View Full Version : How I Got Over Anxiety.

05-28-2013, 10:49 PM
Hopefully this will offer some of you guys hope, and I will try to make it short (yeah right).

Anxiety is terrible. None of us can deny it. For me it was the feeling, the breathing and the insane thoughts. I really thought I had to live with this indefinitely. I have taken paxil and lexaton. Lexaton is good for me on days I am not doing so well. Paxil made me feel crazy in my head, so I wanted a more natural approach to it. I got off both pills.

Did the magnesium and amino acid thing. Also fish oil and cod liver oil. Not sure how much that helped. Doctor took me off magnesium. Said I was fine from blood tests.

I am off caffeine as well, monitor my sugar intake and pretty much try not to overeat.

But what really worked, is experiencing a renewal of my mind. I know there are some here who are religious. Some who are not, and that's okay. I am just sharing my own experience with the hope that I can help at least one person.

Things to do:

1. Exercise does wonders, whether in the morning or evening. Just walking is good. Weight lifting, jogging is better. Worked for me.
2. Diet is also good, not so much in how much you eat or what time...but what you eat. Having more vegetables and fruits is a natural way to live a healthy life.
3. Trust your doctors. (This one was hard, but eventually I found myself developing a confidence in their diagnosis, and just not worry about it, despite how I felt)
4. Trust the Word of God. In particular, "As Jesus is, so am I in this world." Jesus is not suffering from anxiety, so I accepted that and begun to thank Him for enabling me to live anxiety free. I begun to speak the Word of God over my mind daily that "I have the mind of Christ." The effects may not be immediate, but it works and we can't really argue too much with what works right.

So those are my steps to recovery. Of course I read a lot of books, faced my fears (whatever they were) and just let the feelings take its course whenever I faced those moments. It never affected my ability to sleep though.

Things not to do:

1. Stop googling your symptoms. It doesn't help at all. Truth is, if something is seriously wrong with you, your body will tell you in no uncertain terms. It will not be a bad feeling (I will qualify this in a moment).
2. Anxiety cannot kill you. It feels that way, but its a lie. Death is like falling asleep. You will not see it coming, so stop looking out for it. If something was wrong in your body, it would not be a persistent feeling that last for months or years.
3. Don't let how you feel be the focus of all your conversations with others (seriously). It's okay not to think about how you feel.

You can overcome anxiety whether you are a Christian or not. For me personally, my faith in God was my source of healing. I imagine it may be a little difficult for those who don't believe in a regenerated mind, through Christ but we were uniquely created with vast capabilities in mind and body. We function automatically, and when something is not right in our bodies....our bodies will tell us and not our minds. We function from our minds down. So whatever is in our minds, will flow down into our bodies, which is why anxiety can imitate real sicknesses. Whatever happens in the body cannot flow up into the mind. Its naturally impossible. The thought always comes before the feeling, and NEVER the other way around. So if you win in your mind, you win in your body. Make sense?

You can be free. Don't give up!

05-29-2013, 01:11 AM
Wow you gave me hope! I wish this forum was like fbook and had a like button lol. I believe in what you have written. I think exercise is the key point to recovery! Something I have not been able to do alot of over the past 3 months due to physical health issues. Because I can't exercise my anxiety has flared right up :(

05-29-2013, 04:38 AM
Really useful! Thanks!

05-29-2013, 06:25 AM
Thank you for posting this! It all makes sense.. although it is so hard to convince myself of these things sometimes. Just gotta keep telling myself every day until it eventually sticks!

05-29-2013, 06:45 AM
Hopefully this will offer some of you guys hope, and I will try to make it short (yeah right).

Anxiety is terrible. None of us can deny it. For me it was the feeling, the breathing and the insane thoughts. I really thought I had to live with this indefinitely. I have taken paxil and lexaton. Lexaton is good for me on days I am not doing so well. Paxil made me feel crazy in my head, so I wanted a more natural approach to it. I got off both pills.

