View Full Version : Fear fear fear

05-25-2013, 06:34 PM
Hey everyone I have been suffering wit anxiety for 3 months now. I have suffered over 40 panic attacks in that span, 2 of them bad enough to go the emergency room. I've been through all the fears, heart attack, lung problem, health problem, etc. lately I've begun to have less health anxiety and more social anxiety. For some reason I have this crazy fear that I may hurt someone. Or even kill someone. Obviously I don't want to hurt anyone but I hear about all these people that do horrible things to people and I get scarred if i was ever one of them. I get anxious around scissors and knives. I've heard this is normal but I did spend some time in the mental hospital due to my worsening anxiety in march. I found out quickly that I didn't belong there and it was very scary for me. Now I have nightmares about me spending the rest of my life there. Can anybody else relate?

05-25-2013, 07:50 PM
Hey everyone I have been suffering wit anxiety for 3 months now. I have suffered over 40 panic attacks in that span, 2 of them bad enough to go the emergency room. I've been through all the fears, heart attack, lung problem, health problem, etc. lately I've begun to have less health anxiety and more social anxiety. For some reason I have this crazy fear that I may hurt someone. Or even kill someone. Obviously I don't want to hurt anyone but I hear about all these people that do horrible things to people and I get scarred if i was ever one of them. I get anxious around scissors and knives. I've heard this is normal but I did spend some time in the mental hospital due to my worsening anxiety in march. I found out quickly that I didn't belong there and it was very scary for me. Now I have nightmares about me spending the rest of my life there. Can anybody else relate?

I have anxiety about knives, and sometimes I get aggressive impulses with an anxiety attack. I just try to remember that it is called fight or flight for a reason. The aggression is adrenalin, just like the fear is, and is not something you cannot control. The main thing to keep in mind is that people who are really crazy don't know they're crazy. They think they're sane and everyone else is nuts. You have excess adrenalin pumping through your body, which heightens any normal fears we may harbor, making anything seem much worse than it really is. Anxiety is a weird thing. Fighting it only reinforces the sense of danger. You have to relax, go with it, and remind yourself that it is only chemicals rushing through your bloodstream, and ultimately harmless.

05-25-2013, 07:53 PM
I have anxiety about knives, and sometimes I get aggressive impulses with an anxiety attack. I just try to remember that it is called fight or flight for a reason. The aggression is adrenalin, just like the fear is, and is not something you cannot control. The main thing to keep in mind is that people who are really crazy don't know they're crazy. They think they're sane and everyone else is nuts. You have excess adrenalin pumping through your body, which heightens any normal fears we may harbor, making anything seem much worse than it really is. Anxiety is a weird thing. Fighting it only reinforces the sense of danger. You have to relax, go with it, and remind yourself that it is only chemicals rushing through your bloodstream, and ultimately harmless.

Yeah I do get angry because I'm frustrated with my family not understanding the seriousness of my condition and that increase my anger and I get anxious about getting angry haha it's just a vicious cycle

05-25-2013, 09:41 PM
Yeah, unless you've been thru it, you'll never get it. I don't get mad about that, tho. I usually feel silly and ashamed. I'm like the healthiest person in my family. My son is diabetic. Another has high bp. My wife has Celiacs, high bp and diabetes, and me.... I'm just a hypochondriac. Perfect bp, sugar, heart. Haha. My wife says either one or the other goes, the body or the brain. I think the trick is to conquer your fear of the attacks. Treat them like an inconvenience, like arthritis pain. You don't have to like them, but just go to the bathroom and ride em out. Or lie down. Or whatever. Just don't be afraid of them, and don't let them mess with your head. Break the fear anxiety fear cycle. relax. dont add extra worries to the attack, like im having a heart attack, i cant breathe, i need to go to the er, im dying. just keep saying its just adrenalin, and it will be over soon. I know, easier said than done, but it works. It's just a faulty glandular reaction.

05-26-2013, 04:31 AM
You are not going to spend your life in a mental hospital. Everyone that has anxiety think they're going crazy, that's the anxiety thing. However, like Cobra said, crazy people don't know they're crazy.

"Fear", "Anxiety", "Scared"... these words do not belong to the vocabulary of a psycho, crazy person. They are the proof that you're not insane. It's simply anxiety. Never in the history of humanity has anxiety led to psychotic behaviours. Don't worry!

05-26-2013, 04:49 AM
Its good to hear someone has this: I never get health anxieties, unless something is noticeably wrong. but the feeling like you will go crazy and kill someone, yes. I often get really nervous around babies because of their fragility. I feel like I might freak out and kill them, irrational i know. I woke up this morning feeling like im goin crazy because of weird dreams. I dont think i can even call them dreams its more like one thought over and over again for 5 hours.

I have the same thing, thank you for making me feel im not the only one, and that me, you and anyone else feeling this is not crazy