View Full Version : Please someone help me out.

08-19-2007, 08:07 PM
I don't know if this is like, a mild case of social anxiety, maybe you could tell me. I've slowly start getting very nervous, so to speak, around people. School is starting back up for me and it makes me want to cry. I don't like school anyways. I don't like homework, I don't like tests, and I tink half of what we learn is useless. It's the people. I think about talking to people, about being around people (about 4,000 kids at my school, not counting teachers and other staff), about messing up, about not getting thigns, about how people see me. I like to be very drawn back in school. I like not being noticed, and only talking to people I know. I would love to know most of the people, or at least be more friendly looking so they would talk to me. Then again I don't. I'm so nervous thinking about it. It makes me very nervous and I feel like crying and just staying inside. I really want to be homeschooled. I don't want this feeling. Sorry this is long but no one I talk to understands. They tell me it will be okay or that there is nothing to worry about. They don't understand that to me, there is somehing to worry about. That it doesn't feel okay, it doesn't feel like it will be okay. I wish my friends would understand, but then again I don't want them to feel this way. I've had a panic attack in school. I get very low to pretty mild anxiety attacks. I've had a full blown out anxiety attack. They almost called the medics. I needed a wheelchair to take me out of the school. Basically, very bad. I don't know how to go through school. I'm in 10th grade, I have 2 more years to go. I dont know how I'm going to hold up.

Please someone help me. I'm sorry this is so long, but please. I'm very scared and anxious. Please, help me.


V for Victor
08-19-2007, 08:32 PM
Your situation is a tough one. Speaking as somebody who has mild troubles with social anxiety, and as somebody who was homeschooled for a long time, it wouldn't neccesarily be the best thing for you to be homeschooled. That is, unless you make certain that you do get contact with the outside world. In my case, I was very isolated from the very beginning, and that didn't help me to open up any.

I did attend high school my freshman year, but I hated it. A year later, I just got a GED and got it over with. Tomorrow I'm starting my first year of college, and I'm enthusiastic about that.

So whatever you do, just make sure that you don't retire from the outside world.

Have you ever tried any medications? They could be very helpful in your case, at least until you get through school.

08-19-2007, 08:45 PM
I haven't tried any medications. I'm afraid of the side effects and everything. I'm only 15 and I was trying to avoid that. :(

08-20-2007, 10:05 AM
Your situation makes me sad because it is almost exactly identical to my own in so many ways. I wish I knew some sort of advice to give to help you, but as of right now I don't even know how to help myself. I think the first step would be to talk to someone, a professional, a psychologist or psychiatrist, etc. But I'm really not sure how to go about that, as I wrote in a different thread. One of the things that sucks is that people try to help or at least be nice by assuring you that things will be okay or not to worry, but what they don't (or can't) understand is that we don't want to be told that it will be okay...because it's really not...and we don't want to be told not to worry...because that's part of the problem in the first place. What we need is someone who understands and has knowledge of social anxiety and who will just listen to us talk about our feelings, our situation, what we go through, etc. and then help from there.

08-21-2007, 01:49 AM
Don't worry. You will be alright. You are not mentally defective for feeling the way you do. You should try to stay positive and work through the feelings. Get help from a psychologist if needed. Take control of it by getting help and helping yourself. What you have is common to man and you will control it by not letting fear of it or fear of dealing with it control you. You have everything you need to deal with it. You may need to learn and or be taught how to manage it, but you can. If you learn now at a young age how to manage or eliminate it, you won't have to spend years trying to cope with it. Get out of your head if you can and live. If you get thrown back into your head get out as soon as you can and live again. You will also find that it won't kill you.

You and me like all sufferers of anxiety type mental foibles are sensitive, smart and full of God given emotion. Kinda like Anakin Skywalker. Let your love shine and overcome the unease and don't hesitate to get help if you need it. Millions of people deal with it and you can too.