View Full Version : Any help would be greatly appreciated!

08-17-2007, 07:47 PM
I have been having problems with Anxiety/Panic lately (really for the first time in my life and its is especially bad in the morning) My doctor first prescribed me zoloft over a year ago (more for depression) and I felt like I became a kind of zombie "yes man", I didnt care about anything. Now I am having anxiety and depression, more anxiety and panic. My doctor gives me xanax and cymbalta. Started with the xanax. No problems, a bit sleepy but he told me not to take the xanax if I can avoid it because it is addictive.

So I started the cymbalta... Three days of hell... made my anxiety go trough the roof. Stopped it and he switched me to lexapro. Not as bad as cymbalta but my anxiety is still considerably worse and I am only about to take my 7th day pill. Now he is suggesting wellbutrin and quite frankly I am afraid to take it. Is there anything I can take that will do what xanax does and isnt addictive? Should I try the wellbutrin? I am stopping the lexapro tomorrow and have used up most of my xanax dealing with the problems that the cymbalta and lexapro caused. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am at the end of my rope with the anxiety and panic.

Thank you

V for Victor
08-18-2007, 09:47 AM
Well, I take a medication called Citalopram. It has a very low incidence of sideaffects and is very well tolerated.

It is useful for controlling anxiety and depression. You might research it a little and ask you doc about it? :)

08-19-2007, 09:20 AM
same thing with my wife . 5 yrs of paxil and didnt really help improve her condition. she was just switched to celexa (sp?) at 20 mg but wasnt going well for 2 weeks so dr upped to 40mg however she is worse now than in last 5 yrs.
is calling dr out of line? should she be switched to something else so soon?