View Full Version : skipped heartbeats

05-27-2013, 02:32 AM
Ugh! So its 4:30 am and I've been sitting in bed with my heart skipping beats for like 15 minutes. I woke up with it. I didn't wake up in a panic or anything.. my husbands alarm clock went off and it woke me up also. I wasn't startled or anything, but when I woke up I felt my heart skipping every once in a while. I thought it might have been gas or something coming up my throat like a burp.. but when I felt my pulse I could feel my pulse skip.

Why does this happen!!! I'm so over this! I know we are extra sensitive and so aware of our bodies that we feel every little thing, but seriously! Normal people don't have these problems where there hearts just start to skip for no reason! I'm so frustrated.. I wanna go back to sleep but can't, it seems like everytime I lay down it gets worse.

05-27-2013, 07:52 AM
Everyone get skipped or double beats now and again. Part of the how electrical system of the heart works and does this to reset/balance it's overall "charge state" as I understand it every so often. 100% normal as long as it beats a' ticking!!:) Really it's normal and good. :) Alankay

05-27-2013, 11:00 AM
I can relate to this although I think I can. Skipped heartbeats what does it feel like? because I think I get them but get to scared to check my pulse when it happens. I get it when relaxing and it freaks me out

05-27-2013, 11:28 AM
Everyone has them. We just feel them because we're extra tuned into our bodies. Also I think anxiety makes it happen more often because of the adrenalin. From what I've read they're perfectly normal and healthy. Have you had your heart checked to dispel any health fears? Maybe that would help you learn to ignore them. I get them and just try to ignore them. I have had ekgs, stress test and the imaging thing... I forget what it was called... Everything good. No blockages or anything. It helped because I had heart anxiety really bad. Dad died from heart disease.

05-27-2013, 12:34 PM
Ugh! So its 4:30 am and I've been sitting in bed with my heart skipping beats for like 15 minutes. I woke up with it. I didn't wake up in a panic or anything.. my husbands alarm clock went off and it woke me up also. I wasn't startled or anything, but when I woke up I felt my heart skipping every once in a while. I thought it might have been gas or something coming up my throat like a burp.. but when I felt my pulse I could feel my pulse skip.

Why does this happen!!! I'm so over this! I know we are extra sensitive and so aware of our bodies that we feel every little thing, but seriously! Normal people don't have these problems where there hearts just start to skip for no reason! I'm so frustrated.. I wanna go back to sleep but can't, it seems like everytime I lay down it gets worse.

Mrsmello when you feel them, do you notice yourself breathing normal or shallow

I still get the skipped beats but it occurs when I shallow chest breathe

When I feel a skip, I treat it as a sign I'm breathing wrong and take a few normal belly breaths

That always stops them for me

Just a thought

05-27-2013, 03:20 PM
Thank you all for your responses. I have had my heart checked in the past, maybe 2009 or 2005? I can't remember but I had a full work up done and they found nothing wrong. I feel like there's no point in getting it checked again. I really, honestly, logically know this has to be anxiety.. because I've had my symptoms change on me so many times the last 2 months.. but it is SO HARD to fully convince myself of this! That tiny 10% of my brain won't let it go!

I'm not sure what my breathing is like when it happens. My breathing isn't really an issue for me. It happened when I woke up this morning so i probably was breathing shallow. And my heart rate is relatively low throughout the day, can range anywhere from 60s to high 90s. I don't know. I am at such a loss, I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

This afternoon I went out with my mom to Walmart and my mouth started to get dry, felt like I had to swallow, and when I looked at my hands the veins looked darker than usual. When I touched my fingers they would turn white and take a while to get color back in them. Stupid shit like that freaks me out! It makes me so angry when I start thinking like that.

And I know its hereditary because I was venting to my mom the other day and she told me a story of when she was young. She would use a cloth tape measure to measure around her foot to make sure it wasn't swelling, she was afraid she was retaining water or something and thought she was going to die from it. And if her feet ever turned colors, like blue or purple, just from being cold.. it would freak her out. Now she told me this story after I told her about my phobia with my hands. I'm just a branch off the crazy tree I guess!!!! Hahaha! Oh my gosh but I hate it!

05-27-2013, 03:28 PM
With me I had one ECG and blood tests done a year ago and came back normal never had any other tests done but must be anxiety because I've had this for 7 months now and I'm still here. And I'm the same only 10% of my mind doesn't want to believe its anxiety its so hard. When in not relaxing I don't notice it but when I am I notice it more so I try and keep busy.

05-27-2013, 03:29 PM
Oh and my brother who is 20 has GAD and my mum suffered from really bad depression and anxiety when I was younger x

05-27-2013, 03:43 PM
Yeah I mean I've had a full work up in the past. Ultrasound, heart monitors I had to wear home for a weekend, ekgs, bloodwork, you name it I had it done. That was back when i had severe panic attacks, my heart rate would go as high as 150 and I would feel like I was going to black out.

I'm not having panic attacks, and my heart rate isn't that high. Back in march when I went to the ER they did an ekg because heart was beating pretty fast, and it camr back normal. Other than that I haven't had any heart tests recently. Not that I think I need it.. but I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

05-27-2013, 03:53 PM
Yeah, I had the ultrasound. Also, when I was in the hospital, I was put on a holt monitor for three days because of chest pains, but they showed nothing wrong. Anxiety again... I just didn't know what it was at the time. It's tough. My dads death was very traumatic for me, and every time I have a pain in my chest or gas or get out of breath or scared, I think, oh no, I'm having a heart attack! You just have to keep up with the positive reinforcement and breathe and be not afraid!!!