View Full Version : My Story plus My Symptoms - Please Read

05-25-2013, 07:43 AM
About 2 months ago, I went into hospital with palpations and found it hard to breath, I'm sure many of us have experienced it.
Of course I didn't know it was anxiety at the time, and I generally thought I was going to die, ever since then I haven't been OK, I fear my life everyday, thinking I'm going to have a heart attack.I know I'm not having a heart attack or anything because tests have proven so and I have had about 10 ECG's since it first happened (about 2 months ago) and the time length obviously has proven that I'm having anxiety attacks.

I know its scary because the symptoms are very similar to heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems, but I know I needn't worry, I'm not alone; I have pains in my arms everyday/all day, I think exactly like anyone else would do, but the stretching exercise and a change in diet may help me there. I use about 7 tubes of deep heat a week to take my mind of the pain so its only got to concentrate on the burning sensation from deep heat. I also get the odd jaw ache or cheek bone ache, I recently had it about 2 days ago it has gone now. Its still a bit sore to touch, I think its more my cheek muscle that's hurting. I'm new to this anxiety business and to be quite honest its annoying to have. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It makes you fear the worse that's for sure I'm only 19 and I have a fear that I'm going to die when I'm in anxiety mode, however I know I'm not going to deep down.

For others who are sharing their symptoms here are mine :

- Pains in arms - both arms ( feels like someone is dragging their fingers up and down my arm) (I also have pains in my elbows and I constantly feel like I have to click them)
- Neck pain ( varies from stiffness to pressure pain in front and back) ( I sometimes feel like that my neck is going to cramp)
- Muscle twitching (from head to toe)
- Find it hard to stop thinking about my anxiety.
- Back pain (all over) (sometimes it feel like someone is poking me in the back, then sometimes it feels like I have pulled a muscle)(sometimes i have shooting pain that makes me feel like its my chest but its not, if you get this concentrate on the pain and then you will realise where its coming from)
- Shoulder pain (feels the same as the back pain)
- Breast pain ( shooting pain in breasts to the chest) (usually disappears after 5 minutes of having it)
- Headaches
- Head pressures (feel like a tight band)
- When my anxiety comes on just before I'm having food, the thought of food makes me feel sick
- Achy legs
- I hate going to sleep, I have to get my mum or boyfriend to wait up for me to go to sleep first
- Always tired
- Chest pains ( It feels like shooting pains, sometimes I get the odd pain where I feel like my chest has been crushed but that's very rare, the pain can last up to 30 minutes)
- When I'm eating I also think that I might choke on my food (When this happens I take smaller bites)
- Burning sensation ( I usually get this in my chest before an attack, the sensation lasts about 5 minutes, some people correct it for heart burn, which it may be)
- Sensations of blood rush ( I usually get this in the top half of my body from stomach - chest - arms) last a few seconds ( its similar to the feeling you get when pins and needles go away and then you start to feel your skin again)
- Stomach upset/IBS (sometimes I get a sudden urge to go to the toilet to empty bowels) ( I also get a popping feeling in my stomach)
- Hot and cold chills ( one minute I am boiling, the next I am freezing)
- Feeling of dread ( like something bad is going to happen)
- Feeling like I am the only person going through it (even though I'm not)

I do get other symptoms- in fact I get about 70/100 of the symptoms found on the anxiety centre website (if you have ever been on there), and more come each day. Anxiety is not something we can change over night, its a matter of mind, how we handle things determines how bad we have our anxiety e.g. if you are like me and constantly think about anxiety happening, then you will panic more. I'm trying to work on how I think of things, I'm also eating healthier and slowly building up my exercise. Testosterone (sorry if I spelt it wrong) is produced when you exercise and its the hormone that makes you feel happy etc. So producing lots of it will make you feel better. I also go to see a psychic once a year, If you do not believe in them then this will be no good, however if you do find the best one, they can put your mind at ease, because if they see your future that means your going to live obviously. If you don't believe in that sort of thing it will be no use for you. Tell yourself your strong and that its ANXIETY nothing life threatening. I know every one gets scared, I do to, practice your breathing, think about what's making you sad or scared and try to change it or some up with a way to reduce your fear. Nothing is impossible to change or adjust, our mind just makes us think it is.



