View Full Version : New annoying thing, thanks to anxiety

05-24-2013, 04:10 PM
Had anxiety for about 3-4 years and recently, i seem to be really worried about how fast time is going. Like tonight for example, i've been sat in my room doing nothing but be on my laptop for about 8 hours and i look at the clock and see that its been 8 hours, but it feels like its been like 20 minutes, I can remember pretty much everything ive done in the 8 hours so its not like im losing my memory, although i worry about that too, but its just annoying me that i seem to worried about how fast time is going, I know that the best thing to do is try not to think about it, but that's easier said then done, anyone else been through something like this?

05-24-2013, 06:42 PM
Had anxiety for about 3-4 years and recently, i seem to be really worried about how fast time is going. Like tonight for example, i've been sat in my room doing nothing but be on my laptop for about 8 hours and i look at the clock and see that its been 8 hours, but it feels like its been like 20 minutes, I can remember pretty much everything ive done in the 8 hours so its not like im losing my memory, although i worry about that too, but its just annoying me that i seem to worried about how fast time is going, I know that the best thing to do is try not to think about it, but that's easier said then done, anyone else been through something like this?
Hi MatthewWallis, Anxiety targets the nervous system so the symptoms are basically heightened awareness of any aspect of that such as eyes ( eyes, optic nerve vision- bright lights, flashes, floaters etc ) ears, hearing, equilibrium inner ear, buzzing in ears etc..) Everything is acutely heightened in response. Time moves quickly, everything seems quicker, we speak quicker, everything is fast and our focusing on mundane everyday things is intensified as well. All symptoms of anxiety are weird, yet they are not uncommon. They are not dangerous, just different then anything you have experienced before. Everyone ( non anxiety people )have these same sensations, they simply are non reactive because they don't experience them with the same intensity that people with a frazzled nervous system( anxiety) do. People with anxiety are usually suffering from a health/death anxiety. It's scary to address the issue that time is moving really quickly, that equates to our lives are moving too quickly or time is running out. If it is any conciliation, I too think about this a lot as does my husband and most people I know. Relax, you can slow down the sensation of time moving too quickly by learning something new ( paint, write, woodwork, new language etc...whatever you would like, because learning takes time to develop the skill, it appears that time is moving slower. Be Well !