View Full Version : Please help

05-29-2013, 01:49 AM
So I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, right now I feel as if I'm going to get one, I'm suppose to be asleep due to having class tomorrow but it's freaking me out thinking about sleeping and going to class it feels so horrible I guess I just need someone to talk to

05-29-2013, 02:01 AM
I hate that feeling. I think it happens when you start to focus on the anxiety and get caught up in the fear of having a panic attack. At least that's what I think because when I focus on the anxiety too much It starts becoming more noticeable. That's when you need to break the cycle that's gets you to panic. I hope you get through this

05-29-2013, 02:26 AM
How do I break it tho? I know it because I'm fousing on it but I can't stop :(

05-29-2013, 04:14 AM
Have you tried relaxation tapes to help you sleep? There are some good ones on YouTube / apps that I used to listen to at night & they help you to control your breathing (which helps the attacks) & it gets you into a routine at night to help you relax more.
I hope this helps you. X

05-29-2013, 04:25 AM
Have you tried relaxation tapes to help you sleep? There are some good ones on YouTube / apps that I used to listen to at night & they help you to control your breathing (which helps the attacks) & it gets you into a routine at night to help you relax more.
I hope this helps you. X

I agree with this! It's not for everyone but it just relaxes you and you can just fall asleep to it. Worth a go! X

05-29-2013, 06:41 AM
Do you wind down before going to bed? Give yourself some time to relax before you actually get into bed. Sit on the couch and watch tv for a while. Don't do daily activities in your bed either, like homework or watching tv, etc. Your brain needs to associate your bed with sleep. So on a daily basis stay out of your bed until you actually want to go to sleep. Not sure if you're doing this now, but it does help! I had insomnia for a while and part of the problem was I would spend all day in bed.

I usually need some kind of noise to help me fall asleep too, or else I just keep thinking and thinking and it keeps me awake. I usually leave my tv on with the volume low, and I put the sleep timer on. I turn my back to the tv so I don't watch it.

05-29-2013, 07:33 AM
So I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, right now I feel as if I'm going to get one, I'm suppose to be asleep due to having class tomorrow but it's freaking me out thinking about sleeping and going to class it feels so horrible I guess I just need someone to talk to

I'm doing the whole college thing right now, too! It's stressful! You can message me anytime!

05-29-2013, 03:47 PM
Thank you for all that posted I'm going to try and find those relaxation apps, I had a mild panic attack n I'm kinda in a fog today but it's no where near as bad as I've had before I really appreciate all the responses.

05-29-2013, 04:02 PM
When you are lieing in bed and your mind is racing and you are anxious try to only focus on your breathe. Don't manipulate the breathing, simply observe it and you will notice after a while your body relaxes and your mind is clearer.

Also don't think about not being able to sleep, this is the worst thing in my experience.

05-29-2013, 11:39 PM
When you are lieing in bed and your mind is racing and you are anxious try to only focus on your breathe. Don't manipulate the breathing, simply observe it and you will notice after a while your body relaxes and your mind is clearer.

Also don't think about not being able to sleep, this is the worst thing in my experience.

I'll try this, I know I let my mind run wild but sometimes it's just hard to control once I'm at the beginning of a panic attack i just kinda just shut down. But ill try just focusing on my breathing thank you.

05-30-2013, 03:35 AM
Try meditation... It focuses on breathing and being aware of our body and mind. Most smart phones have apps for meditation... And you can find sources on the Internet. I have found it helps me... But you need to find a quiet time and place for it.