View Full Version : Ecg monitor

05-30-2013, 07:41 AM
In my other post I made mention that my cardiologist prescribed an ECG monitor (heart monitor) to use for an entire month. This is screwing up my anxiety big time and my coworkers are making such a big deal which is upsetting me. I called the doc to see if I truly have to wear for a month and they said yes. Anyone else done this for a month???? Please talk to me!

05-30-2013, 07:44 AM
The stupid loud noise it makes my anxiety so intense when I have to use in public

05-30-2013, 09:14 AM
I have worn a halter monitor before, but it was only for 3 days. I don't remember it making any noise, but it was at least 7 years ago so maybe I just don't remember. Just remind yourself that this will help to find out once and for all that there is nothing wrong with you. You'll finally have a definite answer once its all over, so just keep thinking positive.

As for your coworkers, don't talk about it so much with them if their comments bother you. If they won't go away just tell them you're kind of anxious about it and would rather not talk about it. They won't be offended, its understandable.

05-30-2013, 09:48 AM
The problem is when I have to record due to a palp the noise is loud and they just seem annoyed. I work at a bank so I can't really be discreet

05-30-2013, 09:49 AM
What the doc say about your readings?

05-30-2013, 10:08 AM
What the doc say about your readings?
Blessed, Your DR most likely is having you wear it longer to see if they can determine what you are doing ( time of day, activity etc..) when your heart rate increases or you have those harmless extra beats. Usually they can determine quickly ( as with some of us on the Forum-24 hours)that it is anxiety. But he may be trying to determine is not only if it is anxiety but what provokes it. Drs. have to very cautious and they have the technology to do this, so it's a good idea. Ignore the people you work with, they don't understand and we've all been there with friends and associates. Be Well, that monitor was a pain !

05-30-2013, 10:22 AM
I guess my anxiety is escalated because I'm like why do I have to wear it so long??? What if he thinks something really is wrong i mean he wanted to increase my blood pressure meds????? And I asked him to wait to see if my anxiety calms back down but this ain't doing nothing but jacking it thru the roof!!! I feel like living from heart palp to heart palp and that bites!!! I mean how many is too many heart palps??

05-30-2013, 10:28 AM
I had to use the situational monitor for a month, it was definitely loud. But i found if I held my finger over the speaker then it muffled the sound some. My doctor used it just to help rule things out and make me feel better. Your doctor could very well be doing the same. Just remember they are reviewing it every time you call it in, so if it was something dangerous you would know by now.

05-30-2013, 10:52 AM
I had to use the situational monitor for a month, it was definitely loud. But i found if I held my finger over the speaker then it muffled the sound some. My doctor used it just to help rule things out and make me feel better. Your doctor could very well be doing the same. Just remember they are reviewing it every time you call it in, so if it was something dangerous you would know by now.

Thank you!!! So if something is wrong they will call me?? Did urs turn out ok

05-30-2013, 10:57 AM
Absolutely, they'll call you. My doctor would call me every time I called in it for the first 2 days, then told me he would call only if he saw something bad, just to reassure me. You may just give your doc a quick call to make you feel better, but rest assured they are definitely reviewing it.

Mine turned out fine, both times I had it. No irregular rhythms, so happy news there!

05-30-2013, 11:19 AM
But we're u experiencing alot of heart palps and sensations?

05-30-2013, 11:21 AM
But were you having lots of readings and heart palps? Did ur palps show up irregular??? I'm sorry I'm just so anxious

05-30-2013, 11:22 AM
But we're u experiencing alot of heart palps and sensations?

U really need 2 try and stop worrying as yr getting yrself worked up ... !

Just like the msgs above mention, if the dctrs had any concern at all then u wud be in 4 tests not just to wear a monitor and I agree, they prob doin it like my dctr did ( to put yr mind at rest )

05-30-2013, 12:59 PM
I am really trying to get a grip here. This is just so frustrating to me and i don't no why. I want this to be over with I'm trying to reassure myself that if the docs seen something on the transmitting they would call me.

05-30-2013, 02:05 PM
I am really trying to get a grip here. This is just so frustrating to me and i don't no why. I want this to be over with I'm trying to reassure myself that if the docs seen something on the transmitting they would call me.

