View Full Version : Anxiety is crippling.

05-27-2013, 04:19 PM
24 year old male suffering with anxiety for the last 3 years.
All started when I was on a train and needed the loo, the toilet on the train was occupied, this caused me to have a anxiety/panic attack because I couldn't go And was desperate. The fear of messing myself on the train got the better of me that day and had left an in print on my brain. Because of the emotions and the experience of this attack I haven't had a social life for 3 and abit years due to not being able to cope with the anxiety and being scared of being in a situation like this again.
I'm currently off work because I cannot cope with the anxiety. I've been to my gp and have been prescribed matazapine 45mg. This controls the anxiety a little but also gives you the runs and when you have to go, you have to go.
This isn't helping my situation with the anxiety I go through about needing to go to the loo. Has any 1 got any tips or advice to try and conquer this anxiety. It's ruining my life and my relationship as my girlfriend has to do everything on her own because my fear of needing the loo desperately and no being able to go for whatever reason is too great that anxiety kicks in and I bottle it.
Hopefully I'm not alone with this.