View Full Version : Jaw pains

05-24-2013, 09:47 PM
Anyone else have pains in their jaw? I feel like I must be constantly tensing it or clamping my teeth.

05-24-2013, 11:42 PM
my mouth on the right side has been killing me for days, see i never could afford my wisdom teeth to get pulled so theyre crowding my mouth.

05-25-2013, 12:02 AM
i clench my jaw and grind my teeth at night due to anxiety :( my left side is the worst to the point i may have to start wearing a mouth bit

05-25-2013, 08:27 AM
Anyone else have pains in their jaw? I feel like I must be constantly tensing it or clamping my teeth.

Your jaw hurts because you are clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth at night. ( Very common, especially with stress and anxiety ) You can wear a sport mouth guard at night, it will help somewhat and stop damage to teeth( cracks). Try a little muscle rub ointment on the jaw muscle beside your ear lobe ( most likely if you rub this area you can feel the tenseness ) obviously don't get the muscle rube near your mouth or eyes ( flush it out immediately if you do ) Try a relaxation App and deep breathing or this will most likely continue. Feel Better z,

05-26-2013, 12:06 AM
a nighttime relaxation app could help. a mouth guard probably will too. i have terrible anxiety but clenching my teeth i never did, or grinding them. my jaw would shake uncontrollably though...

05-26-2013, 02:50 AM
I've had a mouth guard made at dentist , thing is I take it out in my sleep :(

05-26-2013, 04:19 AM
This is called bruxism.


a l i c i a
05-27-2013, 11:37 PM
Anyone else have pains in their jaw? I feel like I must be constantly tensing it or clamping my teeth.

I just saw my doctor a few weeks ago because of the pain was so bad! My jaws always cracking and it feels like its going to get stuck open. Some mornings ill wake up and it will hurt so bad it's shaking. Probably cause I was clamping it so tight when I was asleep. I've paid more attention throughout the day and I've noticed that I'm always clenching it. I've started getting horrible tension headaches because of it. I'll have them for days at a time. My doctor said he thinks its tmj. I'm a licensed massage therapist so I've been working on my cheek, neck, and under my chin to try and loosen the muscles. You'd be surprised how tight those muscles get when you have panic/anxiety. I'm on nortriptalin now for the tension cause its been so bad. You can also go and get a mouth guard like foot ball players or MMA fighters use and mold that to your teeth and sleep in that so you don't clench/grind your teeth.

05-28-2013, 07:01 AM
Hi , :-)

I. Have bad jaw ache & went to my dentist . I thought it was tooth ache ;(. < at least you can fix that !!
My anxiety causes me to clench my jaw in my sleep , I notice myself doing in the day & try to stop. Dentist has given me a mouth guard ,I try to sleep with it in , but I subconsciously rip it out in my sleep :-(.

If its bad , get one & try xx