View Full Version : Losing feeling in my arm

08-16-2007, 09:32 PM
For the past three years or so, I've noticed that when I'm feeling especially anxious and overwhelmed (could be if I have to be around a group of people, someone in class asks me a question, I'm at restaurant, etc.) I'll lose feeling in my arm (usually my right arm). It has the sensation of a pinched nerve or like when your arm goes to sleep. Occasionally it will even happen to my leg/foot, the other arm, or my eye will even start to twitch. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences any of these things? Is it normal? Are there any ways you know to prevent this? It tends to just make me even more uncomfortable, nervous, etc.

08-17-2007, 07:39 AM
It is a common anxiety symptoms, and it sucks. At least knowing that it's just anxiety should help reduce the extra fear you get when you have it.

Progressive muscle relaxation for a few days during extra stressful periods will help. Make sure you are sleeping enough, eating well, exercising- all help with the really weird physical symptoms.

Good luck. With longer term therapy or recovery, these symptoms will lessen. I'm recovered, but during times of stress, I still sometimes get this, but i know what it is, so I'm not scared and it passes quickly.

08-21-2007, 01:19 AM
Ah, thanks for all the suggestions. I'm really glad to know that this isn't some freak weird thing and that it's actually a common symptom.

08-21-2007, 02:10 PM
Yeah, it's common to get those types of sensations when you're under high anxiety. Part of the flight or flight response involves your body taking blood from your extremities (legs, arms, fingers) and moving it to your internal organs. It does this so your organs have extra blood and your extremities (which are the first to go in a fight) don't bleed as much. That sudden blood loss causes the numbness and tingling, like when you stand on your head or your arm falls asleep.

08-21-2007, 04:14 PM
ive had this problem pretty severe, ive had it to where my whole body began to feel exactly like i was holding a huge vibrator against it. thank god, i wasnt that scared at the time, becuase ive had this symptom before.the only way i ever got it to go away, is breathing slowly with my hands cupped over my mouth, and tensing my muscles then letting them relax.