View Full Version : Another newb

08-16-2007, 09:47 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Ren. I'm not only new to these forums but I'm pretty new to talking about my anxiety and depression in general. I've suffered from extreme and debilitating social anxiety since I can remember, as well as depression and serious body perception/body image problems that I think (at least partly) stem from my anxiety. I've been trying to deal with all of these things on my own, not having anyone to talk to on one hand...too scared to talk to anyone on the other (social anxiety, remember :-P). But when I stumbled across these forums I realized this was finally an opportunity to not only reach out and be able to talk about my own problems, but hopefully be able to see how others who are in a similar situation deal with their problems, learn more about these issues, and hopefully be helped and give help as I can.

Everyone seems really nice here, I think this is an excellent and important site.

08-22-2007, 09:31 PM
Hi Wren, welcome to the forum...and I hope reading others experiences has helped you :)

08-24-2007, 11:52 PM
Hi Wren.

I'm not new to talking about things, have been in therapy for about 8 months now... But I am new to this kind of forum. Yes, reading about how others have had similar experiences & have same thoughts as yourself is a real eye opener... and some confort 8)