View Full Version : Natural ways to help

Sarah Griffin
05-29-2013, 02:14 PM
When i started to get panic attacks the doctor put me on lexapro. I was never one for medication but i took them. Changed my mind after a few days and took myself off them. I decided to kick this myself. For a long time i done nothing and let the anxiety take over. I was very down a lot of the time. So i decided to take myself off the pill (which can increase depression), start taking a B vitamin complex and eat a healthy diet (i had an unhealthy diet before). I noticed over time my mood did improve. But the anxiety is worse than ever. I decided to start meditation and went to the first class last night. It was brilliant! It was so relaxing. When i got there the woman running the class picked an angel card for each of us. I was given the card of death and rebirth. It told me to stop worrying and realise that my path in life will lead to death ( i suffer from health anxiety and always worry about dying). I felt great after reading the things on the card that was picked for me. The session was great and the meditation really helped to escape from my panicking thoughts. Im going to go every tuesday. I really believe that i on a path to recovery now, and even better doing it without medicine. I just wanted to know has anyone else tried meditation and what do they think? Or any other things i can do to relax and relieve anxiety the natural way without medication? Open to all suggestions! Thanks everybody.