View Full Version : If anyones on to talk... Panic attack

05-27-2013, 12:44 AM
I've been up late so far.. Fractured my foot 2 days ago, it's in a cast and I'm dealing with some discomfort and pain. And of course having anxiety disorder in worry about other things because of this. I've had a couple of painkillers and my benzos and still awake.
Btw if anyone has Kik to talk about anxiety and panic private mail me... But generally don't accept men.
I can feel I'm tired bit my mind won't settle and my chest feels tight. Just wondering of anyone's up. Most of my friends seem to be asleep.

05-27-2013, 02:53 AM
It's been 2 hours since you posted but I am awake now. Woke up with skipped heartbeats, fun! haha. There have been nights where my heart would beat so fast and be in panic mode, and no matter what I took I couodnt relax. I would even be in the ER and not be able to sleep. My chest was so tight and my heart was racing for hours, so I was so exhausted but my body wouldnt let me sleep. Adrenaline is a bitch! Can we live without adrenal glands? Because I wouldnt mind having them removed! lol it is so frustrating!

I don't have kik but u can pm me on here if u ever wanna talk. Hope you are sleeping now! Get some rest, hope you feel better.

05-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Thanks... I did get some sleep.. But not until late. The mix of pain from a broken foot and the uncomfortableness of a cast ... Add a small panic attack ( oh I've had worse... Wasn't too bad last night)... Well it wasn't a fun time. And my attacks... Anxiety and panic happen more at night than any other time. Sometimes panic happens in the day... But anxiety attacks seem to mainly at night. Ok that was quite a ramble. But I keep pretty calm with life... Even when it's hectic during the day mostly. Ok unless an OCD comes up... And I try to ignore it ( them anxiety is sure to follow).
Your symptoms sound much like mine when I get my attacks... My heart feels like its beating faster and my chest feels like its getting tighter. My mind races, I will shake and it ranges in intensity. At its worst I am completely not like myself, and have had to call crisis lines to talk to someone.
So I'm glad I found this forum... And I mentioned Kik because you retain more anonymity and privacy then text. I have one friend from here I talk to there sometimes. But It's nice to talk to someone who truly understands. Counselors, therapists, doctors etc don't fully understand unless they have lived it ( btw I'm trained as a child and youth counselor). And when I go through my attacks sometimes talking or texting with someone who understands can help. Too bad I can't counsel myself... Lol... Just doesn't work.