Did the magnesium and amino acid thing. Also fish oil and cod liver oil. Not sure how much that helped. Doctor took me off magnesium. Said I was fine from blood tests.

I am off caffeine as well, monitor my sugar intake and pretty much try not to overeat.

But what really worked, is experiencing a renewal of my mind. I know there are some here who are religious. Some who are not, and that's okay. I am just sharing my own experience with the hope that I can help at least one person.

Things to do:

1. Exercise does wonders, whether in the morning or evening. Just walking is good. Weight lifting, jogging is better. Worked for me.
2. Diet is also good, not so much in how much you eat or what time...but what you eat. Having more vegetables and fruits is a natural way to live a healthy life.
3. Trust your doctors. (This one was hard, but eventually I found myself developing a confidence in their diagnosis, and just not worry about it, despite how I felt)
4. Trust the Word of God. In particular, "As Jesus is, so am I in this world." Jesus is not suffering from anxiety, so I accepted that and begun to thank Him for enabling me to live anxiety free. I begun to speak the Word of God over my mind daily that "I have the mind of Christ." The effects may not be immediate, but it works and we can't really argue too much with what works right.

So those are my steps to recovery. Of course I read a lot of books, faced my fears (whatever they were) and just let the feelings take its course whenever I faced those moments. It never affected my ability to sleep though.

Things not to do:

1. Stop googling your symptoms. It doesn't help at all. Truth is, if something is seriously wrong with you, your body will tell you in no uncertain terms. It will not be a bad feeling (I will qualify this in a moment).
2. Anxiety cannot kill you. It feels that way, but its a lie. Death is like falling asleep. You will not see it coming, so stop looking out for it. If something was wrong in your body, it would not be a persistent feeling that last for months or years.
3. Don't let how you feel be the focus of all your conversations with others (seriously). It's okay not to think about how you feel.

You can overcome anxiety whether you are a Christian or not. For me personally, my faith in God was my source of healing. I imagine it may be a little difficult for those who don't believe in a regenerated mind, through Christ but we were uniquely created with vast capabilities in mind and body. We function automatically, and when something is not right in our bodies....our bodies will tell us and not our minds. We function from our minds down. So whatever is in our minds, will flow down into our bodies, which is why anxiety can imitate real sicknesses. Whatever happens in the body cannot flow up into the mind. Its naturally impossible. The thought always comes before the feeling, and NEVER the other way around. So if you win in your mind, you win in your body. Make sense?

You can be free. Don't give up!

I love this post!!!!

05-29-2013, 08:23 PM
So, just to add to this.

What anxiety does to us is this: Our bodies feel a palpitation, maybe our heart skips a beat or something as simple as a change in our bodies temperature from hot to cold. Our minds take on the responsibility to try and diagnose what it means, which is very often a wrong diagnosis, but that thought flows down into our bodies, and then things just spiral out of control, and we feel all kinds of stuff. Of course, the worse we feel, or the more we feel, is the more the mind is trying to figure it out adding even more to what is already there and you can imagine we find ourselves on a downward slope with feelings following extremely close to thought.

Truth is, our minds have assumed a responsibility that nobody gave it.

But here again, looking up our symptoms contribute to how we feel as well. Let me explain.

There are symptoms for every sickness. What we don't read, is that our bodies can experience these symptoms without the sickness, for example tightening of the chest, shallow breathing, heart palpitations, etc. It's quite natural, and happens to us everyday as the body really does know how to take care of itself, and sometimes it changes something to keep our system functioning normally.

Our minds should not be involved in what our bodies are doing, and that is the root of the problem.

I am thinking we need a double edged sword to sever that un-natural connection, but this is just my opinion.

05-29-2013, 08:29 PM
So how long you been anxiety free? I'm really enjoying your posts

05-29-2013, 08:40 PM
I have been anxiety free since January.

