View Full Version : Thoughts

05-25-2013, 06:32 PM
How do you get your obsessive thoughts about non existent health problems and death out of your head??

05-25-2013, 06:36 PM
It's not easy but just keep going to therapy and just keep telling yourself that everything is ok. It takes a while but just keep plugging along, and eventually you will feel better. It takes time. Be proactive and be accepting of having anxiety. Also good thing is to realize anxiety happens to many people and it's not going to kill you or anything so everything is Ok just keep telling yourself that.

05-25-2013, 07:46 PM
It's not easy but just keep going to therapy and just keep telling yourself that everything is ok. It takes a while but just keep plugging along, and eventually you will feel better. It takes time. Be proactive and be accepting of having anxiety. Also good thing is to realize anxiety happens to many people and it's not going to kill you or anything so everything is Ok just keep telling yourself that.

I don't go to therapy. But that would be a good idea. I'm also not on any meds as I'm breast feeding so my doctor refuses to prescribe me anything. I just have bad thought about me and my loved ones a lot. I could be having a seemingly perfect day then get random scary thoughts.

05-25-2013, 07:55 PM
Yeah therapy really helps you realize the importance of self talk. One thing my therapist said to say where's the proof when you think about non existent health problems etc.

05-25-2013, 07:57 PM
Yeah therapy really helps you realize the importance of self talk. One thing my therapist said to say where's the proof when you think about non existent health problems etc.

Thanks that's a good idea too

05-25-2013, 11:17 PM
Have you got a young baby? Just because after you have given birth hormones fly everywhere! And infact while your breast feeding they can fly every where which will make the anxiety worse. Hang in there and try to think positive. I have health anxiety and think I'm going to die all the time my son is 2 and I'm scared to leave him behind!! But things are slowly getting better

05-26-2013, 08:38 AM
Have you got a young baby? Just because after you have given birth hormones fly everywhere! And infact while your breast feeding they can fly every where which will make the anxiety worse. Hang in there and try to think positive. I have health anxiety and think I'm going to die all the time my son is 2 and I'm scared to leave him behind!! But things are slowly getting better

Yes, I have a 6 month old and have been exclusively breast feeding the entire time. I have health anxiety as well. But I have had these thoughts well before my son came along.

05-26-2013, 03:13 PM
Oh my anxiety started back last year November time around this time I fa pregnant but miscarried this year jan time but anxiety hasn't gone!!!! It's driving me mad. It's health anxiety. It seems I can manage it during the day but come the evening I find if I'm not round friends or keeping busy its really bad it's my heart I'm worried about I swear I have a problem writing this as we speak I'm panicking :(

05-26-2013, 03:37 PM
Oh my anxiety started back last year November time around this time I fa pregnant but miscarried this year jan time but anxiety hasn't gone!!!! It's driving me mad. It's health anxiety. It seems I can manage it during the day but come the evening I find if I'm not round friends or keeping busy its really bad it's my heart I'm worried about I swear I have a problem writing this as we speak I'm panicking :(

Hi, I have been battling debilitating anxiety and panic since my miscarriage over a year ago!!

05-26-2013, 10:45 PM
Oh my anxiety started back last year November time around this time I fa pregnant but miscarried this year jan time but anxiety hasn't gone!!!! It's driving me mad. It's health anxiety. It seems I can manage it during the day but come the evening I find if I'm not round friends or keeping busy its really bad it's my heart I'm worried about I swear I have a problem writing this as we speak I'm panicking :(

Girl, you and I couldn't be more alike! My health anxiety is about my heart as well, and during the day I do great but at night when my husband leaves for work (he works midnights) I'm so panicky and nervous. Thank goodness my mom is staying over with me tonight...I need a good nights sleep.

a l i c i a
05-27-2013, 11:26 PM
Oh my anxiety started back last year November time around this time I fa pregnant but miscarried this year jan time but anxiety hasn't gone!!!! It's driving me mad. It's health anxiety. It seems I can manage it during the day but come the evening I find if I'm not round friends or keeping busy its really bad it's my heart I'm worried about I swear I have a problem writing this as we speak I'm panicking :(

I've had panic disorder for 19 years and it ALWAYS been worse at night! I'll be a little better all day but as soon as 8:00 comes around I find my my mind start to wonder. I'm always thinking about my health. Ever since I had my youngest who is also six months old I've just gotten worse! I've never been on meds but I think I'm going to make an appointment with a psychiatrist this week. I see a psychologist weekly and we do EMDR which helps but I need a little more help!