Please feel free to PM me, It will benefit us all to talk to someone about it :)


05-25-2013, 08:33 AM
Wow. Scary how much our stories are just alike. I mean.....wow! My first trip to ER with all these symptoms did me in. Since that day I haven't been the same and everyday day is a struggle with fear of death and doom. But we CAN get through this. Your right , if its out hearts we would have had a heart attack by now. My struggle is 2 years old. Time for me to win now!!!!!! Time for all of us to win. This anxiety is taking good days from our lives that we truly can never get back. And then 30 years from now when we are still living look at all that time that was wasted on worrying that we would die.... I'm so preaching to myself right now :)

05-25-2013, 09:03 AM
Wow. Scary how much our stories are just alike. I mean.....wow! My first trip to ER with all these symptoms did me in. Since that day I haven't been the same and everyday day is a struggle with fear of death and doom. But we CAN get through this. Your right , if its out hearts we would have had a heart attack by now. My struggle is 2 years old. Time for me to win now!!!!!! Time for all of us to win. This anxiety is taking good days from our lives that we truly can never get back. And then 30 years from now when we are still living look at all that time that was wasted on worrying that we would die.... I'm so preaching to myself right now :)

Its nice to hear that someone has the exact symptoms. Wow 2 years. I hope I dont have to live with it for long as its taking over my life, im going on holiday in just over a month and my mum doesnt want me to go because of all this anxiety. I also in my last days of college and I have to complete my work at home. Im 19 I should be enjoying life not living in fear.

Its not fair on any of us, I always think why me. Do you get that thought? I hope you will overcome it :( I feel for you and everyone else. Yesterday I had chest tightness for about 1 hour that scared me but I knew it was my anxiety so I didnt go to hospital this time. But if I happens again tonight I will be going. How long did it take for you to be diagnosed with anxiety. As I havent been diagnosed 100% all I have been told is that its most likely to be anxiety. :( its fustrating isnt it.

I cant cope fearing my life. Its scary. Im still new to this its been 2 months since I rushed myself to hospital. Even though all my tests are clear, I still think they are wrong rheres obviously something wrong with me, but thats my anxiety mode kicking in.

Its nice to share my symptoms with someone who has the exact same . Do you have any different symptoms ? That I havent mentioned ?


05-25-2013, 10:41 AM
No pretty much all the same symptoms as you. I was diagnosed within the first month of my first attack

05-25-2013, 10:55 AM
No pretty much all the same symptoms as you. I was diagnosed within the first month of my first attack

I was told its probably anxiety and im getting treated for it with propranolol within the first month too. I hope yours go away soon enough :)

05-25-2013, 11:22 AM
Thank you and best wishes to you as well!

05-25-2013, 02:47 PM
I also have like 80 percent of the symptoms on that website, I also have very bad snapping of joints all over my body.. Not to scare you amanda but im almost 23 now and have had this for 5+ years :-(

05-25-2013, 04:48 PM
I also have like 80 percent of the symptoms on that website, I also have very bad snapping of joints all over my body.. Not to scare you amanda but im almost 23 now and have had this for 5+ years :-(

Hello Krayziee,
Im the same, I just come home from the ER/A&E room they think I may now have acid reflux , so I either have anxiety or acid reflux. Hope I get answers soon.

05-25-2013, 04:56 PM
I believe anxiety caused acid reflux since i almost have this daily. Im in a bad place now full body pains throughout the day, I believe it has to do with the sudden bad weather change.

My psychiatrist diagnosed me with anxiety disorder, hypochondriac, somatic disorder. But Yeah i believe there is more to it since i am also hyper sensitive.

05-25-2013, 04:57 PM
Ps: i never went to the ER how bad it got..and i have experienced BAD!

05-25-2013, 05:01 PM
This sounds just like me!!! Apart from I can't bear hospitals so I stay away from them.. All the symptoms you get I get as well I suffer from bad palpertaions they come out of the blue as well ill feel fine then it can hit me out of no where!! All the physical symptoms I struggle with big time

05-25-2013, 05:04 PM
I believe anxiety caused acid reflux since i almost have this daily. Im in a bad place now full body pains throughout the day, I believe it has to do with the sudden bad weather change.

My psychiatrist diagnosed me with anxiety disorder, hypochondriac, somatic disorder. But Yeah i believe there is more to it since i am also hyper sensitive.

