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05-24-2013, 06:18 AM
Hi All,

I think i may just need reassurance!!!!

i am over the random sharp chest pains i get nearly everyday in the middle of my chest (sternum above my left breast or sometime to the right)..... GP states not heart as bloodwork is good so is BP and ECG but omg whats with this.......... in the last 5 mths (before this i didnt get these pains) i have quit smoking lost 23kg - 50lbs so you think my body would be greatful but nooooooooooooooooooooooo arkkkkkkk....

i am going mad and im not sure if i should get a second opinion about my pain as he says its related to my PTSD and anxiety but come off it why now i am getting healthy ???????

05-24-2013, 06:25 AM

Your problems seem like my problems I have lost 14 Kilos so far. My anxiety is the biggest problem as I work away from home. I have posted for help on meds to see if there are any without side effects. I am awaiting some feedback.

Wish this forum had a microphone most of the people on here are suffering the same it would help to talk not type.

05-24-2013, 06:26 AM
It has 0 to do with the heart, blood, vessels, capillaries, valves, nerves, nothing especially since everything says 'ALL CLEAR'... It's called GERD, but I don't personally like the fact that our industry of medicine found it necessary to attach the term disease to the end. It can be quickly corrected with OTC medications designed to treat gastric reflux/indigestion/heart burn..but it has nothing to do with a burning heart! LOL!

It also commonly connected to anxiety because that's the only thing that tends to make sense to a person suffering from anxiety and of course subsequent fears of all sorts and varieties.

Hope that helps you!

05-24-2013, 06:28 AM
I have chest pains quite a lot, shooting into my heart. Had tests, all fine. Your tense and not aware of it. I tense up alot and I'm only aware of it when things hurt and I realise I'm holding myself funny. Your chest does this automatically, through shallow breathing or internal muscles tensing through anxiousness.

Its vile, I know and I still take my pulse now and again (not that I know what I'm checking for, just grateful to hear the beat I think).

05-24-2013, 06:30 AM
Hi Tanky,
yeah talking in voice would be nicer thats for sure....

Hi Enduronman,

Well the DR thinks i might have a stomach ulcer so i am waiting on an endoscopy but in the meantime i am on a drug called Nexium which is a proton pump inhibitor basically it cuts down the acid produced but i was havng these pains before they thought it was my tummy, ultra sounds and all came back clear no stones nothing, as you know with anxiety the pain is heighten and trying to get your mind to not over anylize is difficult to say the least..

05-24-2013, 06:36 AM
If the nexium isn't preventing this heart/chest pains then try another OTC medication for reflux. It isn't going to hurt anything to try friend.

How much water do you drink each day?

05-24-2013, 06:39 AM
He has given me another script that i need to fill so anything is worth a go!

I drink on average 2lts a day i love my water :)

05-24-2013, 06:42 AM
YAY! You may be mere moments away from no chest pains then! The reason for the water question is because we are 80% water, although my daughters and many other people think we're 80% soda pop! Weird...LOL!


05-24-2013, 06:47 AM
lmaooooooooo i haven't drunk soda in years blahhhh stuff is nasty as :)

its just awful as you know the pain one moment it is in the middle of my chest the next its over my left boob and so on....... the reason they think i have an ulcer is for about a week (1 mth ago) i was getting awful pressure under my sternum and by the end it was so uncomfortable that i ended up in ER.... hence ultra sounds and so forth they thought after ruling out heart attack that it was either gallstones or maybe ulcers. no stones but the only way to know if you have ulcers for sure is the lil camera down the throat ( so not looking forward to) but i hope that is what it is and that something can help it... which in turn helps my mental state lol

05-24-2013, 06:55 AM
Yum! Soda!! Had some issues with my girls. "Dad, I keep passing out all the time! Well, what do you drink each day? Um, ya know, Monsters, coffee, sodas, and we jus like ta eat anything other then what you do...That may be why you pass out then!" DOH!!

Ulcers aren't as terrifying as the name makes them appear. Most can even heal without any intervention other then a dietary change and finding out what the "trigger" foods are that cause them to be painful. Nothing to worry about, just lay off the moonshine!