View Full Version : Chest issues still here y cant i beleave its anxiety

05-29-2013, 06:11 AM
Had chest aches/pains constantly for nearly a year now had ecgs and blood tests both normal. My massage therapist said it could be related to my posture because I have upper back pain aswell but I am not sure. It's driving me up the wall I just feel restricted to what I can do and I am only 24.

05-29-2013, 06:24 AM
Have the same thing, my posture is also bad. Since 2 years my chest started to snap too the joints of my ribcage. It's so scary still i know how u feel!

05-31-2013, 07:01 PM
Same here. If it gets too bad I find a chiropractor helps. Heating pad is wonderful.

06-01-2013, 05:08 AM
Had chest aches/pains constantly for nearly a year now had ecgs and blood tests both normal. My massage therapist said it could be related to my posture because I have upper back pain aswell but I am not sure. It's driving me up the wall I just feel restricted to what I can do and I am only 24.

I have the same issue........ My Dr now wants me to do a stress test just to get my mind at ease, but yes she does say it could be due to my posture and that you need to let it rest.

06-01-2013, 05:19 AM
I too have had chest pain because of bad posture, upper back,neck pain and chostiocondritis, I thought I had angina and a bad heart at 30. My chest and rib muscles would hurt and my sternum cracked when I straighten and stretch. I see a physio and she has worked wonders on loosen the muscles in my back which has helped with the chest pain. Oh and I have had a heap of ecg's, a night in the ER and a stress test and my heart is healthy. Hope you find answers.