View Full Version : I need support :(

05-28-2013, 06:43 PM
Hey everyone,

I'd like to start by saying I got diagnosed with general anxiety disorder earlier this year, but I refused to believe it and didn't take any help.
I had it in my head that I could sort it out myself and I could battle it, but it turns out its the hardest thing I feel I've been through.

I'm 19, and for a long time I've found it hard to socialise and make new friends, I found I made excuses not to go to public places alone and I'd constantly sweat if I was around others, stumble with my words and start to panic. I got myself part time jobs and had to leave because I couldn't handle the pressure of how I felt. I've also left college due to hating going in ect.

I feel like I'm not normal I can't drink with my friends without having bad attacks, I feel scared and I don't know what to do. Can anybody tell me how they've gotten through or what they feel will be the best option for me? Sorry for a long post :(

05-29-2013, 05:46 AM
Have you done anything to try and lessen your anxiety? There are videos on youtube for guided meditation that help when you are trying to relax. You can also try exercise, taking vitamins, or even therapy. I find talking to someone about it feels like a release. Some people have a hard time getting over it without any help. You can also try exposing yourself to stressful situations a little bit at a time. Try going out somewhere close to home even if its for just a half hour, and slowly build yourself up to being out for the whole day. If none of that works for you, maybe you should talk to your doctor about medication to help you get through it.

05-29-2013, 03:50 PM
I haven't tried anything as of yet, sometimes I try to listen to relaxation music to help me sleep but it never seems to calm me down :( I think I need help off a doctor and see what else they can offer me, I'm really scared to try medication but I suppose I'll have to so I don't have to carry on living like this.. Thank you so much for replying

05-29-2013, 04:00 PM
I haven't tried anything as of yet, sometimes I try to listen to relaxation music to help me sleep but it never seems to calm me down :( I think I need help off a doctor and see what else they can offer me, I'm really scared to try medication but I suppose I'll have to so I don't have to carry on living like this.. Thank you so much for replying

If you have trouble sleeping i would suggest not watching tv or be at the computer for at least an hour before u go to bed. Don't lie in bed on other moments, Use your bed only to sleep or read a bit before sleeping. Some tea before sleeping can also help and stay off sugars after dinner.

Relaxation music and meditation is also very good it brings you closer to yourself and makes see your anxiety is not that scary.

Keep your head up!