View Full Version : I'm not an Anorexic

05-23-2013, 12:02 AM
When I have extreme anxiety I stop eating in the same way that some people stress eat. I just find it so annoying when people think they can just walk up to me as I'm picking at a meal that I just don't have the appetite for and tell me that My body is "beautiful just the way it is now and that I don't need to lose any weight" and that "I should go see a [school] councilor because anorexia is a serious problem"

Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm anorexic.

I'm sick of the ignorance

05-23-2013, 01:24 AM
When I have extreme anxiety I stop eating in the same way that some people stress eat. I just find it so annoying when people think they can just walk up to me as I'm picking at a meal that I just don't have the appetite for and tell me that My body is "beautiful just the way it is now and that I don't need to lose any weight" and that "I should go see a [school] councilor because anorexia is a serious problem"

Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm anorexic.

I'm sick of the ignorance

Hi I know how you feel! I also struggle with food and am also told (your anorexic) but I'm not. Im definately underweight but still healthy! Dont take any notice of the people trying to put you down ok:) if you need to talk about anything PM me anytime....Take care ;-)

05-23-2013, 01:52 AM
When I have extreme anxiety I stop eating in the same way that some people stress eat. I just find it so annoying when people think they can just walk up to me as I'm picking at a meal that I just don't have the appetite for and tell me that My body is "beautiful just the way it is now and that I don't need to lose any weight" and that "I should go see a [school] councilor because anorexia is a serious problem"

Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm anorexic.

I'm sick of the ignorance

I have also had this issue. I'm naturally just a tiny person and LOVE TO EAT FOOD!! However in times where my anxiety is getting to me, I lose my appetite. My father in law you used to always makes comments like me being anorexic when he first met me... Now that he knows me better he realizes how ignorant it was and how it bothered me.