Yea I believe I may have both . Going Drs monday to find out . Wow well done, I couldnt bear going through it all without going to Drs I get so scared . My body aches all the time especially my neck back and arms :( x hope you feel better <3 PM me if you would like whenever your scared x

05-25-2013, 05:08 PM
This sounds just like me!!! Apart from I can't bear hospitals so I stay away from them.. All the symptoms you get I get as well I suffer from bad palpertaions they come out of the blue as well ill feel fine then it can hit me out of no where!! All the physical symptoms I struggle with big time

Hello Sharacel91,
Im glad there is more people with the same symptoms, I was worried I was the only one ! But I suppose anxiety can make you feel like that. I feel safe when im at hospital, I know im having an anxiety attack but my mind wont believe it and makes me feel like im having something worse. So I go and get it checked out wish I was brave enough to deal with it on my own, but im still a newbie I suppose, thinking of it I have always been going back and fore hospital with chest pains but never as bad as this. I now have a overactive mind it never stops thinking about it. Hope you feel better <3 Feel free to PM

05-25-2013, 05:16 PM
Yea I believe I may have both . Going Drs monday to find out . Wow well done, I couldnt bear going through it all without going to Drs I get so scared . My body aches all the time especially my neck back and arms :( x hope you feel better <3 PM me if you would like whenever your scared x

That's really sweet, thanks!
Just know i have pain every single day even when not anxious. Chronic pain in joints and muscles.

05-26-2013, 01:56 AM
That's really sweet, thanks!
Just know i have pain every single day even when not anxious. Chronic pain in joints and muscles.

Yes I have muscle Pain 24/7 it has got better. How long have you have it for ? Maybe you should check with your doctor for fibromyalgia . Anxiety can bring it on. Its basically causes your body to ache for no reason. Look up symptoms x

05-26-2013, 03:02 AM
Yes I have muscle Pain 24/7 it has got better. How long have you have it for ? Maybe you should check with your doctor for fibromyalgia . Anxiety can bring it on. Its basically causes your body to ache for no reason. Look up symptoms x

I already thought of it, my doctor says i might have it. But in my eyes it's too vague saying i "might" have it.

This muscle pain constantly for about 1,5 year before that it was less and more in attacks i believe.

05-26-2013, 03:12 AM
I already thought of it, my doctor says i might have it. But in my eyes it's too vague saying i "might" have it.

This muscle pain constantly for about 1,5 year before that it was less and more in attacks i believe.

I know I hate it when the DR is like you might have this you might have that. Its so annoying. Just ask them to refer you to a rheumatologist to find out, then if its not that go back to your DR and hopefully he will be able to find the cause.

I have had pains in my arms (top arms) for around 3-4 years. But they only got worse the day I rushed myself in. But now they are starting to ease off abit. Feel achy/dull feeling at the top. Hope you find some answers.


05-26-2013, 03:39 AM
Thanks amanda.
One quick question= does bad weather/cold increase your pain and snapping?

05-26-2013, 03:46 AM
Thanks amanda.
One quick question= does bad weather/cold increase your pain and snapping?

If im cold then yes. I dont go out often. But when im cold I do ache more ect. Sorry if this doesnt help


05-26-2013, 04:39 AM
I also have like 80 percent of the symptoms on that website, I also have very bad snapping of joints all over my body.. Not to scare you amanda but im almost 23 now and have had this for 5+ years :-(

Try nearly 28yrs of panic attacks,social phobia,gad,food phobia and depression!! It never gets any easier after so many yrs :( if you need to talk PM me!!

05-26-2013, 02:33 PM
The chronic pain is just so Tiring and often triggers attacks! Sweating because of the pain etc.. Hope there will be some good weather soon! Stay strong and keep your head up.

05-26-2013, 05:00 PM
About 2 months ago, I went into hospital with palpations and found it hard to breath, I'm sure many of us have experienced it.
Of course I didn't know it was anxiety at the time, and I generally thought I was going to die, ever since then I haven't been OK, I fear my life everyday, thinking I'm going to have a heart attack.I know I'm not having a heart attack or anything because tests have proven so and I have had about 10 ECG's since it first happened (about 2 months ago) and the time length obviously has proven that I'm having anxiety attacks.

I know its scary because the symptoms are very similar to heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems, but I know I needn't worry, I'm not alone; I have pains in my arms everyday/all day, I think exactly like anyone else would do, but the stretching exercise and a change in diet may help me there. I use about 7 tubes of deep heat a week to take my mind of the pain so its only got to concentrate on the burning sensation from deep heat. I also get the odd jaw ache or cheek bone ache, I recently had it about 2 days ago it has gone now. Its still a bit sore to touch, I think its more my cheek muscle that's hurting. I'm new to this anxiety business and to be quite honest its annoying to have. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It makes you fear the worse that's for sure I'm only 19 and I have a fear that I'm going to die when I'm in anxiety mode, however I know I'm not going to deep down.