All they are goin 2c is anxiety !!
I've been sitting here tonight and still now with like flutterings & I havnt had it 4a long time but I will just chill as if not I'll make it worse

05-30-2013, 02:13 PM
Thank you!!! So if something is wrong they will call me?? Did urs turn out ok
Blessed, Stephj526 is right, NO NEWS is GOOD NEWS with these monitors. Remember he wants to see if it is the anxiety that causes the BP. I highly suspect if there was an issue, you would be hearing something. Give him a call for piece of mind. Were you also the one who had mentioned losing a young friend in addition to your mom ?
I am pretty sure he suspects ( anxiety is the culprit ) and has to rule out anything else before determining what is the best treatment option, perhaps antidepressants and reassurance as opposed to more BP meds. OK feel better X

05-30-2013, 02:23 PM
But were you having lots of readings and heart palps? Did ur palps show up irregular??? I'm sorry I'm just so anxious

Hi Blessed, your heart palpitations show up as PVCS ( that is what the palps are called), they don't show up as an arrhythmia ( irregular heartbeat ). Everyone who suffers anxiety have these, as well as people with too much caffeine You Dr. can determine when they are happening from the heart monitor. Everyone who suffers from anxiety as well as people that have too much caffeine or dehydrated as well as many reasons, with anxiety being the most common. I have palpitations all the time for many different reasons. Relax and call your Dr to see how it is going so far . Feel Better. How's the Congestion ?

05-30-2013, 02:29 PM
Thank you. I just want this month to be over already, not wishing my life away just want to get results and get on with my life. Time is creeeeeepppping right now

05-30-2013, 02:57 PM
I just confirmed with my doc that they will call if anything abnormal shows on my transmissions. So now I'm nervous to record palps for fear of something being abnormal and then they call. I need help. I mean I really do

05-30-2013, 02:59 PM
I just confirmed with my doc that they will call if anything abnormal shows on my transmissions. So now I'm nervous to record palps for fear of something being abnormal and then they call. I need help. I mean I really do

Yeah ... I was like that " fear ov pressing it " but u need to so they kan get an accurate reading ...

05-30-2013, 05:33 PM
So is it a normal thing to have to wear this monitor for a month? Most ppl have said 1-3 days?

05-30-2013, 05:49 PM
I wore one for 24 hours 2 years ago and it never made a noise.

05-30-2013, 06:09 PM
There are different types of monitors. The 1-3 day holster monitor is constantly attached to you and monitors everything.

The month long monitor is called a situational monitor and you use it periodically as needed to record instances happening and then replay it for the doctor, usually over the phone. I'm thinking this is what you're on.

05-31-2013, 06:47 AM
There are different types of monitors. The 1-3 day holster monitor is constantly attached to you and monitors everything.

The month long monitor is called a situational monitor and you use it periodically as needed to record instances happening and then replay it for the doctor, usually over the phone. I'm thinking this is what you're on.

Yes this is the kind that I have. It holds 4 recordings and then I have to transmit over the phone

05-31-2013, 07:07 PM
I just took an ECG recording and I'm sure one of my leads were unhooked from my chest now I'm worried sick that doc will call and say something abnormal..... Please help me! I can not deal anymore!

05-31-2013, 07:23 PM
They can tell the difference between arrhythmia and anxiety palpitations. They would also know if one of the leads were loose. You have to trust them. They do care about you and they do know what they're doing. I had a monitor for 3 days and everything was fine. Trust them, and trust your heart to do its job. It's going to be okay.

05-31-2013, 07:32 PM
Ok thank you

05-31-2013, 07:43 PM
They can tell the difference between arrhythmia and anxiety palpitations. They would also know if one of the leads were loose. You have to trust them. They do care about you and they do know what they're doing. I had a monitor for 3 days and everything was fine. Trust them, and trust your heart to do its job. It's going to be okay.

Cobra is right Blessed, Everyone is on your side, all of us and your Dr. You are your own worst enemy in all of this. You simply need to trust that you are in good hands, I know how difficult this is for you but that just shows the grip Anxiety has on you. By all accounts from everything I've read from The Meds he has chosen to the Situational Monitor he has you wearing have been the appropriate treatment. You are just scared and fear is as big as you make it. Personally I think he's tracking the Anxiety to determine triggers ( what time it is, what you are doing etc when the PVC ( anxiety palpitations occur ) . Have you talked to him about results of the first few days or does he want you to wait until the end of the month long testing ?

05-31-2013, 07:55 PM
I have been lucky never had to wear one but a colleague at work and a friend has but only for 1 or 2 days.
It must be making you anxious wearing it for so long and if it makes noises too.
At least when get results you will definitely know your heart OK and then you can concentrate on dealing with your anxiety.
Until then try to not worry about it and let it make you anxious.

05-31-2013, 07:56 PM
I called the nurse and she said if they see any abnormalities the doc would call me directly. So that's freaks me out scared to takes readings cause I'm scared he may call. See what I mean?

