View Full Version : Symptoms without consciously feeling anxious?

05-26-2013, 09:36 AM
The past two years of my life have been very stressful and while I have always had anxiety, it has absolutely flared up this month.

I'm shaking/trembling practically all the time. My legs vibrate when I'm standing. My head and my face feel really tight, like there's a lot of pressure and it feels heavy and like I'm about to black out. I also feel like I have a lot of pressure in my nose and ears. Everything does get a little better when I don't think about it, but sometimes I just need to sit down because of how badly my body is vibrating. It happens even when I don't feel panicked or anxious.

I've been to the doctor multiple times and even the ER, and all my bloodwork has come back normal except for the fact that I'm anemic, but I'm taking iron supplements and my hemoglobin level has gone up. I've had 2 EKGs done and they've come back normal even though my heart feels weird sometimes. My doctor says it's probably stress/anxiety especially because she felt around and said I have like the most tense neck muscle she's ever felt.

I've never had anxiety up to the point where my entire body feels like it's vibrating all the time and my whole head feels tight and like it's going to explode, even when I don't necessarily feel anxious. Is this normal? I want to go back to my doctor and rule out anything neurological...

05-26-2013, 10:34 AM
The past two years of my life have been very stressful and while I have always had anxiety, it has absolutely flared up this month.

I'm shaking/trembling practically all the time. My legs vibrate when I'm standing. My head and my face feel really tight, like there's a lot of pressure and it feels heavy and like I'm about to black out. I also feel like I have a lot of pressure in my nose and ears. Everything does get a little better when I don't think about it, but sometimes I just need to sit down because of how badly my body is vibrating. It happens even when I don't feel panicked or anxious.

I've been to the doctor multiple times and even the ER, and all my bloodwork has come back normal except for the fact that I'm anemic, but I'm taking iron supplements and my hemoglobin level has gone up. I've had 2 EKGs done and they've come back normal even though my heart feels weird sometimes. My doctor says it's probably stress/anxiety especially because she felt around and said I have like the most tense neck muscle she's ever felt.

I've never had anxiety up to the point where my entire body feels like it's vibrating all the time and my whole head feels tight and like it's going to explode, even when I don't necessarily feel anxious. Is this normal? I want to go back to my doctor and rule out anything neurological...

I think my neck may be that tight lol ( try Icy Hot or any muscle rub) Anxiety ebbs and flows like life and for me and I believe for you is in direct correlation to stress and our mild depression. When. Anxiety resurfaces it tends to put us into a mild/ moderate depression. After all it's one of these " NO, not this again" !!!, very hard to not go into a defeatist mindset) The stress and anemia has probably fatigued you in of its own right. The pressure in your head ( called anxiety band ) and shaking ( called rigors) and weakness and trembling in legs ( hyperventilation syndrome- simply means you are breathing rapidly and too shallow, harmless but you are not getting enough oxygenated blood to your extremities ) the hyperventilation with the anemia, get those oxygen levels up with a good breathing APP . Try "Relax and Rest" a free IPhone App but any breathing and relaxation tape will do. Listen to this once a day, even if you are feeling well. ( this will retrain you to breathe more effectively and prevent all those " meaningless " symptoms. Omega 3 fish Oil( 2,000 mg help tremendously with anxiety and depression as they are the brain function vitamin. They also help heart and cholesterol levels, so all's good with that " ) Basically with your anxiety resurfacing it is telling you that it has had enough with the stress, change what you can and accept what you can't, When negative thoughts creep up, slam the door on them. This is just anxiety, change your thoughts away from thoughts of anxiety, good or bad thoughts on anxiety, fuel it. Instead break your train of thought and starve the anxiety. You know the score, anxiety that menacing neighbor is knocking at the door, just don't answer it. Be Well ! Your weakness in legs will get 100% percent better with the Iron and the deep breathing :)

05-26-2013, 04:06 PM
I think anxiety can manifest itself in many ways. For example even only physicaly but once you had tests you can be sure it is just anxiety and focus on the right problem.

05-26-2013, 04:20 PM
I think anxiety can manifest itself in many ways. For example even only physicaly but once you had tests you can be sure it is just anxiety and focus on the right problem.
Pusoun, Yes, it definitely can and when it first surfaces it is important to rule out any doubts of physical illness with adequate testing. That makes it far easier to rationalize the fear ( although by no means easy ) You are right and extreme stress can bring on physical distress as well.

Pluperfecthell, You have a hold on the entire idea that you have been under stress for two years and that could have provoked a sensitive nervous to really act up. I too have been getting a lot of rigors lately ( very cold shivers ) and lots of weakness in my arms and legs. I have had anxiety/stress/depression present like this before, but I am also on Lipitor ( statin for cholesterol)!with a side effect of muscle soreness. Anxiety Disorders are tough. For now I guess I will fill the Hot Tub and then we shall see. Feel Better, lots of empathy and support here.

05-26-2013, 06:13 PM
Thank you, Judie! Everything you've said makes a lot of sense and has offered me some reassurance. I'll try the relaxation and ask my pediatrician about the fish oil. I'm so tired of feeling like this. I'm really young and I just want to enjoy my life. The pressure in my head and face which is probably caused by my anxiety is making me more anxious which makes everything 100x worse.