View Full Version : Crazy question

05-24-2013, 07:16 PM
If your at an event or gathering of sorts and the ambulance has to be there for the event as a precaution do any of you have a sigh of relief knowing that there is an ambulance there if ur panic or anxiety gets out of control? I know that's sounds stupid but it makes me feel better if I see one around

05-24-2013, 08:16 PM

05-24-2013, 08:19 PM
If your at an event or gathering of sorts and the ambulance has to be there for the event as a precaution do any of you have a sigh of relief knowing that there is an ambulance there if ur panic or anxiety gets out of control? I know that's sounds stupid but it makes me feel better if I see one around

Makes me really anxious and slightly panicky. I have to remind myself that it's there for a good reason! It's funny too I work in a hospital and see them all the time but in the scenarios when you don't think of "medical" it sets me off a bit. :)

05-24-2013, 08:20 PM
I can see how it is some form of relief. When my anxiety kicks in at gathersI know I need to get away and relax, but some times fear that if I leave no one will find me and something bad will help. So no it is not crazy.

05-24-2013, 08:20 PM
Yes it has done me that way as well..... Crazy huh

05-24-2013, 08:21 PM
LOL yeah, no doubt. A symptom of my health anxiety. I used to love seeing them. I also liked being around people that were nurses and stuff. And whenever I went anywhere, I'd always stand next to officials, in the train stations, in parks etc... Even though they were probably no use!

05-24-2013, 08:52 PM

No but I get freaked out if there is an ambulance at an event because I worry I am going to end up in it ! Lol , different masks of anxiety, all coming from the same place, negative thought .

05-24-2013, 09:14 PM
Can't hurt come to think of it...........Alan

05-24-2013, 09:46 PM
I have health anxiety, so I find myself constantly looking for what to do should the worst happen. So ambulances are an automatic positive. It's a hard habit to break!

05-24-2013, 10:17 PM
I just took mucinex dm for chest congestion. Does this mess with ur anxiety or heart rate? Anyone had experience with this med? Can it be taken with a blood pressure med?

05-25-2013, 12:01 AM
I just took mucinex dm for chest congestion. Does this mess with ur anxiety or heart rate? Anyone had experience with this med? Can it be taken with a blood pressure med?

You wouldn't get me in an ambulance unless i was dying!!

05-25-2013, 03:17 AM
Yeah .. ..

05-25-2013, 08:18 AM
I just took mucinex dm for chest congestion. Does this mess with ur anxiety or heart rate? Anyone had experience with this med? Can it be taken with a blood pressure med?

Yes, it's fine for you to take Mucinex DM if you have high blood pressure. It contains dextromethorphan and guaifenesin. Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant. It affects the signals in the brain that trigger cough reflex.

Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It helps loosen congestion in your chest and throat, making it easier to cough out through your mouth.

The combination of dextromethorphan and guaifenesin is used to treat cough and chest congestion caused by the common cold, infections, or allergies.
These medicines are not known to elevate blood pressure.
I found the above information for you. I personally only use straight Musinex but this is fine. Don't mix this with HBP as HBP already contains a cough suppressant. Are you feeling any better today ? Try some Vicks vapor rub ( cream if you can find it, it's really nice) This will also help the congestion as well as relax your chest muscles ( anxiety tightening up ) I use this all the time works really well. You will breathe easier. The Musinex will loosen ( thin )the congestion in your chest and make it easier to cough
( which is a good thing, that's how you clear your bronchial tubes ). Feel Better X !

05-25-2013, 11:41 AM
Thank you. Feel some better but chest feels raw and bruised from coughing so much but I'm sure it's not. Thanks

05-25-2013, 06:07 PM
Thank you. Feel some better but chest feels raw and bruised from coughing so much but I'm sure it's not. Thanks
No it isn't, but certainly irritated, the Musinex should loosen that cough, won't hurt as much. Try The VicksVapor Rub ( the creme ) Menthol, It really does make you feel better. Pleasant dreams Blessed !

05-25-2013, 07:08 PM
No it isn't, but certainly irritated, the Musinex should loosen that cough, won't hurt as much. Try The VicksVapor Rub ( the creme ) Menthol, It really does make you feel better. Pleasant dreams Blessed !

Judie do u know if I can take an albuterol breathing treatment if I am so sensitive to steroids? Meaning my heart rate and pulse goes up and bp? The steroid shot is what sent me to hospital a few weeks ago so I'm not sure about a breathing treatment but I need some relief. I'm in the bathroom panicking again.

05-25-2013, 09:29 PM
What you think about my previous post on here Judie?

05-26-2013, 09:03 AM
What you think about my previous post on here Judie?
Hi Blessed, The Albuterol is a prescription for your Asthma, right ? It relaxes your Bronchial tubes ( dilates them ) The side effects are increased heart rate and nervousness, All people get these, there is I believe something equivalent to caffeine in them in fact in an Emergency Situation ( when meds aren't available ) they tell you to have a strong cup of coffee. I think is there someone you can call " Nurse Hotline " But you have Ativan correct ? And provided the Albuterol is your prescription I would use it and about 45 minutes before you use that take an Ativan this will offset the side effect of nervousness. Try this but call your Dr and ok it with them on Monday Given that these are both your prescriptions I think that will be fine, but if you can check with someone that would be good. I personally think that this is fine and that the Ativan should offset ( Albuterol) but good idea to ask your Dr. Steroids have the same side effects for everyone has the same side effects, it's just that people who suffer from anxiety have more sensitive reactions. Let me know how you are doing.

05-26-2013, 01:47 PM
The albuterol is actually my daughters as she is the one who has asthma. I tried one last night and this morning and was jittery and shaking like crazy but I was determined to make it through. Unfortunately it hasn't really helped my chest congestion much. My friends keep offering different meds to try and I'm afraid to mix meds so I don't take them

05-26-2013, 03:58 PM
The albuterol is actually my daughters as she is the one who has asthma. I tried one last night and this morning and was jittery and shaking like crazy but I was determined to make it through. Unfortunately it hasn't really helped my chest congestion much. My friends keep offering different meds to try and I'm afraid to mix meds so I don't take them

I think that's wise not taking someone else's meds. If you have to take the Albuterol again, take the Ativan about 45 minutes before it will probably offset the Jitters and relax your chest muscles as well. Actually steam,menthol,musinex, and Allegra ( works well with allergies and colds and prevents any further allergens) and don't forget TONS of CLEAR FLUIDS, they will thin the Mucus as well. Prop you pillows ( two pillows behind head)up so your head is elevated ( this makes it easier to breathe and you won't cough as much because your airways are naturally opened ) it's tough because lots of cold meds etc do make anxiety sufferers jittery. If you need to don't forget the Ativan, (you'll only need one) and that will keep your BP and nervousness in check. Be Well :( Sorry, sometimes's life's not fair.....soup for you :)

05-26-2013, 05:20 PM
Thanks much :)