View Full Version : Why feel worse before feeling better

05-25-2013, 09:56 AM

I was wondering why do you feel worse starting an antidepressant before you start to feel better? I am experience this I believe, even if I increase my dose. This is making my depression and anxiety worse due to more physical pain.

I hope it is that the med is not working. It just seems weird that flu like symptoms are common until you're body adjusts.


05-25-2013, 10:25 AM

I was wondering why do you feel worse starting an antidepressant before you start to feel better? I am experience this I believe, even if I increase my dose. This is making my depression and anxiety worse due to more physical pain.

I hope it is that the med is not working. It just seems weird that flu like symptoms are common until you're body adjusts.


Not sure which antidepressant you are on or how long. Antidepressants effect your neurotransmitters,serotonin and dopamine levels. These are part of your chemical balance of your body. Anxiety and Depression cause an imbalance, it could be just an adjustment as the serotonin and dopamine replenish. On the other hand if you haven't been on them long less then a month, your levels are still low and the symptoms you are feeling could still be the depression and anxiety at play. You will feel better, give it a little time. If it isn't working, try another. Supplement now with 2,000 mg of fish oil( Salmon, krill etc..) these are the brain function vitamins. ( Omega 3's ) and are extremely effective against anxiety, depression and achy joints, also excellent for heart and cholesterol. Magnesium 250 mg a day also really effective. Be Well !

05-25-2013, 07:17 PM
I just started 20 mg of prozac about 2 weeks ago ! It was a tough week ! I was very sick at first and felt like someone shot me up with caffeine lol I just couldn't relax ! But now a week later I am the calmest that I have ever been ! I have no more negative thoughts I don't have panic attacks I want to get up in the morning! It helps me live life ! Just don't give up , they make you feel worse before better :) best wishes to you

05-28-2013, 07:15 AM
Thanks for all of the posts...they really help me.

I'm starting to wonder if the Lexapro is even working, as I've been on it for 9 weeks, with little improvement. I still feel anxious and depressed with occasional panic attacks. Unless I was so bad before taking them that there are going to take a while to work...

I was on the 20 MG of Lexapro years ago after I lost my mother to an office shooting and it helped me a great deal. I have an appointment today with my doctor to see what he says. Has anyone used abilify?

I am shocked to see that some people feel a lot better within a few weeks...wish I would have.


05-28-2013, 09:26 AM
Took 8 weeks for me on Prozac..... possibly the toughest 8 weeks of my life but SO GLAD my doc urged me to hang in there.

06-05-2013, 08:04 PM
I am going through a horrible burn in with lexapro at the moment.Going to see a doctor in the morning as i ran out of benzos today.I REALLY hope this is worth it as the last few nights have been extremely unpleasant :(