05-31-2013, 09:25 PM
I called the nurse and she said if they see any abnormalities the doc would call me directly. So that's freaks me out scared to takes readings cause I'm scared he may call. See what I mean?

No Blessed do you see what we mean, this is your mind.Take the above quote from the Nurse you are focusing on the word abnormalities , we are focusing on the word " if" meaning there is no indication there is a problem. A person who does not suffer anxiety or truly understands it would read that nurse's statement to mean" everything looks good, he would call you if there was a problem and so far there isn't. Try to always hear and see the positive. It is very difficult for Anxiety Sufferers to think positive as so many of us were traumatized to begin with. Why don't you try some nice deep breathing before you call in those readings. Do you think you will be able to calm yourself after this Monitor Month is over ? If you aren't we will all have to come over and have an in person support group :) That will cost us all a bundle in travel expenses :) Try to get some rest. How is your congestion ? The Musinex helps don't you think ?

05-31-2013, 09:29 PM
Yes the mucinex and Claritin helped I'm getting better with that thanks. I'm hoping and praying that once this monitoring is complete, I pray all is well and my mind can try to get back to normal

05-31-2013, 10:13 PM
The odds are 99.99999999 percent that everything is fine. A 30 day heart monitor is an extremely meticulous, extravagant, needle in a haystack test to run on someone. I think your doc is doing this more in the hopes of putting you at ease than anything. It almost sounds like exposure therapy to me. My wife is in the medical field and they know right off the bat more times than not if there is something wrong. When I was in the hospital, I had a massive panic attack. I didn't know about anxiety then. I thought I was having a heart attack. I said chest pain and a whole mob came rushing in and hooked me up. Within 5 minutes they knew what was wrong with me. Anxiety. They were very nice tho. Gave me morphine and knocked me out, lol

06-01-2013, 03:02 AM
I called the nurse and she said if they see any abnormalities the doc would call me directly. So that's freaks me out scared to takes readings cause I'm scared he may call. See what I mean?

Are u getting any support Frm church ?

06-01-2013, 09:24 AM
Haven't told anyone at church ... not really close to anyone .... I just pray

06-01-2013, 09:42 AM
Haven't told anyone at church ... not really close to anyone .... I just pray

Is there no-one at all ? What bowt yr pastor ( not sure if that's what u call yours ) or do u have home groups ?

06-01-2013, 10:16 AM
Is there no-one at all ? What bowt yr pastor ( not sure if that's what u call yours ) or do u have home groups ?

I'm a pretty reserved person in that aspect. I'm very backwards I guess u could say.... Think that's where alot of my social anxiety comes from. Don't feel like I can trust anyone because they cannot relate. Ppl are so quick to judge

06-01-2013, 10:17 AM
I feel like everyone thinks I am a hypochondriac especially with this ECG monitor. I haven't even told my best friend. She gets upset and tells me to STOP or GIVE IT UP if I am asking health questions or checking my pulse.

06-01-2013, 12:24 PM
It is very difficult for some friends to understand anxiety if they don't get it. They probably worry about you and feel bad because they are unable to help you, rather than for any other reason. Good friends just want to help. Anxiety is not easy to understand at all if you have never had it.

06-01-2013, 01:43 PM
I feel like everyone thinks I am a hypochondriac especially with this ECG monitor. I haven't even told my best friend. She gets upset and tells me to STOP or GIVE IT UP if I am asking health questions or checking my pulse.

People believe they are being helpful when they say " snap out of it ", you need to understand it's like saying to an alcoholic just don't drink. If you aren't an alcoholic, you just wouldn't understand why they couldn't just stop.The problem with the world is the lack of empathy but you can't empathize if you haven't experienced. It's a tough thing to deal with but you have support here and that may just be enough for right now :)

06-01-2013, 02:20 PM
Yes thank you. I just feel outside of this forum I have no friends or family to turn to. My child seen my monitor yesterday and told me to just stop worrying I will be fine.... Take it off he said......He's 12. He's heard my husband talking a while back. I know they mean well but they just don't understand and for that I guess I'm thankful for I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

06-01-2013, 03:19 PM
Yes thank you. I just feel outside of this forum I have no friends or family to turn to. My child seen my monitor yesterday and told me to just stop worrying I will be fine.... Take it off he said......He's 12. He's heard my husband talking a while back. I know they mean well but they just don't understand and for that I guess I'm thankful for I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

I know, just tell your son that you are looking forward to the day when you won't worry and the monitor is helping you to come to that point and realize you don't have to worry. He will probably understand that in the long run wearing the monitor for this month will be a good thing.