View Full Version : trust me on this one- this is amazing

05-28-2013, 10:39 AM
for anyone finding it hard to sleep at night .. wether it's insomnia or shortness of breath or feeling anxious or having those annoying late night panicky feelings..
go on youtube and search 'the honest guys'. they've got dozens of GUIDED relaxation videos. try watching any of their videos that is a 'guided meditation' video. with ear/head phones. you will fall asleep within minutes. and feel so rested and relaxed when you wake up. it has helped me so much every single time im feeling exhausted from anxiety..
try it and let me know how it went :) god bless!

05-28-2013, 02:57 PM
Hi Yvonne,
I was so intrigued your post , I have found it on youtube, I added to my favourite and I will test it soon. I will let you know how my impression is.:-)There was so so many good opinions like yours below this video!i feel a lot of anxiety and tension ,I have depression thoughts lately and I test on myself diffrent kind of relaxation. I started to do yoga exercises from youtube videos and it help little.And I will try this one for sure, greet you:-D