View Full Version : Question - Seeing a psychologist

05-28-2013, 10:26 AM
I called a place this morning for counseling, I think I'm either going to be seeing a psychologist or licensed social worker, not sure until they call me back. I just looked in the phone book for a place so I'm not sure what services they offer. But anyway! I was seeing a social worker before about my anxiety and I feel like he was just there to listen to my problems, he didn't really offer me ways/techniques to cope or really "diagnose" me, nor did he give me reassurance that what I was dealing with was actually anxiety. It's not really what I was looking for and it was the first time i had ever gone to counseling at all so I didn't know what to expect.

I need REAL help, i need to be DIAGNOSED, and I need reassurance. What should I be looking for in an appointment with a psychologist? And what should they be doing to help? I have no experience with any of this so I'm not sure what I should be looking for.

I was doing alright for a few weeks but I feel like I am slipping again. The past 2 days I've been obsessing over my heart rate and constantly looking at my hands to make sure they aren't changing colors, or sometimes I think my veins are getting dark and I can see them too much and that freaks me out. It feels like I'm going crazy! As I do these things I realize it's not normal, but I can't stop! This morning I checked my pulse for at least 2 hours straight.. and it's not even fast, it's between 68-78. It's like I'm afraid I'm gonna drop dead, and I have no real good reason to even think that in the first place! Then I'll look at pictures of myself and my husband that are around the house, and the thoughts that come in my head are like "I'm gonna die and he'll be left with these pictures of us" and I get extremely sad and just start crying! I have no idea what is going on with me, I have this intense fear of dying and I don't know why. I just want to be able to function normally and get past this so we can try to have a baby again.

Is it normal for women to feel like this when trying to conceive for the first time?? I've never been this bad and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it!


05-28-2013, 11:14 AM
I felt like I was reading about myself. Lol they always told me that when you are seeking help to make sure they are knowledgable on your symptoms and self help.

05-28-2013, 11:16 AM
You are under alot if stress if you are trying to concieve which could be one reason why you can't. That was my problem and my anxiety was HORRIBLE

05-28-2013, 11:23 AM
Well we tried for 2 months, then I got terribly sick which I was later told was anxiety-induced. So we stopped trying for 2 months because I was pretty much bed-ridden, thinking i was dying. I thought I was out of the woods, or at least close to being 100% but now I'm freaking out again. I really wanted to try again this month but I feel like my body is trying to sabotage it. I mean it makes sense when I step back from the situation and look at it, but it's like I have no control over my body and how it wants to react. We want a baby so badly but my body gets so stressed out and it's just like "OH NO YOU DON'T!".. I don't know what to do to get over this

05-28-2013, 11:34 AM
Anxiety can do so much to your body especially when you're trying to conceive because then you are under more pressure. You start to feel like your body is telling you aren't ready for a baby but really it's anxiety telling you that you need to relax. I tried for 2 years with my anxiety out of whack too. It was grueling. I now have a 5 month old and my worry is taking meds again lol

05-28-2013, 11:39 AM
Aw congratulations! You give me hope that it can be done! haha.. how did you get through it with your anxiety? I feel like if I am this anxious now, how the hell am I going to deal with it if I get pregnant??

05-28-2013, 01:26 PM
Yeah a psychologist would be best to get to the root if there is one. We don't all have a psychic root for our anxiety. Many do but also predisposition to anxiety is on top of that I think. Alankay

05-28-2013, 02:58 PM
Aw congratulations! You give me hope that it can be done! haha.. how did you get through it with your anxiety? I feel like if I am this anxious now, how the hell am I going to deal with it if I get pregnant??

It was hard with my anxiety. Not going to lie. I literally was sick all 9 months dizzy lightheaded but he's so worth it!

05-28-2013, 04:00 PM
Psychologists are pretty gd ... They give u help Re: anxiety , they can talk bowt past things etc and how it may contribute to why u get anxious ... I had one for 16wks then it had to stop ( in England with government cut backs this is one area they cut bak on so 16 app only )
I really really miss goin as found even just chatting very helpful

06-10-2013, 08:17 AM
I called a place this morning for counseling, I think I'm either going to be seeing a psychologist or licensed social worker, not sure until they call me back. I just looked in the phone book for a place so I'm not sure what services they offer. But anyway! I was seeing a social worker before about my anxiety and I feel like he was just there to listen to my problems, he didn't really offer me ways/techniques to cope or really "diagnose" me, nor did he give me reassurance that what I was dealing with was actually anxiety. It's not really what I was looking for and it was the first time i had ever gone to counseling at all so I didn't know what to expect.

I need REAL help, i need to be DIAGNOSED, and I need reassurance. What should I be looking for in an appointment with a psychologist? And what should they be doing to help? I have no experience with any of this so I'm not sure what I should be looking for.

I was doing alright for a few weeks but I feel like I am slipping again. The past 2 days I've been obsessing over my heart rate and constantly looking at my hands to make sure they aren't changing colors, or sometimes I think my veins are getting dark and I can see them too much and that freaks me out. It feels like I'm going crazy! As I do these things I realize it's not normal, but I can't stop! This morning I checked my pulse for at least 2 hours straight.. and it's not even fast, it's between 68-78. It's like I'm afraid I'm gonna drop dead, and I have no real good reason to even think that in the first place! Then I'll look at pictures of myself and my husband that are around the house, and the thoughts that come in my head are like "I'm gonna die and he'll be left with these pictures of us" and I get extremely sad and just start crying! I have no idea what is going on with me, I have this intense fear of dying and I don't know why. I just want to be able to function normally and get past this so we can try to have a baby again.

Is it normal for women to feel like this when trying to conceive for the first time?? I've never been this bad and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it!


I would highly recommend you seeing a psychologist!!! CBT is highly effective in the treating of anxiety and panic disorders. Having a psychology degree myself, I have seen first hand how successful this treatment is in the long term for anxiety. I also have been seeing a psychologist myself the past month, once a week, for my anxiety and can't believe the difference it is making!!! I feel more like my old self. I was doing the same thing, obsession over my heart rate, and now I don't really think about it that often. This type of therapy will train your mind to change your thinking pattern which are created by cognitive distortions!!!

06-10-2013, 09:31 AM
I would also keep a journal to help you sort through the patterns of your thoughts and sensations. When it comes to sexual relations and anxiety, that "flight or fight" balance can send your levels all over the place. This suggestion will help you put the "fun" back into having "whoopie" moments. Sit down, decide what exactly you enjoy, and focus on making that scene, picture, sound, the one you sense when the fun gets going. By doing this, you will push the distraction away.

CBT is a wonderful way to work through those patterns, and you do the work at home. The psychologist is helping with information from objective view, ideas, suggestions, however, the work is done by you.

Best wishes.