View Full Version : Anxiety attack right now!!!!

05-23-2013, 07:12 AM
Having one as we speak please help don't wanna go back to ER

05-23-2013, 07:16 AM
Please help heart rate over 100 have allergy and sinus issues heart feels like its beating out of chest

05-23-2013, 07:36 AM
First off, relax.
No one has EVER died from a panic attack, in the History of this World.
Slow your own breathing, yes you can do that.
Stop focusing all of your energy on what "its" doing to you and focus your energy on what you're going to do to "it"...
You're way stronger then this temporary condition is..
You're in charge..

05-23-2013, 07:37 AM
Please help heart rate over 100 have allergy and sinus issues heart feels like its beating out of chest

You're fine trust me... My heart does the same thing daily and I'm still here. Just stop EVERYTHING and breathe.

05-23-2013, 07:45 AM
I'm having allergy and sinus problems too (on top of my anxiety)! Causing me even more anxiety : ( - so I definitely understand.

Your heart rate really isn't technically that high, and definitely not a danger : )

05-23-2013, 07:53 AM
Thanks guys this is so stupid!!!! I just want to be ok

05-23-2013, 08:11 AM
My blood pressure is 137/90 heart rate is 93.... I am going nuts this is not normal for me what gives??????

05-23-2013, 08:19 AM
I've tried deep breathing what if this doesn't work?

05-23-2013, 08:34 AM
Try to take your mind of it that's what I do... I find if I do some drawing or arts and crafts which is my hobby it helps me. If you have a smart phone down load some hyno anxiety apps I find they help... And a website called mood gym is good :) hope this helps.

05-23-2013, 09:23 AM
My blood pressure is 137/90 heart rate is 93.... I am going nuts this is not normal for me what gives??????

Your blood pressure is actually in the normal range, and so is your pulse rate. They are slightly elevated due to anxiety, but perfectly normal and safe. Right now you are scared and adrenalin is coursing through your body, making your mind race around and try to fix a "danger" to the feeling you are experiencing. You need to tell yourself it is not a real feeling, just a side effect of adrenalin, you are not in any danger, and your vitals will return to normal as soon as the adrenalin metabolizes. The first order of business is to breathe, relax your body, and understand what it is you are going through. Not only understand, but accept it for what it is, which is just a hiccup of your endocrine system. It is like an arthritis sufferer feeling pain in the joints. In your case, it is overactive nerves shooting extra adrenalin into your body, and your fear of the fear reaction is compounding the effect and making it worse. The symptoms feel awful, but the danger and fear is only a figment of your body chemistry.

05-23-2013, 10:10 AM
My blood pressure is 137/90 heart rate is 93.... I am going nuts this is not normal for me what gives??????

Geez, I wish my vitals were that good during a panic attack! I've been ~ 160/100 and HR of 112 and I'm still alive and smiling : )

05-23-2013, 02:46 PM
Geez, I wish my vitals were that good during a panic attack! I've been ~ 160/100 and HR of 112 and I'm still alive and smiling : )

I would be in the ER at that point and that's what infuriates me. It has such a hold on me or I let it. So tell me, what's ur secret to smiling :)

05-23-2013, 06:59 PM
I would be in the ER at that point and that's what infuriates me. It has such a hold on me or I let it. So tell me, what's ur secret to smiling :)

It's not easy - I have bad days too, but I keep reminding myself - this wil pass like it has a hundred other times!

I hate hospitals - so I try NOT to go everytime I get worked up (plus I've had extensive tests a couple months ago when this all started).

05-24-2013, 08:39 AM
First off, relax.
No one has EVER died from a panic attack, in the History of this World.
Slow your own breathing, yes you can do that.
Stop focusing all of your energy on what "its" doing to you and focus your energy on what you're going to do to "it"...
You're way stronger then this temporary condition is..
You're in charge..

As many books written about panic, this is all that ever needs to be in them.

Simple and to the point

05-24-2013, 08:41 AM
My blood pressure is 137/90 heart rate is 93.... I am going nuts this is not normal for me what gives??????

If that is where your blood pressure and pulse is during a panic attack, then you have the lowest recorded ever during an attack.

My pulse and blood pressure are higher than that when I'm not anxious and I am on bp meds

You're lucky. Not in any danger

You seriously need to understand that

05-24-2013, 09:59 AM
I've tried deep breathing what if this doesn't work?

Remove this from ur routine what why could etc..
Try deep breathing it really helps i keep i am doing it since a month now and yes its helping, takes te but surely helps keep calm and dont keep asking urself question, keep urself ready with answers that this is juz a phase which will pass.. and by f way my heart rate was 130 when i was anxious.. fighting the anxiety will make it less trigger

05-24-2013, 11:48 AM
Having one as we speak please help don't wanna go back to ER

When I had my last anxiety attack I talked to my therapist and she told me to "get in the shower and stand under cold water for as long as I could" I did that and it helped a lot my breathing came down and I was able to breath normal again and I was very relaxed. Then after that she told me to "lay down in a quiet room and just do my breathing and think of a nice place" that fixed my anxiety attack. I was calm and back to the way I was before I had it. You should try it next time you have one.

