View Full Version : How to deal with med symptoms

05-23-2013, 10:19 AM

My dosage for Lexapro was increased from 15 to 20 MG last week, and I'm having terrible flu like symptoms, such as tension headaches, chills, nausea, increases anxiety.

Is this normal, and if so, how do I deal with these?

I have been on this med for about 8 weeks, but only a week and a half on the 20.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


05-23-2013, 01:44 PM
I don't have any personal experience with Lexapro but I know that when I recently raised my Prozac from 20 to 30 I was much more anxious and hyper and sleepy and wired and tired... you know the drill. I can understand the anxiety, headache and nausea being caused by the increased dosage..... not so sure about the chills, unless that's part of the anxiety?

05-23-2013, 02:15 PM
I don't have any personal experience with Lexapro but I know that when I recently raised my Prozac from 20 to 30 I was much more anxious and hyper and sleepy and wired and tired... you know the drill. I can understand the anxiety, headache and nausea being caused by the increased dosage..... not so sure about the chills, unless that's part of the anxiety?

That was my thought as well.

Any chance you are actually sick?

We folks sometimes start to believe every symptom is our anxiety at work, and why wouldn't we? So many symptoms

Also, are you reluctant to be on the higher dosage?

A lot of times, people get anxious about their meds and then think it is the meds causing the symptoms and not their anxiety

Just some thoughts

05-24-2013, 07:42 AM
Hi Sue,

Thanks for your reply to me forum post.

How long did you're side effects last after increasing the dosage?

I have also been having terrible indigestion and heartburn lately. I had a good day this week...the rest have been awful. It's funny because when I ask my psychiatrist about these side effects, he seems that the side effects should be gone after taking the initial 5MG.

I'm starting to wonder if the drug is really working...I had great results from it about 8 years ago.

Thanks for listening to me :)


05-24-2013, 09:44 AM
Hi Eric,

I have been on an SSRI for many many years.

It took about 3 months for mine to start working. Perhaps the anxiety etc is your body getting used to the drug again but it should soon balance out and you should start to feel better. I felt like crap until my meds kicked in. I have been told that SSRI's take ages to start working yet they wear off quick if you forget to take them.

05-24-2013, 10:00 AM
Hi Eric,

I have been on an SSRI for many many years.

It took about 3 months for mine to start working. Perhaps the anxiety etc is your body getting used to the drug again but it should soon balance out and you should start to feel better. I felt like crap until my meds kicked in. I have been told that SSRI's take ages to start working yet they wear off quick if you forget to take them.

Same with me..

05-24-2013, 10:29 AM
Hi Sue,

Thanks for your reply to me forum post.

How long did you're side effects last after increasing the dosage?

I have also been having terrible indigestion and heartburn lately. I had a good day this week...the rest have been awful. It's funny because when I ask my psychiatrist about these side effects, he seems that the side effects should be gone after taking the initial 5MG.

I'm starting to wonder if the drug is really working...I had great results from it about 8 years ago.

Thanks for listening to me :)


When I first started Prozac (20 years ago) I had a miserable 8 weeks, and then it kicked in and it was magic. It's continued to work all this time until my over-active thyroid threw me back into anxiety hell so I am upping my dose..... I think the side affects from the increase lasted about 3 weeks, but they weren't severe, just uncomfortable.

05-25-2013, 09:51 AM
Thanks everyone for your responses. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
