View Full Version : Anxiety and high bloodpressure

05-29-2013, 08:44 AM

My question would be: how do you manage high blood pressure that is mainly caused by anxiety? I am 18 year old and not really overweight, but my blood pressure is 140(145)/80 and it gives me terrible headpressure aches. These aches drive my anxiety as I think that I might die of stroke or heart attack although itīs very unlikely in my young age and considering that my fitness levels are quite good. What would you suggest?

A warm thanks in advance!

05-29-2013, 09:00 AM

My question would be: how do you manage high blood pressure that is mainly caused by anxiety? I am 18 year old and not really overweight, but my blood pressure is 140(145)/80 and it gives me terrible headpressure aches. These aches drive my anxiety as I think that I might die of stroke or heart attack although itīs very unlikely in my young age and considering that my fitness levels are quite good. What would you suggest?

A warm thanks in advance!
Hi Tabs, your blood pressure is 140/ 80 which is not considered high or concerning. Is it at this reading during an attack ? If so that means it is actually lower then this in normal readings. Blood Pressure goes up and down often in response to emotion, pain, stress etc, the importance is that it doesvcomebback down. You BP isn't that high so the pressure in your head is most likely what they call the anxiety band ( muscle tenseness in scalp, head and neck muscles, feels like someone is squeezing your head. Sometimes ( often) they treat anxiety with a very low dose Beta Blocker ( propranolol 10 mg ) this helps anxiety by blocking adrenaline. Talk to your DR about it but don't worry about your BP, just continue to eat and sleep right and exercise. Don't worry, think positive, practice deep breathing. :) Get the root of what may be troubling you.

05-29-2013, 09:18 AM
Thank you so much Judie! I donīt want to take any medications to treat my anxiety, because it is not that bad. Yes, I have been thinking of that possibility too that it might be anxiety band. Any suggestions as to relieving the dreadful grasp of anxiety band?

05-29-2013, 09:44 AM
Thank you so much Judie! I donīt want to take any medications to treat my anxiety, because it is not that bad. Yes, I have been thinking of that possibility too that it might be anxiety band. Any suggestions as to relieving the dreadful grasp of anxiety band?

Hi Tabs, You know Anxiety is all about negative thoughts and our body's response to those thought. Anxiety makes us hold those stresses, often we are not aware we are doing this. Think positive about everything in life ( think silver linings ) recognize what may be troubling you stress, bad relationship, self esteem etc..whatever) work at fixing what you can change and accept the things you can't change ( and there's lots of those, alcoholism/ addiction in people close to you etc are one example that are beyond your control- that is their path not yours , you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink- this is just a random example of things in life that are beyond our control. I think Anxiety starts and Stops with the Mind but there are things ( coping strategies ) I suggest for the acuteness of symptoms. Roll your shoulders, lift them up toward your ears and then just let them drop, turn your head to the left "slowly" and then put chin to shoulder, go back to center and slowly do right shoulder as well. Basic stretches, try some muscle rub on back of neck and shoulders ,as well as scalp massages, But you need to dismiss these symptoms as meaningless symptoms of your body out of balance. This sounds like maybe an increase in stress ( sometimes trigger other things, past traumas, negative thought ) deal with the stress , relax, try a relaxation app and think positive things (for instance who you want to be and where you want to go ) When Stress is gone, BP is down, this is The the law of action and reaction :) Be Well !