control my emotions too much and it sends me into these panic attacks.

05-31-2013, 06:09 PM
It is so good to know you are not alone with anger and being snappy when depressed or anxious. I feel so bad when I totally flip at home but it just explodes from my head and I scream and shout. Not good for home life, but not easy to stop when head really bad and full of bad thoughts going round and round.

05-31-2013, 08:11 PM
Believe it or not folks I had a WONDERFUL day today. It was amazing and anxiety was NOT on my mind at all. I went the whole day without worrying. I had maybe 2 moments where a anxious thought popped in my mind but it immediately goes away. Basically what I did when I woke up this morning was some deep breathing exercises and while doing it I said to myself "let go" of every thing that popped in my mind I said to let go. Believe it or not I was SO much more happier. It was amazing. Definitely going to do this every morning. I loved everything and everyone today. I loved it.

05-31-2013, 10:24 PM
What are some good ways to control irritation with anxiety? For example I just woke up in a anxious mood and just have been snappy for no reason. I really want to change it. does anyone have any techniques?

Channel the adrenaline, take a brisk walk, if unable to go out do some jumping jacks, run in place etc..channel the adrenaline and get some endorphins pumping. Changes negative to positive.

05-31-2013, 10:32 PM
Whenever I'm anxious and something grinds my gears I just pause, think about it, and realize that it's not a big deal and I shouldn't give a shit; I'll waste my thoughts on something more productive. If you smoke marijuana smoke a good bowl and you definitely won't care about it all.

Sometimes it's hard to control, when something gets under my skin I get extremely physically violent. Luckily with my method of coping nothing becomes of it and everyone comes out ok. :)

05-31-2013, 10:37 PM
Believe it or not folks I had a WONDERFUL day today. It was amazing and anxiety was NOT on my mind at all. I went the whole day without worrying. I had maybe 2 moments where a anxious thought popped in my mind but it immediately goes away. Basically what I did when I woke up this morning was some deep breathing exercises and while doing it I said to myself "let go" of every thing that popped in my mind I said to let go. Believe it or not I was SO much more happier. It was amazing. Definitely going to do this every morning. I loved everything and everyone today. I loved it.
That's wonderful, it truly is about letting go of control. Turn negative to positive and let the day go on and on. :)