View Full Version : Death ain family, can't get it out of my head. Can't sleep & anxiety is HIGH

05-27-2013, 05:08 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have not posted in some time. I would love some feedback if anyone has any.

On May 13 my Uncle got out of the hospital and went home. On May 14, I bopped over to his home to have a cup of coffee and one of his funny walks down memory lane. I walked in and he was not in his favorite spot. Long story short, I found him dead on the floor and he had been there they estimated for about 19 hours. He had only been home about 20.
I know he is in a better place and of course I will miss him but I can't sleep, can't get back to normal so to speak. With anxiety disorder "normal" is a term I use loosely but, I close my eyes I see it, if I am not busy, busy, busy, I see it. It is probably hard to understand, he is a loved one, but to see a loved one that color, that smell, ugh.

I know I will never forget but how can I put it to the back burner and get some sleep. It is starting to affect everything, stomach, head from lack of sleep, appetite. Everything!

Any suggestions?

05-27-2013, 05:58 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have not posted in some time. I would love some feedback if anyone has any.

On May 13 my Uncle got out of the hospital and went home. On May 14, I bopped over to his home to have a cup of coffee and one of his funny walks down memory lane. I walked in and he was not in his favorite spot. Long story short, I found him dead on the floor and he had been there they estimated for about 19 hours. He had only been home about 20.
I know he is in a better place and of course I will miss him but I can't sleep, can't get back to normal so to speak. With anxiety disorder "normal" is a term I use loosely but, I close my eyes I see it, if I am not busy, busy, busy, I see it. It is probably hard to understand, he is a loved one, but to see a loved one that color, that smell, ugh.

I know I will never forget but how can I put it to the back burner and get some sleep. It is starting to affect everything, stomach, head from lack of sleep, appetite. Everything!

Any suggestions?

Sorry for ur uncle.. but u should understand that he is in a better world now, remember everyone on d planet has its end, so keeo remembering him pray for him and carry with ur work, he has rested in peace now.. lossing a loved one is hard task to forget bt u hv to overcome it urself untill anxiety take over u.. b strong now ur uncle has left u cant do anything so juz pass away d thoughts by relaxing
May ur uncle RIP

05-27-2013, 06:30 AM
It must have been pretty traumatic finding your uncle like that. I'm very sorry for your loss. But don't be so hard on yourself. It hasn't even been 2 weeks so of course you're going to keep thinking about it. When my grandpa passed it was a little unexpected and to this day I am still not over it. It's something you'll probably never get over but with time it gets a little easier to cope. Think of the good times you had with him. I'm sure he would want you to remember him as he was when he was healthy. Take care, hope you feel better.

05-27-2013, 07:48 AM
I've found that for an anxious person grief and anguish pass also as they do for non anxious folk. Takes time but anxiety has a way of making us "second guess" how we'll take these things but we can and do just like anyone else. We just worry about it more until we start to recover that's all. My advise is to grieve openly when alone if you feel you can't any other way. I go in the bathroom and simply sob remembering my Dad and past dogs, other relatives. "Get it out" and as time passes, you go on to feel better again. Alankay

05-27-2013, 08:12 AM
I agree. Don't hold the emotions in. Go somewhere private, take a walk, and let out that grief. Do not try to block out the thoughts and images as it will only make them more intrusive and unpleasant. Let them come and then release them, like they are puffs of smoke, and as they drift away, remember the good times you shared, and be grateful that you got to share them with him. We can't do anything about life's more unpleasant aspects, but we can focus more on the good than the bad. Don't let the bad overshadow the good.

05-31-2013, 06:53 PM
Thanks everyone, it is getting better but gosh that image will forever be there. 19 or so hours gone can do a lot to a lifeless body. Broke my heart to him like that. He was so damn funny though, I can just imagine what he would say to me about freaking out after I grabbed him. He was so funny with a wicked sense of humor.