05-24-2013, 05:47 PM
You guys are so helpful!! If I can just remember all these things when I'm actually having an attack! I have had allergy/ sinus issues and now it's drove this congestion into my chest. I can breathe ok but my heart feels racey? Is this normal with chest congestion? What can I take that wont affect my bp? I always assume the worst like my throat will close Up and I'm so sick of thinking this way!!!!!!

05-24-2013, 05:53 PM
You guys are so helpful!! If I can just remember all these things when I'm actually having an attack! I have had allergy/ sinus issues and now it's drove this congestion into my chest. I can breathe ok but my heart feels racey? Is this normal with chest congestion? What can I take that wont affect my bp? I always assume the worst like my throat will close Up and I'm so sick of thinking this way!!!!!!

When you have one just come on here and read this so you remember. I would call and ask your doctor what to take.

05-24-2013, 05:55 PM
When I had my last anxiety attack I talked to my therapist and she told me to "get in the shower and stand under cold water for as long as I could" I did that and it helped a lot my breathing came down and I was able to breath normal again and I was very relaxed. Then after that she told me to "lay down in a quiet room and just do my breathing and think of a nice place" that fixed my anxiety attack. I was calm and back to the way I was before I had it. You should try it next time you have one.

That was a good plan Samantha34. Getting in the shower basically caused your brain to concentrate effort away from anxiety to regulating body temperature ( broke the train of thought which is critical in stoping the flight response (adrenaline ) I was always familiar with splashing cold water on your face, also shocks brain into changing direction. The relaxation in a darken room with visualization and deep breathing is a tired and true method of stopping an anxiety attack and preventing future ones. Good job and good advice to others ! Be Well

05-24-2013, 06:10 PM
You guys are so helpful!! If I can just remember all these things when I'm actually having an attack! I have had allergy/ sinus issues and now it's drove this congestion into my chest. I can breathe ok but my heart feels racey? Is this normal with chest congestion? What can I take that wont affect my bp? I always assume the worst like my throat will close Up and I'm so sick of thinking this way!!!!!!
Blessed, yes it is normal for your heart to race with a sinus congestion and anxiety because you need to breathe deeply and slowly. Your throat won't close up there is no reason for that to happen. You can safely take Benadryl , in fact that is exactly what they would give you if your throat did close up, so find comfort in that. You can take any antihistimine ( Allegra, Claritin etc but no decongestant, they are made with and without ) Here in the U.S. I use Allegra, but no decongestant with BP. Try Musinex for the congestion, it thins the Mucus and is excellent. ( again plain Musinex, nor added decongestant) I don't know what country you are from, these are U.S. meds. Be Well, try the APP " Relax and Rest. Be Well, I know this is difficult but deep breathing takes time to learn, this woman on this APP is good :)

05-24-2013, 06:10 PM
Yeah it helped me calm down a lot. Very thankful for my therapist for helping me out. After I lasted down and did my breathing and thought of nice calming things I ended up falling asleep. I now know what to do if I get another anxiety attack. It is very helpful.

05-24-2013, 06:17 PM
Yeah it helped me calm down a lot. Very thankful for my therapist for helping me out. After I lasted down and did my breathing and thought of nice calming things I ended up falling asleep. I now know what to do if I get another anxiety attack. It is very helpful.
Yes, it is very helpful, I mastered techniques awhile back. I try to encourage people to do similar things but some struggle as in the beginning people tend to get really wrapped up in the fear, we all did. Blessed struggles ,all we can do is keep encouraging her, she'll get there it takes time.

05-24-2013, 06:18 PM
I took coricidin HBP which is antihistamine for ppl with high blood pressure but no relief so far

05-24-2013, 06:57 PM
I took coricidin HBP which is antihistamine for ppl with high blood pressure but no relief so far
Great, I take that as well. I wasn't sure if you were from U.S. or not. Try the Musinex when you get to the store, will help a lot with chest congestion. Are you feeling better. My allergies are horrific, have had 3 outrageous migraines.

05-24-2013, 06:59 PM
Great, I take that as well. I wasn't sure if you were from U.S. or not. Try the Musinex when you get to the store, will help a lot with chest congestion. Are you feeling better. My allergies are horrific, have had 3 outrageous migraines.

Don't forget hot showers !

05-24-2013, 07:01 PM
Yes, it is very helpful, I mastered techniques awhile back. I try to encourage people to do similar things but some struggle as in the beginning people tend to get really wrapped up in the fear, we all did. Blessed struggles ,all we can do is keep encouraging her, she'll get there it takes time.

Yeah I was always worried but now that I have some techniques and am understanding that all it is is just a fear and its not going to harm me I do better. I still worry but I'm getting there. All we can do is encourage each other and its nice to have people who help and understand.