05-29-2013, 08:43 PM
How long did you suffer with anxiety? Mines been 2 years . Now I'm hooked up to a heart monitor for a month and I am beyond frustrated. Docs wanted to increase my blood pressure meds but I didn't want to at this point . So ready to be normal again I take two steps forward and ten steps back

05-29-2013, 08:55 PM
Did you know beta blockers can actually cause anxiety?
I know this for a fact,I'm living it now with the withdraw from Atenolol # 25.
Try natural ways to regain you're life!
The poisons that Drs. prescribe are turning us all into zombies.
If your health otherwise is good see if you can get away from it!
Be sure to contact the prescribing Dr. before EVER just stopping though!
Good luck,lemme know how things go.

05-29-2013, 09:22 PM
I need to believe in Jesus to cure my anxiety... Hmm, sketchy. Other than that great post!

05-29-2013, 09:29 PM
How long did you suffer with anxiety? Mines been 2 years . Now I'm hooked up to a heart monitor for a month and I am beyond frustrated. Docs wanted to increase my blood pressure meds but I didn't want to at this point . So ready to be normal again I take two steps forward and ten steps back

Why do they have you on a heart monitor?

I suffered for a year, or almost a year. Got married, moved to a new location, got sick (allergies I think), had a nasty cough for months, my father died....I think it all just came crashing down on me and I ended up in the hospital a healthy sick person like most of us here. Meaning, they ran all the test and found nothing, but the feeling was definitely there. Never felt in my life like I can't breathe, though learning now that I may have but my mind was busy doing what its supposed to do.

05-29-2013, 09:30 PM
I need to believe in Jesus to cure my anxiety... Hmm, sketchy. Other than that great post!

Didn't say you had to...just said it worked for me.

05-31-2013, 12:36 PM
There are many success stories out there. It's just that when people beat anxiety, they tend to stop coming to this forum. If you look carefully, you will see that it is during the high and challenging moments that a lot of visitors end up here.

It would be nice to hear from some of those who have overcome their anxiety.

silly mind
05-31-2013, 07:34 PM
I wouldn't say I'm over anxiety but every day and week gets better. After the birth of my daughter 8 months ago my panic attacks and anxiety came back (I had them in high school) full force. This also led to postpartum depression. Needless to say the last 8 months have been an on and off hell... however now when symptoms flare up such as chest pains, racing heart shortness of breath I remind myself it will go away. Now it's just waiting for my hormones to level out medicine made me worse, but I'm surviving and not holding back in any area of my life which is important. I also have been taking vitamins and working out I also get outside as much as possible. We will have flare ups we just need to.learn how to react to them, they will suck but they will go away!

06-03-2013, 07:27 PM
I know a lot of us are worried we'll never be normal again....but that's not true. Eventually we'll heal if we do our best not to interfere with the natural healing process. I have beaten depression in the past, without medication. I have been to some of the darkest places love can take us, and I survived and was doing pretty well for years. Anxiety came on when my whole life changed, and I had to face some things I wasn't mentally prepared for like the death of a loved one. I actually sat by my fathers bed and watch him take his last breath. Even so, I know I have overcome and I know its due to a renewing of my mind, which for me came through Jesus Christ and His Words.

06-16-2013, 10:31 PM
I speak and declare the peace of Jehovah into your hearts and minds right now, in the name of Jesus. As you read this, allow the shalom of God to fill you and free you of all fears and anxiety.

06-16-2013, 10:33 PM
I prayed for you guys, and I will continue praying for you. I'm sure we will agree that we are pretty powerless to deliver ourselves, but just know that there is someone who can...and wants to...:)

06-17-2013, 12:09 AM
Amen! Best post I've read on this forum, God bless you! I feel his power at work in my life now more than ever.

06-17-2013, 10:30 AM
glad to hear! keep up the good work

06-17-2013, 01:50 PM
There is light at the end of the tunnel, so don't give up. I still have anxiety from time to time, but I am also a success story. I realized that anxiety keeps us pre-occupied with ourselves, which is not a very fulfilling way to live. Those who suffer the most, are really those who fear death and the uncertainty of the future....but imagine a life without fear. Imagine learning to live ONLY within this present moment. There is a reason its called the 'present.' It's a gift, so stop using this gift to google all different kinds of symptoms. It really makes it worst. Stop wasting this gift trying to determine if we will live to see tomorrow, or next year. Live within the moment. Enjoy the moment. Call a friend and talk about anything but anxiety. Do something special for your children or spouse. Cook something you haven't tried in years. Be courageous enough to live despite how you are feeling right now. Go for it. I am rooting for yah!

