View Full Version : Need some reassurance

05-23-2013, 07:16 PM
I've been doing okay for a few weeks, haven't taken any meds in at least a week. I weened myself off of klonopin and I'm okay.. but I'm getting different symptoms now. I constantly have a mild uneasy feeling pretty much all day every day, just kind of on edge. Sometimes my legs and arms feel weak. Sometimes feel like I'm walking funny, like off balance. I've had this mild pain in my left side since yesterday that comes and goes. My mouth gets dry and I feel like I need to swallow.. I don't know, its weird. I also sometimes notice my fingernails, like right along the nail bed, gets dark in color, like a purple.. and I start freaking out about it. I have no idea if I am just over analyzing it, but the color just looks way too dark to me sometimes, and I worry its some sort of problem with my circulation or I'm not getting enough oxygen or something. It's the one thing that really freaks me out.

These new symptoms just started about a week ago.. in march it was all digestive issues (extreme nausea, no appetite, lost weight, etc). I'm just so frustrated. I'm trying really hard not to take any meds, I want to beat this, but sometimes its just so hard convincing myself I'm ok. I really do not want to go to the doctor. I feel like if I go and explain those symptoms, especially with my fingernails, she's going to look at me like I have 5 heads, hahaha. At least I can laugh at myself...

Can anyone else relate? I feel like I'm going crazy.. like who worries about stupid shit like this? Ughh.

05-23-2013, 07:49 PM
I can relate to the constant on edge weird feeling.

I too have weird leg symptoms and sometimes fear my legs will not walk or will collapse under me. I feel like I might fall over and off balance and sometimes have to stop and grab hold of something.

I get a lot of feeling faint sensations a lot of the day and a rocking sensation, as if on a boat.

It's awful

05-23-2013, 07:53 PM
Missmello........What you're saying is what everyone here has either said, or thought! It's not crazy talk, it's just crazy thoughts coming for your unhealthy mind. You shouldn't stop the drug cold turkey you should wean off and if the symptoms come back , go back on it. My doctor told me that my reg chemical balance is an "imbalance" ! I would probably need meds for life......I have a hard time with that too because we all think we're strong enough to beat it......well think again. Some have gotten through it and are off meds but it's not for everyone! I've just been to the darkest hole in my life with anxiety and depression.I was so low I didn't want to wake up in the morning! I didn't want to live any more, nothing to live for , my life seemed useless. After about 4 weeks of meds, It scares me to think that i was considering that. Your mind can't function properly when it's sick. Our job is to make it better so we can cope with lifes struggles........Meds can help you with that.....You're not crazy and if any doctor says you are , slap her or him in the face ,then come here and tell us all about it! We can all laugh together! LOL Take Care!

05-23-2013, 08:06 PM

All those things that you're noticing, are because people like us are hyper sensitive overly aware perseptive and could sense a slight barometric pressure change and atmospheric anomoly being discharged from the farthest reaches of the meteoric spectrometer ranges in a galaxy that doesn't even exist.

In other words, we're all like cats. meow...

As long as your finger are not turning white and become numb and you can't move them at all (mine have) then you'll be fine.

I have a prescription for you. Watch a funny movie!

You won't even notice if something just falls off...:)

05-23-2013, 08:15 PM
Hahaha.. funny you say that, I love cats, I swear I must have been one in a past life. I know I'm very aware of EVERYTHING.. all my senses really. If I hear something, smell something, feel something.. I need to know what it is and why. I'm very analytical. My husband calls me out on it all the time. I really do try and distract myself and it works most of the time. I just feel like its never ending.

Oh well.. like Dori says, just keep swimming!

05-23-2013, 08:22 PM
One of my favorite movies.... I even named my new vehicle "Dori". :)

Yup, know what you're going through. The weird feelings, the legs don't belong to me feeling, and the over-obsessing over things that "normal" people wouldn't even notice. Thank goodness we can come here and share them without fear of being committed. :)

I agree...you might need the meds. I am my own worst enemy about that.... all my doctors keep telling me: "You have the meds - USE THEM!" But I am constantly testing myself to see how I'm doing without them, ya know?

05-23-2013, 08:22 PM
yeah i can totally relate to alot of you symptoms.i once went to the doctor to try and explain the nothingness feeling i had in my head that would sometimes last days at a time.lol...thankfully i have a great doctor whom understands kinda what im going through.hes seen me at my worst and at my best so kinda gets fme even when i feel mental even trying to explain how im feeling.but i agree with the other post that you sholdnt have gave ur meds up cold turkey.your body and brain are so used to taking them n we stuggle without them....been there n tried that n had to get back on em thot i was going even more insane than i was...felt like life wasnt real ..like i was dreaming but knew i was awake...dont ever be scared to talk to your doctor bowt any thing your going through...thats what they are there for.ffs i though my head was a weird shape few weeks bak n i was sure my skull was changing shape or cracking cos i had bone cancer or a tumour....i hope life gets a little easier for you and think bowt baffling your doctor as i have done on countless occasions...ha ha ...its good to laugh bowt it cos if we dont we will just sit n cry...hope this helps you a teeny tiny bit...........