View Full Version : Too fast

05-25-2013, 06:19 PM
It was only a few months ago that i found out what anxiety was and i knew that there was something wrong but i didn't know what. Ever since then i have been to psychologists and psychiatrists and doctors and everything is moving so fast, i realized that i am avoiding to get help, like i don't want to get better because i don't know what that is. I've been like this for as long as i can remember and to be any different scares me so i fake all these things which i know isn't good but it buys me time, its like my brain tells me it wants to stay like this.. I don't know

I'm starting part time school because i miss out on so much school and everything's just happening so fast and i just want it to go back to how it used to be sometimes.. I guess i just want to know if any of you guys have had similar issues, thankyou!

05-25-2013, 06:22 PM
Yes kellie..
We all in this forum have similar problems, i stay in india mumbai and here it is 4am now, till now i am not able to sleep due to anxiety.. tackling it..

05-26-2013, 11:13 PM
Well i hope it gets better for you! And its great to know that i am not alone

05-27-2013, 03:17 AM
This round of anxiety has been with me since march. My symptoms have changed so many times the past 2 months, its like once I get over one of my symptoms, my body starts finding other ways to freak me out. I'm getting tired of it. First it was stomach issues, then I couldn't eat, lost weight and that freaked me out. Then I had insomnia for a month. Got over that, then I was freaking out because I thought my fingers were turning blue. Now I'm having heart issues. Like, seriously I need to get my shit together lol. When I look at all that I'm like wtf am I doing to myself!?

I was going to see a counselor (licensed social worker) that I found in the phone book myself, and at first it was helping but after a while he really had nothing to offer me and I felt like the sessions of just talking weren't doing anything for me. I feel like I need a real therapist or psychiatrist. Does the talking help you? It helped me, just think I need a better qualified person. Anxiety does take time to go away. I try to explain to my husband, its not like a light switch. I can't just turn it off. I wish it were that easy! Takes time for your body to get back to normal.

05-27-2013, 02:01 PM
This round of anxiety has been with me since march. My symptoms have changed so many times the past 2 months, its like once I get over one of my symptoms, my body starts finding other ways to freak me out. I'm getting tired of it. First it was stomach issues, then I couldn't eat, lost weight and that freaked me out. Then I had insomnia for a month. Got over that, then I was freaking out because I thought my fingers were turning blue. Now I'm having heart issues. Like, seriously I need to get my shit together lol. When I look at all that I'm like wtf am I doing to myself!?

I was going to see a counselor (licensed social worker) that I found in the phone book myself, and at first it was helping but after a while he really had nothing to offer me and I felt like the sessions of just talking weren't doing anything for me. I feel like I need a real therapist or psychiatrist. Does the talking help you? It helped me, just think I need a better qualified person. Anxiety does take time to go away. I try to explain to my husband, its not like a light switch. I can't just turn it off. I wish it were that easy! Takes time for your body to get back to normal.

Yeah i am going through the same thing, my body always finds something new to freak me out like i am looking for symptoms, i want it to go but it doesn't seem the rest of it does.. Its so odd!

I go to a psychologist and a psychiatrist and to be honest i love having someone to let all my anxieties and everything out but nothing seems to be working so far. I'm okay for a bit after therapy but then i just go back.. It's so frustrating.

05-27-2013, 02:43 PM
Yeah have the same thing for years now and when I feel good im still scared of feeling good this sucks big time I know. I just try to Let it go but it's really strong.

05-28-2013, 02:04 AM
Yeah have the same thing for years now and when I feel good im still scared of feeling good this sucks big time I know. I just try to Let it go but it's really strong.

Thats exactly how i feel! Like its so hard to shake and it really does suck :/

05-28-2013, 09:58 AM
It has become a part of you :( I know it sucks. Even though I feel bad nor good I just try not to attach any meaning to how I feel at the moment.

05-28-2013, 10:17 AM
i know exactly what u mean by being scared of feeling good. everytime i feel good and happy and nothing is hurting i still feel so shit because i know soon enough i'll be having anxiety again and the irrational thoughts come waltzing back in to my life. wonderful cycle isn't it? meh...

05-29-2013, 09:40 AM
People without anxiety think im crazy when i say that, scared to be better but like you said its a wonderful cycle -.-