View Full Version : Pneumonia

05-25-2013, 09:46 PM
So I went to the urgent care today because I keep feeling like I'm having problems breathing and my lungs hurt. I honestly thought it was just my anxiety and they would test me and I'd go home and start to feel better because I proved myself wrong. So there in was, waiting for the all clear, when the doc tells me I have pneumonia. Say what?

So now I'm on meds, and one of them may interfere with my beta blocker so I'm too paranoid to take it. This should be an interesting few days.

Honestly though, this pneumonia just intensified my anxiety. If I was right this time, maybe I'm right about all my other health anxiety. I keep telling myself that's not true, but its so hard. Has anyone else ever dealt with thoughts like this?

05-25-2013, 09:57 PM
I'm new to this and that's what I was wondering. I've accepted that my symptoms are mostly anxiety, but how do you know when it isn't? Always something to worry about, huh? I hope you feel better soon!

05-25-2013, 10:16 PM
Thanks. I'm new to anxiety and this forum also. I have a feeling its not going to be easy, but determined to figure it all out and how to decifer what's real and what's just the anxiety.