View Full Version : Anxiety that feels like low blood sugar?

Christopher Wilder
05-28-2013, 08:11 PM
Has anyone ever experienced a panic attack and then tested their blood sugar, only to find out it is normal?

I am 16 and on Luvox, but I have been having more panic attacks recently. I think I may need to get a change of medication; on a side note, has Luvox ever stopped working for anyone?

Anyways, almost all day, every day, I feel scared, like my blood sugar is low. I am sometimes a bit shaky, in a fog, and confused, and zoned out. I am also confusing it with ADD, because I am convinced I may have ADD, I need to get tested for it. I have been having trouble paying attention in class.

I think part of it is that my mom has diabetes type 1, and she has had some very bad low blood sugar episodes recently, 2 of which I experienced and helped her, one she started having seizures!

So seeing this happen to her may be just making me think I always have low blood sugar. I have always had panic attacks and anxiety.

Any ideas? Thanks!

05-28-2013, 08:31 PM
Caring for a sick loved one can cause you to have health anxiety. Not saying that's what it is, but it is a factor, so be aware that you may just be worrying needlessly about your blood sugar. I would keep an eye on it for a few days, then accept what the meter is telling you. Be sure to eat healthy, as fluctuations in blood sugar can have an effect on your anxiety.

05-28-2013, 09:17 PM
Has anyone ever experienced a panic attack and then tested their blood sugar, only to find out it is normal?

I am 16 and on Luvox, but I have been having more panic attacks recently. I think I may need to get a change of medication; on a side note, has Luvox ever stopped working for anyone?

Anyways, almost all day, every day, I feel scared, like my blood sugar is low. I am sometimes a bit shaky, in a fog, and confused, and zoned out. I am also confusing it with ADD, because I am convinced I may have ADD, I need to get tested for it. I have been having trouble paying attention in class.

I think part of it is that my mom has diabetes type 1, and she has had some very bad low blood sugar episodes recently, 2 of which I experienced and helped her, one she started having seizures!

So seeing this happen to her may be just making me think I always have low blood sugar. I have always had panic attacks and anxiety.

Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi Christopher, well you are on Luvox ( for OCD ? ) and your mom is a Type 1 Diabetic ( Insulin dependent having erratic blood sugar levels and even seizures. Well that's pretty scary stuff for someone who witnesses diabetic reactions and suffers from Panic Disorder. People who suffer from Panic are usually traumatized by a health crisis, theirs or someone else's ( your moms) I bet you can't help obsessing about getting diabetes yourself, right ? Especially seeing that it has a genetic link right ? Yes it does but not to the degree that you think The risk of a child developing type 1 diabetes is about 10% if the father has it, about 10% if a sibling has it, about 4% if the mother has type 1 diabetes and was aged 25 or younger when the child was born, and about 1% if the mother was over 25 years old when the child was born.[10] The chances of you developing diabetes, especially if you eat well are very small. Regardless of whether the Luvox is working or not, your mom's recent problems, especially the seizures have put your health anxiety and obsessive thoughts into " overdrive ". Increase in Panic Attacks is in direct response to increase in Fear. Your fear about the light headed, foggy feeling being low blood sugar is really hyperventilation syndrome which is fancy word for " Bad Breathing" ( shallow and fast) Everyone with Panic Attacks breathes like this during an attack, they just don't realize it. You can't feel yourself doing it. BUT the good news is that it is easily fixed. Get an Iphone APP called Relax and Rest, it's free, do this everyday it will calm you and teach you how to breathe deep and slowly, in through the nose and out through the mouth. This type of breathing will prevent that foggy, light headed feeling as well as wobbly legs. Are these symptoms similar to low blood sugar ? Sure they are BUT there is no diabetes just anxiety ok ? Mom's being sick is stressful, believing that you are going to end up sick as well is tremendous stress. Now the ADHD ? I don't know, with anxiety the ability to concentrate on anything but the fear is next to impossible at times. Practice the deep breathing App and thinking positive, fun stuff, music etc, take a break from worry. The thing is and it is especially difficult for OCD and Anxiety people you can't control everything, you just have to trust and let life happen. Lots of great things out there, falling in love is just one of them to look forward to. Be Well ! Practice that breathing !

05-28-2013, 10:31 PM
What is your blood sugar reading when you check it? Also are your symptoms reduced once you eat something when feeling this way?