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05-30-2013, 04:35 AM

I am over the whole physical symptoms!!!!

Lets start today omg woke up great, got organised for work was good did my morning things then about 10am BAM i started getting chest pains under the ribs over my breasts near my sternum.... i did the whole stop, did my deep breathing ugh 3 hrs of it well after numerous text messages to my husband i went to lunch and they subside.... oooooooooooo great i think relief and a break ugh no then i get prickly skin followed by numbness on my right eyelid like hello give me a break!!!!!!

Does anyone else get this on a daily basis where they get one thing to the next, the chest pains are the kicker as you all know your mind automatically goes to HEART ATTACK!!!

I feel like im mad but it all cant just be anxiety there has to be something else so going to see the Dr again and ask for more tests as i dont think i can take much more of this

05-30-2013, 04:40 AM
Yes I sound very similar to you.

I battle it all day everyday, but lately it's not as severe as it used to be 12 months ago. I have a lot of head symptoms with mine. This can range from feeling dizzy/faint, feeling like the floor is moving up and down, feeling as though I am falling, feeling unbalanced when walking as though I'm tilting to one side like I might fall over to trembling and unable to sit still. I also can get numbness in my face.

I hate it and just wish it would go away!!

05-30-2013, 04:44 AM
its aweful thanks for the reply :) i just people who dont suffer would take a bit of time to try and understand.

and the constant battle with your mind about it it is soooooooooooooo draining

05-30-2013, 04:47 AM
Yep I am constantly assessing every bodily sensation I feel and always thinking "how am I feeling, I feel dizzy, I feel awful..." The list goes round and round and round!!!

05-30-2013, 04:55 AM
i could handle the pains better if they wernt in the chest but nope not with anxiety it has to be the one place where you know bad things can happen

05-30-2013, 05:03 AM
My anxiety and panic symptoms are similar... Fully awake... Chest feels tight and heart races . It sounds like your husband is very understanding to it. Mine tries to be... But he doesn't fully understand. He thinks I make part of it up in my head. My symptoms stem from a very long traumatic experience I have had. I always had my OCDs... But after my trauma my life and my brain changed . I try very hard to find ways to cope and to fight it. It's not easy. I'm rambling on ... Sorry been Awake a couple of hours ... And need to sleep a but before work

05-30-2013, 06:00 AM
I know exactly how you feel! The symptoms seem to be all over my body, all at different times. The pains or weird sensations move around, and I always feel worse before I feel better, and that's when I'm able to convince myself its just anxiety.

05-30-2013, 09:15 AM
Everyday, what annoys me the most are muscle twitches. Today I woke up feeling fresh and happy but at 11 am I felt sudden chest pain and my heart beats faster. I hate when I go out to eat and I start to feel so dizzy and shortness of breath and I have to try really hard to calm down or beg to go home it's annoying I can't even stay outside for more than 1 hour. Everyday I have stab feelings and dull pains