View Full Version : Struggling to go to work

05-28-2013, 09:13 AM
I am struggling to go to work. I was so anxious about it I only went once last week. Today was also a screaming struggle but it's better because I have to report to my supervisor tonight and have to have something positive to say. But I'm so tired of struggling for my life every day!

05-28-2013, 09:25 AM
hi, what is causing your anxiety? or are you not sure? these are questions you have to ask yourself? be honest with yourself 100% so you can start dealing with anxiety. im a sufferer to and youll see in my other post why. have a little read and see if any of the advice given to me will help you. im currently off work due to anxiety. :)

05-28-2013, 09:38 AM
Could you post the url to your post? I would love to read that thread. I struggle with anxiety every time I am not sure how something will turn out. But it used to be even going to the supermarket was something I didn't know how it would turn out. Would I buy the right things, spend too much money? Would the people on the street know I was weird?

05-28-2013, 09:53 AM
since having my first telephone counselling, my councillor taught me that anxiety/panic attacks is a fear for the human body, obviously in the mind.
This actually helps us in worrying/threatening situations.IE.....whereas if you was in the jungle and there was a lion about to attack, your anxiety/panic would tell you to get the hell out of there.
so obviously its actually your friend.
somewhere in life all of us have suffered with a anxiety/panic attack in a situation that frightened us or the fear was so great its left an impact on our lives, mine was 3 years ago on a train i was desperate for the toilet, it was occupied and the fear of panic and anxiety i felt because i though id mess myself and the humiliation that would have caused, that situation has scared me since this has obviously had an impact on my social life since, ( WHATS A SOCIAL LIFE?) lol, because i fear needing the loo and there not being 1 around to use.
so for us who suffer from anxiety something has triggered it off. This has got to be talked about in order for you to break down the situation in order to deal with bits at a time. hope this has helped if only a little. little steps are better than no steps at all.
good luck everyone, and WE WILL MANAGE IT EVENTUALLY!
the link is below on the advice..add www at the start of this below

05-28-2013, 09:56 AM
I don't work anymore and don't go to school anymore, it was not possible for me because I always had anxiety attacks there.. So now i'm trying to fix my problems and get to the roots of them.

05-28-2013, 10:13 AM
going to work is a huge struggle for me. actually going ANYWHERE is a struggle. i made the mistake of not doing anything about it for 2 years!!! living in fear. every morning terrified to go to work. having to sit in the office quietly holding it all in when all i wanted to do is be in my room curled up on my bed. terrible times. im better now but 4/7 days a week im pretty worn down. advice to ANYONE struggling with anxiety. master the art of meditation. and when you feel like the anxiety is becoming too much at the work place go to a quiet area and do breathing exercises and meditate for 15 mins.its been a life saver for me...