View Full Version : fuzzy head and trembling

Alice Pimm
05-22-2013, 11:23 PM
i have this duzzy dizzy head where my vision seems cloudy and my eues take time to catch up when i blink . i also feel like im shaking inside. im really scared

05-23-2013, 12:24 AM
Have no fear ... this is my everyday feeling.. anxiety world my friend

05-23-2013, 02:58 AM

I have just joined this site but not the world of anxiety I'm afraid.

I'm 30, started worrying as a small child (no reason why). I've been on medication since I was 18 for anxiety, tried many treatments but still get the weird vision and dizzy head. At present I have the whole 'neck feels like its going to snap' and headache.

Its not to say that it doesn't go, it just always comes back for me. I wake up and my insides shake for about 5 minutes and then it stops.

I hate the weird vision thing, its because your pupils take in so much more light when your anxious. Easy explanation but not an easy thing to experience.


05-23-2013, 03:07 AM

I have just joined this site but not the world of anxiety I'm afraid.

I'm 30, started worrying as a small child (no reason why). I've been on medication since I was 18 for anxiety, tried many treatments but still get the weird vision and dizzy head. At present I have the whole 'neck feels like its going to snap' and headache.

Its not to say that it doesn't go, it just always comes back for me. I wake up and my insides shake for about 5 minutes and then it stops.

I hate the weird vision thing, its because your pupils take in so much more light when your anxious. Easy explanation but not an easy thing to experience.


Welcome to the forum Bandit hope you get the help and support you need!! Take care.....:)

05-23-2013, 04:22 AM
I get very dizzy too. I will be sitting out to dinner then my vision goes shaky and weird, my head starts to feel fuzzy and I feel the need to quickly move or I might pass out. It's bloody awful

05-23-2013, 04:34 AM
I get that too.. it feels awful.. Dumb Anxiety Disorder!! :/

05-23-2013, 04:41 AM
And I must add I get this when I'm not even feeling anxious... Or so I think!!!

Alice Pimm
05-23-2013, 04:56 AM
And I must add I get this when I'm not even feeling anxious... Or so I think!!!

omg i do. this is why i find it so hard to believe its anxiety

05-23-2013, 06:04 AM
omg i do. this is why i find it so hard to believe its anxiety

Me too!!!! I feel like I might drop dead because its something else!!!!

Alice Pimm
05-23-2013, 07:26 AM
Me too!!!! I feel like I might drop dead because its something else!!!!

have u had tests to see if the dizziness was caused by something other than anxiety?

05-23-2013, 01:35 PM
I've been to an ear and head specialist and he did some basic tests and said its def anxiety bc I was diagnosed with panic disorder after a very stressful event in my life.

Have you?

Alice Pimm
05-26-2013, 04:17 PM
I've been to an ear and head specialist and he did some basic tests and said its def anxiety bc I was diagnosed with panic disorder after a very stressful event in my life.

Have you?

i havent had ant specific tests. they tell me everytime that it is anxiety. i know my blood pressure couldnt be better. if i had something more serious wudnt my blood pressure be affected. im going to go back and demand tests. i need to be certain. the dizziness makes my ears feel.blocked does this happen with u. and i get a funny throat feeling??

05-26-2013, 06:06 PM
Gosh im sorry your struggling with this...I have a host of physical symptoms like head pressure/tension, weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite.... just to name a few....

Alice Pimm
05-27-2013, 01:42 AM
Gosh im sorry your struggling with this...I have a host of physical symptoms like head pressure/tension, weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite.... just to name a few....

im just getting.to the point where i cant cope anymore. its like i have every symptom of every illness bt not the illness. im suffering for nothing. it used to be just on a night bt now as soon as i open my eyes i feel like this

05-27-2013, 02:48 AM

I have just joined this site but not the world of anxiety I'm afraid.

I'm 30, started worrying as a small child (no reason why). I've been on medication since I was 18 for anxiety, tried many treatments but still get the weird vision and dizzy head. At present I have the whole 'neck feels like its going to snap' and headache.

Its not to say that it doesn't go, it just always comes back for me. I wake up and my insides shake for about 5 minutes and then it stops.

I hate the weird vision thing, its because your pupils take in so much more light when your anxious. Easy explanation but not an easy thing to experience.


What helps me with the trembling is to run. It burns off the adrenaline