05-24-2013, 07:09 PM
Yeah I was always worried but now that I have some techniques and am understanding that all it is is just a fear and its not going to harm me I do better. I still worry but I'm getting there. All we can do is encourage each other and its nice to have people who help and understand.
Yes, it's incredibly important to have that empathy. People who don't have anxiety will truly never understand the horror( true of any disorder or affliction) Sometimes I feel like I push too hard, but it is essential that people stand up to his. That's why I periodically tell people my anxiety horrors so they know that I truly get it, I mean anxiety comes and goes out of my life like a bad neighbor. Sometimes just lurking waiting to cause a problem and then you deal. lol

05-24-2013, 07:10 PM
Some moments are better than others. It's so aggrevating that my mind has so much negative control. It's like it tells me I'm going to have a racey heart and panic thoughts then boom, I'm on here begging for help! So sick of it I just want to scream and now that I'm sick with chest congestion im panicky about that. I just want to be a normal being again!!!!!

05-24-2013, 07:18 PM
When I had my last anxiety attack I talked to my therapist and she told me to "get in the shower and stand under cold water for as long as I could" I did that and it helped a lot my breathing came down and I was able to breath normal again and I was very relaxed. Then after that she told me to "lay down in a quiet room and just do my breathing and think of a nice place" that fixed my anxiety attack. I was calm and back to the way I was before I had it. You should try it next time you have one.

Liked the information, very much effective, sinus and allergy will keep u at bay, first of all think what is triggering u that is causing panic, rationalise it after u calm down from a panic mode..

05-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Some moments are better than others. It's so aggrevating that my mind has so much negative control. It's like it tells me I'm going to have a racey heart and panic thoughts then boom, I'm on here begging for help! So sick of it I just want to scream and now that I'm sick with chest congestion im panicky about that. I just want to be a normal being again!!!!!
Blessed, We understand, truly we do and it doesn't help to have allergies and congestion and just plain not feel well. When I got really bad with Panic I weighed 95 lbs, couldn't even eat. It was just horrible. I am short of breath tonight, anxiety, sore all over today. Believe it or not I contribute a lot of this to allergies. They are reported to especially difficult this year. Both my daughter and myself have had horrible migraines. You'll be fine, it just takes time. Hot showers will help. What part of the country are you from, North ,South ,East, or West ?
Oh and Blessed Forums are Support Groups you are supposed to complain and scream for help, that's what a Support Group is for :)

05-24-2013, 07:19 PM
Some moments are better than others. It's so aggrevating that my mind has so much negative control. It's like it tells me I'm going to have a racey heart and panic thoughts then boom, I'm on here begging for help! So sick of it I just want to scream and now that I'm sick with chest congestion im panicky about that. I just want to be a normal being again!!!!!

Blessed PM ur email id will mail u some relaxation audio's from my collection, jist listen to them, may be it helps u..

05-24-2013, 07:26 PM
Liked the information, very much effective, sinus and allergy will keep u at bay, first of all think what is triggering u that is causing panic, rationalise it after u calm down from a panic mode..

That's good and you are right shaikhrahuf, The difficulty with breathing with allergies certainly isn't helping Blessed's anxiety but she'll be ok. The antihistamine she just took will help her. You sound like you are doing well. Did you try that APP, can you get that on your phone ?

05-24-2013, 07:44 PM
When I had my first anxiety attack it was horrible. I have only had 3 or 4 of them and they just come out of no where it seems. But after looking back I can see what made me have it in the first place. My anxiety is always here it's more of an OCD thing. I do really good with not washing my hands for a couple days and then I start washing my hands like crazy on other days. I struggle with washing my hands a lot and some days are better than others but I get through it. We will all get through our anxiety and we will realize just how strong we really are.

05-24-2013, 07:46 PM
Blessed PM ur email id will mail u some relaxation audio's from my collection, jist listen to them, may be it helps u..

Hey can you send me some. My therapist wants me to listen to some before I go to sleep but I haven't found any that don't annoy the crap out of me.

05-24-2013, 07:46 PM
When I had my first anxiety attack it was horrible. I have only had 3 or 4 of them and they just come out of no where it seems. But after looking back I can see what made me have it in the first place. My anxiety is always here it's more of an OCD thing. I do really good with not washing my hands for a couple days and then I start washing my hands like crazy on other days. I struggle with washing my hands a lot and some days are better than others but I get through it. We will all get through our anxiety and we will realize just how strong we really are.
You are absolutely right !!!!

05-24-2013, 07:50 PM
Hey can you send me some. My therapist wants me to listen to some before I go to sleep but I haven't found any that don't annoy the crap out of me.
I have been suggesting Relax and Rest App but you are right the voices are rough, but this woman's voice tends to keep you focused. It's a free Iphone App, shaikhrahuf may have a better suggestion. He sounds like he has an arsenal. :)

05-27-2013, 10:19 PM
I have been suggesting Relax and Rest App but you are right the voices are rough, but this woman's voice tends to keep you focused. It's a free Iphone App, shaikhrahuf may have a better suggestion. He sounds like he has an arsenal. :)

Sorry I havent replied ended up breaking my ipod so not sure when i will be able to get it fixed. I dont have an Iphone but i do have an ipod so when i get it back i will download the relax and rest app and give it a try.