View Full Version : I need help and advice

08-17-2007, 11:57 PM
Hi All,

I just wanted to share my experiance and see what you all think ;)

I have been going to the doctors alot recently, trying to figure out what is wrong with me. The doctor now thinks I have an anxiety disorder, which thinking about all the symptoms i think it may well be possible.

I have attacks that feel like my throat is spasming and then get racing heart, short of breath and dizziness. I also get things like shaking at night when falling asleep and stomach upsets etc etc. I also feel tired and on the virge of having an attack alot of the time.

I have been to the hospital many times and have had ECGs and Echo Cardiograms done which have been all confirmed normal aswell as an excercise test which was also fine.

I have also just had a Barium swallow test which showed I have lazy eosophegal muscles down near my tummy.

I feel like I have some horrible disease and don't ever feel quite right.

All the blood tests I have had recently have all come back fine and the doctors really don't think anything is wrong apart from possible Anxiety disorder.

Im not sure I have an anxiety problem, but Im sure most people dont think they do.

I am now starting to be afraid of going out anywhere because I dont want it to happen anywhere i cant get help etc

Do you guys think that the above description could well be all to do with an anxiety disorder?

I have 2 kids and a lovely wife that I really want to do more with but I feel I cant do anything.

THanks for your advice or help

V for Victor
08-18-2007, 09:53 AM
Well, based on your description of your symptoms, it all sounds pretty typical of anxiety. Especially the worrying about having a disease or illness.

I know some of your descriptions match the fears that I've had, such as always not feeling "quite right," worrying about going places where I may not be able to get help, and of course all the phsyical symptoms of anxiety, such as shakes, upset stomach, chills, tightening of throat (makes me worry that I'm going to suffocate!) racing heart, shallow breathing. I've had all of them and then some!

I too had bloodtests done to see if there was something else wrong with me, and they all came back normal. My doctor then persauded me to try a medication. Well, I was afraid to take it, but I finally did after several weeks, and it has helped me immesurably since then. I'm on Citalopram.

Maybe you should go see a doctor about anxiety and see what they think. You don't have to go on medication if you don't want, there are lots of different types of therapies and things that can also help.


08-30-2007, 01:59 PM
I have the tightening of the throat a lot too. It feels like mucus. It has made me go into a full blown panic attack thinking I couldn't breathe. I've had a scope shoved down there at the throat doctor and he said everything looked normal. Even though the stuff they sprayed up my nose to numb my throat made it feel tighter than ever! That was reassuring though that at it's tightest it looked normal..