06-20-2013, 07:47 PM
Keep moving forward, and never give up hope.

06-21-2013, 03:53 PM
There are many success stories out there. It's just that when people beat anxiety, they tend to stop coming to this forum. If you look carefully, you will see that it is during the high and challenging moments that a lot of visitors end up here.

It would be nice to hear from some of those who have overcome their anxiety.

That' true!! It's the reason why I joined this forum too!!
Anxiety kept me busy for 3 long years, I had really bad episodes but at the end it makes you stronger!!

I' m a better person now!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!

06-21-2013, 04:58 PM
That' true!! It's the reason why I joined this forum too!!
Anxiety kept me busy for 3 long years, I had really bad episodes but at the end it makes you stronger!!

I' m a better person now!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!

Amen 2 that!

06-21-2013, 05:10 PM
Well when I get better and I WILL get better I will still visit often because I kinda want to check on all my peeps :) make sure your good and help if I can in anyway. BUT....I have to get better first and I need all these awesome peoples help because I may drive my husband crazy if I don't. hehe

06-21-2013, 09:14 PM
There is light at the end of the tunnel, so don't give up. I still have anxiety from time to time, but I am also a success story. I realized that anxiety keeps us pre-occupied with ourselves, which is not a very fulfilling way to live. Those who suffer the most, are really those who fear death and the uncertainty of the future....but imagine a life without fear. Imagine learning to live ONLY within this present moment. There is a reason its called the 'present.' It's a gift, so stop using this gift to google all different kinds of symptoms. It really makes it worst. Stop wasting this gift trying to determine if we will live to see tomorrow, or next year. Live within the moment. Enjoy the moment. Call a friend and talk about anything but anxiety. Do something special for your children or spouse. Cook something you haven't tried in years. Be courageous enough to live despite how you are feeling right now. Go for it. I am rooting for yah!

Your posts are so inspiring... So proud of you!! I'm not ashamed to say that I CAN'T make it without Jesus! Thanks for being a blessing to me!

06-21-2013, 09:15 PM
This to shall pass!!!!

06-21-2013, 09:17 PM
I turned my ECG monitor in today and go to cardiologist for results next Friday. I have faith that ALL will be well. So ready to put this behind me. And live for TODAY with my family!!

Christopher H.
06-21-2013, 11:20 PM
Its amazing that you overcame your anxiety your own way and without the use of medication! I overcame my anxiety because I was put on Fluoxetine. I could never dream of overcoming anxiety without the aid of medications. By you being able to do this demands respect friend. The way the medication Fluoxetine helped me overcome my social anxiety was that it allowed me to go from someone so terrified of being judged and never being themselves to someone who was finally free to express themselves. Finally free to really look at my surroundings and enjoy the outside world. It was insane because all the new things I noticed around me and during my interactions with others. Anyways, thank you for posting your story because its proof that anxiety can be overcome in a variety of ways. Whats important is what works for the person who is trying to overcome it. Keep on sharing your knowledge and I hope your life continues to be awesome!

06-27-2013, 09:38 PM
I am just seeing some of the follow posts. How are you guys doing?

06-28-2013, 01:22 AM
Couldn't agree with you more although I'm still a sufferer I do have long spells of good times last year I was really bad n praying talking to god n asking for guidance from the angels really helped me I'm still on meds 100mg sertraline and have diazepam on standby lol but I'm trying to do this the natural way now with faith hope and herbal meds x

08-02-2013, 01:01 PM
Even if anxiety never goes away, we can learn to live with it. One of the decisions I have had to make daily is to do things, even in face of fear.