View Full Version : Anxiety and relationships is this normal?

05-25-2013, 10:53 AM
This is a random topic. But I have always had a crush on this girl for a very long time. I never got to see her though for like 3 years because we went to different colleges. The feelings were always still there though. Well lately I have pretty much devoted my life at this point to getting better from anxiety. While devoting my life to recovering and taking my mind off the things I use to enjoy I noticed that the feelings were just not there anymore like they use to be for this girl. Did I just naturally move on because I haven't seen her in so long or thought about her? I mean I have her on Facebook but that's about it. Is this normal? I'm sure if I saw her in person one day my interest would spark lol butt I'm curious if anyone has suffered from this while trying to get better. Its like I have focused ALL my intentions on getting over my anxiety and currently losing weight.

05-25-2013, 09:00 PM
bump, really need a opinion on this.

05-25-2013, 09:36 PM
It could be a lot of things. You could have just forgot about her or moved on naturally. Or honestly, if you're working on your anxiety it's really possible that you subconsciously realized it wasn't a healthy crush and moved on. Unless you're dating her though, I wouldn't worry. Think of it as an opportunity to focus more on you and other people who make you happy. :)

05-25-2013, 10:16 PM
This is a random topic. But I have always had a crush on this girl for a very long time. I never got to see her though for like 3 years because we went to different colleges. The feelings were always still there though. Well lately I have pretty much devoted my life at this point to getting better from anxiety. While devoting my life to recovering and taking my mind off the things I use to enjoy I noticed that the feelings were just not there anymore like they use to be for this girl. Did I just naturally move on because I haven't seen her in so long or thought about her? I mean I have her on Facebook but that's about it. Is this normal? I'm sure if I saw her in person one day my interest would spark lol butt I'm curious if anyone has suffered from this while trying to get better. Its like I have focused ALL my intentions on getting over my anxiety and currently losing weight.

Somewhat similar experience man, me and this girl liked each other, but my medication side effects made my libido pretty much zero, I liked her sexually but I just couldn't do anything because of it, I also was trying to spend a lot of time fixing my anxiety and eventually she got fed up and friendzoned me, not that I care that much, we were friends before. But man, anxiety can really screw relationships up/