View Full Version : OMG this is sucking ass

05-26-2013, 06:03 AM
Hello wonderful, supportive group. It is a lovely Sunday and its also 6:45 am....why the hell am I up? I was sleeping, my beautiful supporting gf woke me up while she was moving around and as soon as I woke up my anxiety shot through the roof. Then I felt like running to the bathroom to throw up nothing and pretty much everything else you do in a bathroom. She gave me my 1MG of Clonazepam and some nausea medication that I got from the hospital to help me calm down....along with a nice back rub. Seriously she is very supportive. I tell her we will get through this together.

So here's the thing. I have a doc appointment coming up in Mid-June to get back on meds that I stopped taking back in 2010. I had my last few clonazepam and after taking 1 a little whole ago, I only have one left. I take this pill only when I feel I can't take it or be strong enough to control it. Well now I'm like crap I have one left....you guessed it my mind went a million miles a second. I am just confused as to why is it every time I wake up from sleeping my anxiety shoots up causing my stomach to go crazy then I run to the bathroom to do my business?

05-26-2013, 07:47 AM
I would wake up feeling great.

Then I would realize I felt great

Then worry I would feel bad again

Then I would get scared and feel panic

Then feel bad all day from fear of feeling bad

Wake up the next day and do the same thing

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

05-26-2013, 08:35 AM
I would wake up feeling great.

Then I would realize I felt great

Then worry I would feel bad again

Then I would get scared and feel panic

Then feel bad all day from fear of feeling bad

Wake up the next day and do the same thing

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

You are so RIGHT!! I hate that! But great analogy! I have to learn to live in the moments of feeling good :)

05-26-2013, 08:36 AM
[QUOTE=Illusionist210;97020]Hello wonderful, supportive group. It is a lovely Sunday and its also 6:45 am....why the hell am I up? I was sleeping, my beautiful supporting gf woke me up while she was moving around and as soon as I woke up my anxiety shot through the roof. Then I felt like running to the bathroom to throw up nothing and pretty much everything else you do in a bathroom. She gave me my 1MG of Clonazepam and some nausea medication that I got from the hospital to help me calm down....along with a nice back rub. Seriously she is very supportive. I tell her we will get through this together

Your anxiety is going through the roof upon waking because whether you realize it or not ( subliminally) the first thought on your mind is anxiety. Fear takes precedence over all other thoughts. You need to change your thought process, it's tough but doable. This is done by gaining confidence that you control the anxiety and is done by repeated exposure to the attack. Basically standing up to the fear the way you would a Bully. A Bully is a threatening entity but once you gain courage and stand up to the Bully, the Bully withers for it no longer has the " reaction " it depends on to survive. At the first sign of symptoms , do not react, remember that the people on this Forum understand this disorder and they are telling you through experience to stand up to that fear. Know that all those quirky symptoms are just that symptoms and that is all, no disease, no impending doom. No breakdown "just " "meaningless" symptoms of an over sensitized nervous system that is in the process of being repaired. You are fixing this and We are helping you. You are not alone, there is nothing that you are experiencing that has not been experienced before. Get a relaxation App, most are free in your App Store. Do the App at least once a day , even if you feel well. It will retrain your breathing and prevent symptoms like weak legs, dizziness, numbness, tingling, muscle aches and shortness of breath. as Nixon Rulz talked about the vicious cycle. When you wake up feeling well, people make the mistake about saying to themselves " I feel good " that thought alone has just refocused your thoughts to anxiety, you are giving theanxiety power. It doesn't matter if the thought is good or bad. Do you understand how this happens ? No thoughts of anxiety at all (good or bad )that fuels the thought process instead change your thoughts immediately " I've got to brush my teeth" " what can I have for breakfast that is really healthy....whatever...break that train of thought and deep breathe, focus. Your thoughts control this,if you focus on anxiety you encourage it, ignore thoughts of anxiety you starve it. This isn't complicated, just sometimes difficult. You will beat this it's just a quick right turn from Negative to Positive.Be Well !

05-27-2013, 03:05 AM
I just woke up feeling like crap so I know how you feel! It's what makes me angry the most. I went to bed fine, actually got a decent amount of sleep, and as soon as I opened my eyes my heart started to flutter. Wtf, I haven't had time to even think yet! Meds are my crutch too.. I really don't take them unless I really need them. I'm on klonopin also and they work well for me. Try not to think about it so much. I find comfort in just knowing I have my bottle of pills with me. You have one left, so what. Save it for a really bad attack. And if you do take it and have 0 left, its still ok! A panic attack never killed anyone. Your symptoms are more digestive related with nausea? So try taking the nausea med if you have no more anxiety meds, it should still help with your symptoms. I had extreme nausea too, I was on zofran and it made the nausea disappear. You will be fine! I'm sure you'll be able to stretch that one pill til your next appointment. Cut it in half if you have to, just to get some kind of relief if you really wanna try stretching it.