View Full Version : New to Anxiety Forum

05-26-2013, 02:40 PM
Hello there, I'm Kayla. I'm a college student, for years ever since I can remember I have struggled socially in social situations. I have always had this problem and thought that I was just an anti-social freak and it would eventually go away with some time. But it didn't. After years and years of sitting in the dark unable to understand what was wrong with me I was fed up with it all and decided to investigate. Just last year I went to talk to someone professionally and finally found the root of my problem. I was properly diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and was told that my anxiety was genetic. After learning about it, and comparing all the statistic it made a lot of sense to me as to why I was the way that I was. I didn't know this stuff existed that people could actually suffer internally or even physically in a little harmless human interaction. With presentations in college as a 'must do.' I find myself running away every single time. And failing classes is 'not' an option. I hope that this Anxiety forum will help me in my development to getting better because no one seems to understand... I don't know where to turn or who to trust, what to do. Family and friends can't seem to understand my phobia they didn't even know what SAD was. I don't want to deal with but I have it, it's here to stay, and it's not leaving anytime soon. All I can hope to do is get better as I know this going to be a very long journey coping with anxiety.

05-26-2013, 03:41 PM
I had the same issue with speech class in college. It was the last class I took as it was required. I had a rapid heart beat, shaking and anxiety but my doc finally OK'd trying a beta blocker with my benzo and it worked. I went to toast masters for some practice before that class to help desensitize me and the class went well. I still am anxious but I know I can do it and that makes a ton of difference. You can do it with a little help. Alankay

05-27-2013, 12:48 PM
You're right, its a scary feeling. I'm glad to hear I am not alone in this. For many years I thought it was just me but I didn't realize till now that there are people out there just like me suffering from anxiety. This is a scary thing to go through and I am so happy I joined because I know with a little help and support I know I can overcome this.

05-27-2013, 08:26 PM
I am really pleased that you know that help and support, like you get on this forum, will help you overcome your anxiety so that you can hopefully start to enjoy college and your young life.
People of all ages and types suffer with anxiety in public places or even with having to socialise. To learn to cope you have to find your own techniques.
Someone has told me that just putting water on your lips when you feel yourself getting anxious can help.
Also learning something like meditation can help because it teaches you to concentrate on your slow breathing deep from your stomach, rather than quick and shallow breathing which happens when you are anxious.
Another alternative is to learn accupressure so that by holding your thumb or certain finger with the fingers and thumb of your other hand you can help control worry and fear. Worry is your thumb and fear is your middle finger so you would hold them tight with your other hand fingers over the thumb or finger depending on if you were feeling worried or frightened and your thumb of the other hand under your fingers. It really does help.
Both meditation, or deep breathing, or accupressure can be done unseen in public but give you the confidence to stay with the people and feel a sense of achievement so that it gradually gets easier.