View Full Version : New to the forum

05-30-2013, 02:13 AM
Hi all,

My names Chloe I'm 22 and am new to the forum searching for the 'answer' to this anxiety madness or a 'magic pill' perhaps. I've posted in the medication thread but just to some up I've been suffering from anxiety, panic attacks & a little depression since last July.
Quit my job moved home and gave up on life. Been on Lexapro 25mg for about 3 months and things were starting to look up until last Thursday I've felt like I've 'relapsed' panic and anxiety has returned can't stop crying etc. I'm not sure if this was bought on by a viral illness or whether my medication has carked it but either way I'm struggling to come to terms with it and don't feel like I can handle it anymore!

Support would be great right now.

Anyways that's my story I'm happy to talk and would appreciate people's advice.

Thanks in advance :)

05-30-2013, 02:57 AM
Chloe, do not give up with this anxiety. I'm 24 and have had anxiety for 3 years now. I haven't had a social life for this time. Not been on holiday or anything. I'm currently off sick due to my anxiety. There is life with this anxiety it's just we have to find a way to deal with it because its never going to go away. Anxiety is our friend, always remember this.

Your at the right place for a chat anyway. :)