For others who are sharing their symptoms here are mine :

- Pains in arms - both arms ( feels like someone is dragging their fingers up and down my arm) (I also have pains in my elbows and I constantly feel like I have to click them)
- Neck pain ( varies from stiffness to pressure pain in front and back) ( I sometimes feel like that my neck is going to cramp)
- Muscle twitching (from head to toe)
- Find it hard to stop thinking about my anxiety.
- Back pain (all over) (sometimes it feel like someone is poking me in the back, then sometimes it feels like I have pulled a muscle)(sometimes i have shooting pain that makes me feel like its my chest but its not, if you get this concentrate on the pain and then you will realise where its coming from)
- Shoulder pain (feels the same as the back pain)
- Breast pain ( shooting pain in breasts to the chest) (usually disappears after 5 minutes of having it)
- Headaches
- Head pressures (feel like a tight band)
- When my anxiety comes on just before I'm having food, the thought of food makes me feel sick
- Achy legs
- I hate going to sleep, I have to get my mum or boyfriend to wait up for me to go to sleep first
- Always tired
- Chest pains ( It feels like shooting pains, sometimes I get the odd pain where I feel like my chest has been crushed but that's very rare, the pain can last up to 30 minutes)
- When I'm eating I also think that I might choke on my food (When this happens I take smaller bites)
- Burning sensation ( I usually get this in my chest before an attack, the sensation lasts about 5 minutes, some people correct it for heart burn, which it may be)
- Sensations of blood rush ( I usually get this in the top half of my body from stomach - chest - arms) last a few seconds ( its similar to the feeling you get when pins and needles go away and then you start to feel your skin again)
- Stomach upset/IBS (sometimes I get a sudden urge to go to the toilet to empty bowels) ( I also get a popping feeling in my stomach)
- Hot and cold chills ( one minute I am boiling, the next I am freezing)
- Feeling of dread ( like something bad is going to happen)
- Feeling like I am the only person going through it (even though I'm not)

I do get other symptoms- in fact I get about 70/100 of the symptoms found on the anxiety centre website (if you have ever been on there), and more come each day. Anxiety is not something we can change over night, its a matter of mind, how we handle things determines how bad we have our anxiety e.g. if you are like me and constantly think about anxiety happening, then you will panic more. I'm trying to work on how I think of things, I'm also eating healthier and slowly building up my exercise. Testosterone (sorry if I spelt it wrong) is produced when you exercise and its the hormone that makes you feel happy etc. So producing lots of it will make you feel better. I also go to see a psychic once a year, If you do not believe in them then this will be no good, however if you do find the best one, they can put your mind at ease, because if they see your future that means your going to live obviously. If you don't believe in that sort of thing it will be no use for you. Tell yourself your strong and that its ANXIETY nothing life threatening. I know every one gets scared, I do to, practice your breathing, think about what's making you sad or scared and try to change it or some up with a way to reduce your fear. Nothing is impossible to change or adjust, our mind just makes us think it is.



Please feel free to PM me, It will benefit us all to talk to someone about it :)


I really feel for you Amanda23 and everyone else on here. I suffer from gad and health anxiety. Thankfully my symptoms come and go. My husband works away and so I live with constant worry, I worry about every little ache and pang. My biggest worry atm is the loss of weight (I feel like a skeleton) and I have shin splints from just being on the go. I have been to the ER with chest pains a few times and yep its anxiety and reflux. It does get easier living with anxiety if you help yourself! I find exercising is the most beneficial for me (but unfortunately I havent been able to really exercise over past few months due to neck, back and now shin slints issues oh and im scared to lose more weight :( hence my anxiety flare up) I also see a psychologist and she is teaching me cbt for my health anxiety. I am lucky as I have a very supportive husband, family and friends who are always there to listen and distract me. Find ways to distract yourself, my psychologist recommends finding a hobby as us anxiety suffers are constant thinkers who cant seem to relax. So I am taking up recreational photography. I hope you start to feel better even just a little.

05-26-2013, 06:02 PM
After reading all these symptoms I wanted to ask if any of you are on any physce meds? I was on clonazepam and stopped it...was taking it for sleep however I am left with crippling anxiety with a host of physical symptoms. Anyone experience this? Feel free to PM me...